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World Wide Fund for Nature

Rodrigo Rodrigues nº 17, 9º B

Professora: Lurdes Rego
 World Wide Fund for Nature

 Formerly named the World Wildlife Fund

 A panda named Chi Chi – the only panda in the Western world
at the time
 It’s an endangered species
 Designed by Sir Peter Scott
 It was founded in 29 April 1961
 The first office opened on 11 September in Morges

Its founders were Prince Bernhard, Prince Philip, Sir Julian
Huxley, among others
 Since 2008, WWF concentrated its efforts on global initiatives


◦ Amazon

◦ Arctic

◦ Climate and Energy

◦ Green Heart of Africa

◦ …
 It works in the field of
◦ the wilderness preservation, and
◦ the reduction of human impact on the environment

 Its aim is
“to create a world where people and wildlife can thrive together"
Desertification Pollution
 I choose this non-governmental organization because I care

about animals and about the environment.

 Its mission is very important – we have to treat better our

planet and the animal living here.

 The campaigns are well done and creative.

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