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Purpose of Job Analysis

 Is to generate three tangible

outcomes: job description, job
specifications, and job evaluation
Definition of job terms
1. Position – consists of the responsibility
and duties performed by an individual
2. Job – group of positions that are similar
in their duties
3. Occupation - groups of jobs that are
similar to kind of work and are found
throughout an industry. An occupation
is a category of work found in many
Specific Information Provided by Job
1. Job title and location
2. Organizational relationship – brief explanation of
the number of persons supervised (if applicable)
and job title of the position supervised. It also
reflects supervision received.
3. Relation to other jobs – describes and outlines
the coordination required by the job
4. Job Summary – condensed explanation of the
content of the job
5. Information concerning job requirements – it
varies from job to job. Usually provide
information about machines, tools, materials,
mental complexity and attention required,
physical demands, and working conditions.
Uses of Job Analysis Information
 Preparing the job description and writing
the job specifications
 Recruitment and selection
 Determining the rate of compensation
 Performance appraisal
 Training
 Career planning and development
 Safety
 Labor relations
 Occupational Information Network
 Provides more information to students
needing career research to write reports
and to HR professionals who want
updated information on job requirements
for job analysis
 O*NET database contains information on
hundred of careers, and is continually
updated and provided on line at no cost
Structured Job Analysis Techniques
Job Description

 Is a written statement of what the

jobholder does, how it is done,
under what conditions, and why
 It should accurately portray job
content, environment, and
conditions of employment
Format for a Job Description
 Job title usually describes the job and hints at
the nature and duties of the job
 Job Identification section includes the
department location of the job, who the person
reports to, a job identification code, and the date
the description was last revised
 Job duties or essential functions lists the job
duties in order of importance
 Job specifications explain the personal
qualifications necessary to perform the duties
listed above including specific skills, education,
certification, and physical abilities
Uses of Job Description
1. Describes the job to potential candidates
(either verbally by recruiters and
interviewers or in written
2. Guides newly hired employees in what
they are specifically expected to do
3. Develops criteria for evaluating
performance of the individual holding
that job
4. Establishes the relative worth of the job
for compensation
Job Specifications
 Statements indicating the minimal
acceptable qualifications incumbents must
possess to successfully perform the
essential elements of their jobs
 It identifies pertinent knowledge, skills,
education, experience, certification, and
 It is an important tool for keeping the
selector’s attention on the list of
necessary qualifications and assisting in
determining whether candidates are
essentially qualified
Job Evaluation

 Specifies the relative value of each

job in the organization
 Necessary to have an equitable
compensation program, jobs that
have similar demands in terms of
skills, knowledge, and abilities
should be placed in common
compensation groups
Job Design
 Refers to the way that the position and
the tasks within that position are
 It describes what tasks are included; how
and when the tasks are done; and any
factors that affect the work, such as in
what order the tasks are completed and
the conditions under which the tasks are
 Good job design incorporates tasks that
relate to organizational goals and values
into every job description
Job Enrichment

“If you want people to do a good job,

give them a good job to do.” –
Fredrick Herzberg
Job Enrichment

Expanding job content to create more

opportunities for job satisfaction
Five Core Job Characteristics for an
Effective Job Design
1. Skill Variety – allowing workers to use different
skills and talents to do a number of different
2. Task identity – workers are able to see a completed
product or project or some visible outcome that
creates a sense of accomplishment
3. Task significance – the tasks performed have some
meaningful impact on the organization, or the
external environment.
4. Autonomy – worker has some control over the job
5. Feedback from the job itself – the job includes
some opportunity to show the worker if the tasks are
done properly
Flexible Work Schedules
 Compressed work week schedules –
employees work longer days in exchange
for longer weekends or other days off
 Flex time – allows employees to
schedule the time they begin their eight-
hour working day
 Job sharing – allows two people to share
one job by splitting the work week and
the responsibilities of the position
 Telecommuting – using technology to
work in a location other than the
traditional workplace.

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