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Tata Laksana HF

Algoritma terapi untuk pasien gagal jantung stage A & B menurut ACC/AHAa

Terapi untuk HF tingkat D
• penderita HF advanced (gagal jantung dekompensasi) :
• pasien yang mengalami simptom saat istirahat
• pasien yang bolak-balik hopitalisasi
• pasien yang harus di rs dengan intervensi khusus
• terapi khusus : support sirkulasi mekanik, terapi
inotropik positif secara kontinu, transplantasi kardiak

Pendekatan umum
• Stage A:
– The emphasis is on identifying and modifying risk
factors to prevent development of structural heart
disease and subsequent HF.
– Strategies include smoking cessation and control of
hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidemia
according to current treatment guidelines.
– Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (or
angiotensin receptor blockers [ARBs]) should be
strongly considered for antihypertensive therapy in
patients with multiple vascular risk factors

Pendekatan umum
• Stage B:
– In these patients with structural heart disease but no
– treatment is targeted at minimizing additional injury
and preventing or slowing the remodeling process.
– In addition to treatment measures outlined for stage
A, patients with a previous MI should receive both
ACE inhibitors (or ARBs in patients intolerant of ACE
inhibitors) and β-blockers regardless of the ejection
– Patients with reduced ejection fractions (less than
40%) should also receive both agents

Pendekatan umum
• Stage C:
• Most patients with structural heart disease and previous or current
HF symptoms should receive the treatments for Stages A and B as
well as initiation and titration of a diuretic (if clinical evidence of
fluid retention), ACE inhibitor, and β-blocker
• If diuresis is initiated and symptoms improve, long-term monitoring
can begin.
• If symptoms do not improve, an aldosterone receptor antagonist,
ARB (in ACE intolerant patients), digoxin, and/or
hydralazine/isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) may be useful in carefully
selected patients.
• Other general measures include moderate sodium restriction, daily
weight measurement, immunization against influenza and
pneumococcus, modest physical activity, and avoidance of
medications that can exacerbate HF

Pendekatan umum
• Stage D:
• Patients with symptoms at rest despite maximal medical
therapy should be considered for specialized therapies,
including mechanical circulatory support, continuous
intravenous positive inotropic therapy, cardiac
transplantation, or hospice care

Pengobatan HF akut/parah

Efek relatif obat-obat adrenergik terhadap reseptor

ACE Inhibitor
• Untuk pasien disfungsi sistolik LV dan fraksi
ejeksi LV < 40%
• Efek :
– menurunkan preload dan afterload,
– kardiak indeks dan fraksi ijeksi 
• Contoh : kaptopril, enalapril, lisinopril,
fosinopril, dan kuinapril

ACE Inhibitor (mekanisme aksi)
• Aktivasi sindrom RAA  peran ACE  mekanisme
kompensasi utama dalam HF
• ACEI  menghambat ACE  Angiotensin II  :
– vasodilatasi dan menurunkan resistensi vaskular sistemik (afterload )
secara tidak langsung
– Aldosteron   retensi air dan Na   K serum   preload 
– Bradikinin   vasodilatasi
• Manfaat ACEI :
– vasodilatasi, menghambat akumulasi cairan dan meningkatkan aliran
darah ke organ vital (otak, ginjal dan jantung) tanpa ada refleks

ACEI (Dosis)
• Diawali dosis sangat rendah, ditingkatkan secara
gradual jika telah ditoleransi
• Dosis dititrasi sampai dosis target  morbiditas &
mortalitas 
• Pengamatan  fungsi renal dan serum kalium 1-2
mgg setelah terapi dimulai dan scr periodik

Profil obat-obat ACEI

ACEI (kontraindikasi)
• Angioudema (reaksi alergi yang fatal), RF,
• Caution :
– TDS < 80 mmHg
– SrCr > 3 mg/dL
– Serum K > 5,5 mmol/L

• Pusing, sakit kepala, fatigue, diare
• Angioudema di wajah
• Hipotensi  dosis pertama
• Batuk kering (umum)  5-15% pasien

• Pasien HF dg overload volume
– kombinasi + ACEI dan/ BB
• Mekanisme aksi :
– ekskresi air dan Na   preaload 
• Diuretik loop  lebih poten
• Diuretik tiazid (HCT)  diuretik lemah jarang
digunakan pada HF sbg terapi tunggal
– Digunakan sebagai kombinasi dengan diuretik loop
untuk meningkatkan efektifitas diuresis
– Lebih disukai jika untuk pasien retensi cairan
ringan dan TD tinggi 17
Profil obat-obat diuretik loop

Beta Bloker
• Dulu :
– KI untuk HF (NIE, bradikardi dan konstriksi perifer)
• Clinical trial evidence  BB dpt memperlambat progresi,
menurunkan hospitalisasi, menurunkan mortalitas untuk
pasien HF
• Mekanisme kompensasi  aktivasi SNS  BB (efek
• ACC/AHA merekomendasikan penggunaannya untuk
seluruh pasien HF yang stabil dan yg mengalami penurunan
LVEF jika tidak ada KI

Profil obat-obat beta bloker

• HF disfungsi sistolik LV, sbg terapi tambahan untuk
diuretik, ACEI dan BB
• HF dan fibrilasi atrial
• Mekanisme aksi  efek PIE dengan menghambat
aktivitas Na-K adenosin trifosfatase membran sel  Ca
dalam sel 
• Dosis : 0,25 mg QD, lansia 0,125 mg QD
• ESO : toksisitas digoksin tjd pada 20% pasien dan 18%
meninggal akibat aritmia (ritme kardiak ektopik dan
re-entrant dan heart block); GI (anoreksia, nausea dan
vomit); CNS (sakit kepala, fatigue, bingung,
disorientasi, gangguan penglihatan)

Kombinasi hidralazin/ISDN
• Mekanisme aksi : nitrat sebagai vasodilator vena
(menurunkan preload), hidralazine vasodilator langsung
pada arteri (menurunkan resistensi sistemik, stroke
volume dan CO meningkat)
• Fixed dose kombinasi :
– ISDN 20 mg dan hidralazin 37,5 mg (tid)
• Tambahan untuk mengoptimalkan terapi standar yg
persisten symptoms
• Firstline therapy untuk pasien intoleran ACEI/ARB
karena insufisiensi ginjal, hiperkalemia, hipotensi
• ESO : refleks takikardi, sakit kepala, muka merah,
nausea, pusing, sinkop, toleransi nitrat dan retensi Na
dan air
Antagonis reseptor angiotensin II tipe
1 (AT1)
• mengeblok efek angiotensi II dg menghambat stimulasi
reseptor AT1
• Tidak mengeblok degradasi vasoaktif (bradikinin,
enkefalin dan senyawa P)  tidak ada ES batuk spt
ACEI yang dipacu akumulasi bradikinin
• FDA approve :
– Candesartan, 4-8 mg OD (awal), target 32 mg OD
– Valsartan, 20-40 mg BID (awal), target 160 mg BID
• Untuk menggantikan ACEI bila pasien intoleran
(angioudema atau batuk kering)
Antagonis Aldosteron (ARA)
• Spironolakton dan eplerenon mengeblok
reseptor mineralocortikoid (target aldosteron)
 menghambat reabsorpsi Na dan ekskresi K
• Efek pada jantung  mengurangi fibrosis
kardiak dan remodelling ventrikel
• Dosis awal :
– spironolakton 12,5 mg/hari, target 25 mg/hari
– Eplerenon 25 mg/hari, target 50 mg/hari
• ESO : resiko hiperkalemia dan disfungsi renal

Treatment Of Acute Decompensated
Heart Failure
• decompensated HF  patients with new or
worsening signs or symptoms  caused by
volume overload and/or hypoperfusion 
need for additional medical care, such as
emergency department visits and

Treatment Of Acute Decompensated
Heart Failure
• Diuretics
– IV loop diuretics used for acute decompensated
HF, with furosemide being the most widely
studied and used agent
– Bolus diuretic administration decreases preload by
functional venodilation within 5 to 15 minutes and
later (>20 min) via sodium and water excretion,
thereby improving pulmonary congestion

Treatment Of Acute Decompensated
Heart Failure
• Positive Inotropic Agents
• Dobutamine
– β1- and β2-receptor agonist with α1-agonist effects
– The net vascular effect  vasodilation
– Potent inotropic effect without producing a significant
change in heart rate
– Initial doses of 2.5 to 5 mcg/kg/min can be increased
progressively to 20 mcg/kg/min
– Dobutamine increases cardiac index because of
inotropic stimulation, arterial vasodilation, and a
variable increase in heart rate
Treatment Of Acute Decompensated
Heart Failure
• Positive Inotropic Agents
• Dopamine
– should generally be avoided in decompensated HF,
but its pharmacologic actions preferable to
dobutamine in patients with marked systemic
hypotension or cardiogenic shock
– Positive inotropic effects mediated primarily by β1-
receptors more prominent with doses of 2 to 5
– At doses between 5 to 10 mcg/kg/min, chronotropic
and α1-mediated vasoconstricting effects more

Treatment Of Acute Decompensated
Heart Failure
• Vasodilators
– Arterial vasodilators act reducing afterload and
causing a reflex increase in cardiac output
– Venodilators act as preload reducers by increasing
venous capacitance, reducing symptoms of
pulmonary congestion in patients with high
cardiac filling pressures

Treatment Of Acute Decompensated
Heart Failure
• Vasodilators
• Nitroprusside
– Sodium nitroprusside  mixed arterial-venous vasodilator
 acts directly on vascular smooth muscle to increase
cardiac index and decrease venous pressure
– Effective in the short-term management of severe HF
• Nitroglycerin
– IV nitroglycerin decrease preload (venodilation) and mild
arterial vasodilation
– used primarily as a preload reducer for patients with
pulmonary congestion


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