2004D11 Appreciative Inquiry

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Appreciative Inquiry: A Project

Management Strategy
PMI Meeting
November 18, 2004
St. Louis Park, MN

Presented by:
Josie Lindsay, President & CEO
Bell & Lindsay, Inc.
2316 Richmond Rd
Beachwood, Oh 44122

Phone: (216) 765-0949 Fax: (216) 765-1950

Email: bellindsay@aol.com
• What is Appreciative Inquiry (“AI”)?

• What are the advantages of AI?

• Using AI to increase your effectiveness in:

– Business partnering/client relationships
– Communications
– Team Work
The Business Reasons
for Project Management
• Solve business problems and seize opportunities
• Understand client needs, expectations, and
measures of success
• Establish collaborative relationships/partnerships
• Build ownership and commitment to project/tasks
• Facilitate achievement of desired results/outcomes
• Mobilize people and resources to get the job done
Why Choose a Particular Approach?
• Knowledge and skills
• Values and beliefs
• Experience and self-awareness
• Leadership styles
• Management expectations
• Organizational climate
• Client/stakeholder needs & expectations
• Etc.
What is Usually Done?


Critical/ Fault Finding 72%

What is “Appreciative Inquiry”?

• Alternative to traditional methods of problem

• Focuses on the positive and what you know
• Uses interviewing and storytelling to identify
• Generates a collective image of a better future
• Explores the “best of what is” and has been
Example of AI in Action

• Bank was installing new operating system on the

desktop computers
• Two IS groups got into a war
• HR tried traditional problem-solving approach
• Situation got worse
• Outside consultants used AI approach
• Stopped ‘finger-pointing’ of IS departments
• Got project back on schedule
Another Example of AI in Action

• Installing new wireless network interface

• Again design and testing got into a war
• Manager had meetings to solve problem
• Meetings were complete failures
• Outside consultant used AI method to get team
members to define issues
• Team created a more trusting environment
• Project was finished a month early
Problem-Solving Compared to AI
Problem-Solving: Appreciative Inquiry:
“Felt Need” Appreciating and valuing the
Identification of a problem best of “What Is”

Analysis of causes Envisioning “What might be”

Analysis of possible solutions Dialoguing “What should be”

Action Planning Innovating “What will be”

Basic Assumption: An organization or a Basic Assumption: An organization or person

person needs to be fixed. has limitless potential/possibilities.

Adapted from Hammond’s Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry, based on the work of David Cooper rider
Phases of Appreciative Model

Phase I
Learning &

"The best of what is"

Phase IV Phase II
Outcomes Envisioning Results

“What will be.” Business “”What might be?”

(Sustaining Results) (Future Possibilities)

Phase III

Defining and

“What should be.”


© Bell & Lindsay, Inc. 2004 Adapted from the work of David Cooperrider
AI Application Process
Begin with rapport building questions
(e.g., Self, work, organization)

Then focus on topics under inquiry

(e.g., Communications, decision-
making, teamwork)

Create Appreciative Questions to Conduct Inquiry Interview

explore the topic and future
possible questions
Share, Dialogue, and Uncover themes

Create provocative commitment statements and action plans

AI Practice Question
• Think about a time when you felt most excited
about or committed to being a member of PMI

• What were the top two contributing factors?

Interviewing Tips
• Encourage story telling and reflection
– Think of a time when …
– Describe your best experience…
• Use extending statements
– Tell me more.
– I’m really interested in hearing about that in detail.
• Show empathy
– That must have been an exciting experience for you.
– You look really pleased.
– That would make me feel proud.
(Can be used for interviewing individuals or groups)
Interviewing Tips (continued)

• Use probing questions

– Can you go into more detail on that?
– Who did what when?
– What did you do?
– What were you feeling?
– How did that make you feel?

• Record responses

• In groups, be sure you hear from everyone

Example of Appreciative Questions
• When the client has experienced project
management at its best, what were the
contributing factors?
– Possible Probes: How was information shared?
How were decisions made? How were roles and
responsibilities defined? What about individual
accountability? What about team accountability?
Example of Appreciative Questions
• Describe a time when IS/IT performed in a way
that made you feel very satisfied. What made
that so?
– Possible Probes (if needed): Could you say more
about client/IS relationships? What did the leader
do? How were the roles defined? How did
communications occur? What was teamwork
like? Describe the quality of the product/process.
Example of Appreciative Questions
• When you have experienced teamwork at its
best, what were the contributing factors?
– Possible Probes: How was information shared?
How were decisions made? How were roles and
responsibilities defined? What about individual
accountability? What about team accountability?
Write an AI Question
• Choose a client or teamwork focus
• Write probes you would use
AI Application Process
Begin with rapport building questions
(e.g., Self, work, organization)

Then focus on topics under inquiry

(e.g., Communications, decision-
making, teamwork)

Create Appreciative Questions to Conduct Inquiry Interview

explore the topic and future
possible questions
Share, Dialogue, and Uncover themes

Create provocative commitment statements and action plans

Examples of Provocative Statements
• We meet our commitments to the teams
• We take time to know each other
• We have fun and look for the humor in every situation
• We accept personal and team accountability

• We listen first
• We request and give constructive feedback
• We value each other’s opinion, even when we agree or
Examples of Provocative Statements

Supportive Climate
• We achieve together.
• We ask for help and give help when asked.
• We give credit to others in a timely manner.

Adapted from Lessons From The Field


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