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EDF 1203

Ms. Nila Akinyi Oduori

Department of Education Foundations and Psychology

Education In Ancient Egypt


The 1st empire grew up in major river valleys of Africa and Asia. Egypt believed itself to be born of the wise, was proudly the
1st of all the empires. It was organized and unified between 3100-2900 B.C. and survived as an independent state for about
3000 years and conquered by Romans around 30 B.C. Egyptian corruption is one of the oldest in the world. The Egyptians
were not only peaceful for long periods in their civilization were helped by environmental factors, that is, the presence of the
rivers; Nile which was helpful in enhancing their lives, flooding annually-bringing forth fertile soil. (Brought forth Bumper
harvests) - which enabled productive agriculture, agricultural wealth, crops matured leading to abundant harvests.
Also the deserts surrounding the Nile and the Red sea which served as a protected zone from invaders, comparatively free
from foreign invasions/threat. The ancient history of Egypt is divided into a number of phases; some phases are remarkable
while others are not.Those not remarkable contributed to Egyptian civilization. Most remarkable:
Archaic period: 3100 B.C.-2770 B.C.
Even before Archaic period, Egyptians had moved towards creating advanced civilization through settled farming, using metals
like copper in addition to stone. Shortly before 3100 B.C. education developed a system of writing known as hieroglyphics.
Before 3100 B.C. Southern and lower Northern Egypt were already united.
There was one Egypt; a simple government by 3100 B. C. Hence free flow of traffic along the entire length of the Nile. There
was a centralized direction of irrigation projects, (centralized planning-orders from the centre). Centralization created a
necessary unity – i.e. single government.
Unification of Egypt was due to an Egyptian warrior known as Narmer, who is considered as the 1st Pharaoh of ancient Egypt
and all other rulers are necessary and are referred to as pharaoh of ancient Egypt
Played a key role in the life of ancient Egyptians, it influenced all aspects of Egyptian life, that is art, arithmetic, politics and daily
It developed through various stages, that is from simple polytheism to the earliest now expression of monotheism then back
to polytheism
Each city had its own local gods and deities who were like guardian gods with the unification in 3100 B.C. all the guardian gods
were merged into the great son god known as Re. or Amon-Re, from the name of the chief god, Thebes. He was the god of
righteousness, justice and truth and upholder of themoral order of the universe.
The gods who personified the vegetative powers of nature were fused into a deity called Osiris, the god of the Nile.
These two gods Amon-RE and Osiris seemed to struggle for supremacy of the universe, the other gods were subordinate to
these two. Egyptians believed in immortality of the soul and therefore worshipped these gods. The Pharaoh was to ensure that
the gods were worshipped.
Egyptians were keen about the life of thereafter, therefore they prepared and preserved bodies, that is mummified bodies.The rich people would
provide tools and other essentials of the preserved bodies. The idea of the pyramid emerged to them, there was no death. Death was seen as sleep
hence one needed food and other provisions. They believed that the soul would appear before Osiris for judgment to give an account of ones deeds on
earth. Therefore, religion became the basis of the moral order.
In terms of Art, the earliest pyramid of the pharaoh Zoser, called step pyramid was built around 2770 B.C. It was the biggest ever in its construction.
Social and Economic life
Egypt’s population was divided into 5 classes, that is:
1) Royal family,
2) Priests,
3) Nobles,
4) Middle class of scribes, merchants, artisans, wealthy farmers and
5) Peasants (the bulk of the population)
During the new kingdom, there was a 6th class of professional soldiers after the nobles.
During the new kingdom, also there was a 7th class consisting of slaves, that labored for the government. The gap between those living on the upper
classes and lower classes were wide. Nobles lived in splendor, the lower classes lived as true wretched of the world.
The Egyptian Economic system was primarily Agrarian, it was diversified and highly developed; they produced wheat, barley, and fruit.
Theoretically, all land belonged to the Pharaoh who has granted most of it to his subjects. After 2000 B.C, a commerce also grew and they traded with
the neighboring territories.
The Egyptians made progress in the development of instruments of business, they knew the elements of accounting, book keeping. Merchants could
issue orders and receipts for goods.
They invented title deeds for property, written contracts and wills.
They had no system of coinage (no coins) but had rings of copper, gold, which were given in exchange of some goods. This was the oldest known
currency in the history of civilization.
Intellectual Achievement
• The key to intellectual achievement was the system of writing (hieroglyphics) and also practical sciences which emerged
after Mesopotamia's cuneiform of writing. It was based on 3 types of characters: Pictographic, they syllabic and the
alphabetic. They did separate alphabetic characters (24 symbols) for each of them to present a simple consonant choice,
hence not seen as exclusive investors of writing, that is, their system was not modernized. They used papyrus for writing,
this is because they had a lot of it in lower Egypt and consequently the papyrus reed was used for writing and would be
rolled down into scrolls. This spread through other civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome.
• Egyptians experimented in various forms of literature, and those of the middle kingdom are considered to be the fathers of
short stories.
• As for sciences, Egyptians interested in practical sciences those which brought visible results. Astronomy, mathematics,
medicine are keen on diagnosis and treatment.
• They came up with a calendar to deal with seasons, predict when the next season would come on and even floods.
• They aligned their calendar on the stars rather than on the moon. They produced a better calendar than Julius Caesar’s
• In the field of Medicine, they believed that diseases had natural rather than supernatural causes therefore able to provide
accurate diagnosis and predictable medicine. Among the diagnostic methods was the taking of pulse and listening to the
• In mathematics they excelled in methods of measurement. They were the first to mark off 360 degrees to a circle and first
to notice ratio of the circumference of the circle to its diameter is the same for all circles.
• They devised the meas for computing the area of triangles and the volumes of pyramids, cylinders and hemispheres.

• Egyptian education embodied in the religion, artistic, architectural, social, and economic and
in their intellectual aspects discussed above. Their educational aims, meant for social
stability and the status quo. That is not education for change, but it is conservative
Aims of Education;
• There were three aims of education. These are;-
• Perpetuate social stability and maintain the status quo – putting people in their respective
social classes.
• Education was aimed at providing work oriented personnel and this lead to a complex
agricultural science that created Irrigation, Food control networks which produced food for
the people and even neighbouring states.
• Education sort to enhance religious and moral development of the piety to the gods. They
hence developed religious and philosophical studies to retain and strengthen the religious
significance of their education.
The Egyptian education was in 3(three) levels;
Elementary education; in the beginning it was informal and was meant to train personnel for the work force. The father played the
important role that is in religious and moral issues. Girls were educated at home by their mothers on domestic crafts. Formal
system of education started at 3000-2000BC. Only boys were exposed to the art of writing and reading under priests in the temple
schools, lucky ones would start schooling at the age for 4.
Schooling involved mastering the symbols and signs of writing unique to the respective social classes, professions or vocations.
Elementary science, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music were included in the curriculum.
Teaching methods were fixed in involved dictation, memorization, copying of texts, imitation and repetition to participation and
observation especially in physical education.
Lasted up to the time the boys were 14 years and were considered ready for the life of work.
Secondary education; It took place in the same premises where elementary learning was happening. Mainly aimed at building on
what was gathered and learnt at elementary level with emphasis on the art of writing. Exception was at the upper class who
informally participated in activities that fostered their etiquette and code of behavior.
Higher/professional education; It was conducted in temples, colleges or universities and in private homes. Meant for the priests
and professionals
It was transmitted secretly and informally to relatives and friends as well as colleagues, the social equals
The professions included the teachers who would use their homes, offices or business premises as venues for learning literature,
history, science and skills to the Egyptian youths.
Scribes were the most recognized in the society since they wrote and kept the materials for education. They were highly regarded
and served as learned judges, advocates and advisers to the Pharaohs.

• Settlement in the Indian peninsula started at around 2500 BC. The people here were known
as Indo-Europeans. During 2500-1000 BC is when civilization started in the Indus valley. This
civilization was based on proper management and utilization of resources found in the Indus
valley. They mainly engaged in Agricultural activities i.e. growing peas, cotton, barley, melons
e.t.c. They kept cattle and sheep as well as goats. These rich resources attracted many people
who came and settled there such as the Aryans who left a permanent mark of civilization in
the Indian valley. This civilization started from 1200- 400 BC and during this period there were
two main religions namely:
• Hinduism
• Buddhism
It is a polytheistic religion with three main god namely; Brahma - is the creator and lord
of the universe.Vishnu - is the preserver. Siva - is the destroyer
Ideally, Hinduism is meant to be monotheistic but in practice it is not. In the Hindu
religion, there is - Upanishads which are teachings about gods, Sankrit – language of
Hindu learning and scriptures, Vedas - The body of ancient religious teachings e.g.
hymns, chants and rituals.
From the Vedas, the Aryans lived in stratified societies referred to as the Caste system.
This system classified the roles and differentiated people in the society.
Brahmas- These were the Royals rulers of the society. Kshatriyas- These were
warlords, warriors and administrators of the society. Vaisyas – The farmers, herders and
trades people. Sundras – The slaves or servants
• The caste system was very rigid, no interactions were made between people of
different castes. People were not allowed to rise beyond their class but if they did, they
were considered to be outcasts
• Their history was cyclic in nature- they believed in re-incarnation i.e. process of re-birth where
people after death came back in a different form depending on the way one lived before death.
• The caste system pointed to inequality which was determined by birth i.e. depending with one’s
caste- social class.
• Started in 500BC. It is a sprinter group from Hinduism in that it was a reform group from Hinduism.
It was a founded by Gautama Siddharta 563-483BC. His followers called him Buddha which means
the enlightened one. Buddha belonged to the warrior clan. At 29 he decided to live a life of
meditation through yoga, he wanted to understand the cause of suffering in the world but he gave up
without finding answers. His mission was based on calling people to conduct themselves rightly,
moderately and ethically
• He taught that people should be compassionate and believed in equality and that education was to
produce compassionate sympathetic and selfless people
• The teachings focus on compassion, gentleness, non- violence and as strong belief in re-incarnation
and punishment for the wrong done. This teachings have made the Indian community conservative
and less driven to personal gain and success.
Education aimed at social cohesiveness. It was meant to connect the family and village values
Education aimed at preserving the caste system. This was made possible by using history and strict observances of
the custom that stresses inequality. Education was meant to prepare one for spiritual well being of the individuals
STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION OF THIS EDUCATION: The Indian education system was in two levels
Elementary school-
Here, the family played the greatest role.The first schools were simple institutions. Children began school at the
age of five., this was substituted with their mothers education back at home.This level of education was greatly
dependent on the wealth and financial status of the families. It was conducted in open air spaces. The teachers were
called Gurus – meaning (destroyer of darkness)
Content of this education mainly touched on the roles of the society, laws, traditions and customs of the Indian
community. This was initially taught by the family and later, in the open air villa schools or under sheds.
Methods of instruction were through memorization and imitation of the teachers. They also had small classes of
not more than 15 students and lasted several hours..
Education at this level hardly focused on mental excitation and intellectual education, it was geared to vocation,
domestic, and military training through imitation and drilling. Physical education was not offered but archer and
wrestling were given in the school curriculum. Religious dancing was also offered with yoga as one of the main
It was taken as a means of salvation and there were a number of institutions that catered for
Brahman colleges- for the Brahman society. Forest colleges- emphasized on contemplation and
attracted distinguished scholars.Temple colleges- imparted religious knowledge. Court schools-
offered secular education. Buddhist monarchies – meant for those interested in such knowledge
and those seeking to be ascetics. Methods of learning was memorization and imitation
Styles used in writing advanced from first writing on sand, then later on stylus, on palm trees to
eventually ink on dry plane leaves.
This level of education was only taken by 5% of the society where the brahmas got the priority
by joining established universities where they were taught grammar, rhetoric, logic, algebra,
astronomy and medicine.
About 425 AD the Buddhists established Nalanda, one of the greatest universities of the time,
famed for intellectual and moral uprightness of its monks - teachers. It admitted only the best,
mentally and morally competent students from all the castes

Indians did not bother to explain what was learnt and why- this system was
conserved on past traditions and it never gave room for innovation, creativity
and criticism
Discipline was emphasized in the form of corporal punishment and throwing
water on the culprit.
There was a lot of respect given to the teachers.
No salaries were given to the teachers (but they received gifts) as their
knowledge was considered very valuable. Teachers were considered to be holy
and wise.
There scripts had between three to four hundred characters whose system of
writing was both ideographic and phonetic and was read from left to right.
• In medicine, they invented the art of performing surgery with anesthesia. They also had plant-
derived medicines. They detailed the knowledge of anatomy, embryology, digestion,
metabolism, physiology, genetics, immunity, psychology and etiology.
• They used balance and scales for weights and measures. In india, the ‘foot’ and the ‘cubit’
served as basic measuring instruments.
• In mathematics, they invented zero and the number system, the decimal system, the value of
pi, algebra, trigonometry, calculus.
• They used binary system, running in series from 1-2-4-8-16-32 for smaller weights and
decimal system for larger weights.
• Metaphysics/astronomy: Indians were the first to discover gravity which was later explained by
Isaac Newton. They had knowledge of the origin and age of the universe, its circumference
and that of other planets, in astronomy the motion of the stars was first accurately calculated
by the Indians.
• They invented yoga, the art of unifying the body and he mind
• Chess, snakes and ladders, buttons, high-grade steel manufacturing, the art of navigation,
playing cards, gymnasium, the university e.t.c have their roots in india.

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