Aggregate Planning in A Service's Concern

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A Report on…

Aggregate Planning in a
Service’s Concern

Submitted by…Group 6 To --- Rashida

Noorain ,Faculty,AIM
Trend in demand of the studio from 2007 to 2009
In the graph below, the trend in demand of the studio Orange both in
audio and video sector has been represented. The graph is drawn on
the average working hours per day throughout the year. In the graph it
is observed that the peak seasons are from February to march end and
from September to December end. The main reason of huge demand
during these period is mainly due to the main festive of Assam
“Bihu”(February-March “Rongali Bihu” and September to December
“Bhogali Bihu” ).The trend observed is increasing one.
Avg. working

Mon In 2009
In 2008

In 2007

X- Months
Y-Avg. working

After analyzing the trend of the past three years ,the

demand for audio in 2010 has been forecasted .

X- Months
Y-Avg. working
After analyzing the trend of the past three years ,the demand for
video in 2010 has been forecasted .
Various policies are taken by the studio Orange to fulfill
the increasing demand in the peak seasons

• Chase Demand Independent professionals are hired to match

the demand.
• Overtime The permanent Employees like the Audio Recordist
increases their working hours in the peak seasons to meet
the demand.
• Subcontracting In the peak seasons they also go for
subcontracting and utilize other studios to complete excess works.
• Backordering In the peak season they also go for
backordering means providing the service at a later period of time
at a lower rate .
Quarter Demand Profs Hired Sub-contract Back-
for hr (hr)
Overtime(h order
Jan 15 5 0 0 0
Feb 19 5 4 0 0
Mar 22 7 4 1 0
Apr 19 6 3 0 0
May 12 0 0 0 2
Jun 8 0 0 0 0
Jul 10 0 0 0 0
Aug 10 0 0 0 0
Sep 14 4 0 0 0
Oct 16 4 2 0 0
Nov 19 5 4 0 0
Dec 22 7 4 1 0
Explanation of the Resource Plane

In the January, February, March and April the permanent recordist

does overtime and from February they also need independent
professionals as that is the peak season.

In May ,June, July and August they do not need any overtime and
extra professionals as this is the off season and the demand is
comparatively low.

From September to December again they need to go for overtime

and hiring of extra professional as this is again a peak season.

In March and December they also need to take the help of

subcontracting as these two months have maximum demand.
Regular working hours

Rs. 100
 prof hired
 sub contract
 Back order
Quarter Overtime Profs Subcontrac Back Cost/day Cost/mont
hired t order h

Jan 5*100 0 0 0 500 500*31=1550


Feb 5*100 4*200 0 0 1300 1300*28=36400

Mar 7*100 4*200 1*300 0 1800 1800*31=55800

Apr 6*100 3*200 0 0 1200 1200*30=36000

May 0 0 0 2*100 200 200*31=6200

Jun 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jul 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aug 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sep 4*100 0 0 0 400 400*30=1200

Oct 4*100 2*200 0 0 800 800*31=2480

At the point of equilibrium
Quarter Demand(hr Revenue/day Revenue/Mont
Jan 15 7500 232500
Feb 19 9500 266000
Mar 22 11000 341000
Apr 19 9500 285000
May 12 6000 186000
Jun 8 4000 120000
Jul 10 5000 155000
Aug 10 5000 155000 Studio charge/hr
Sep 14 7000 210000 Rs500
Oct 16 8000 248000
Nov 19 9500 285000 Net revenue=
Dec 22 11000 341000 Rs2824500

Limited audio and video recording facility is a bottleneck. The studio needs to
expand and build additional set ups each for audio and video operations. They
also need to have more dubbing stations and separate mixing areas with
professional sound engineers keeping in view the growing trend in demand.

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