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ROLL NO- 1684120033
Basic introduction
What is renewable energy sources
Why do we need of them
Sources of renewable energy
Hydroelectric energy
Wind energy
Solar energy
Geothermal energy
Wave energy
Tidal power
Hydrogen family
Energy is the capacity of a physical system to perform work. Energy exists in several
such as heat, kinetic or
mechanical energy, light, potential energy, electrical or other forms.

A resource is a source or supply from which benefit is produced. Precondition of resource is
to full fill the need of human being. Allkind of natural elements are not
What is Renewable Energy Resource ?
Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are
naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves,
and geothermal heat.

Renewable energy is natural energy which does not have a limited supply. It can be used
again and again, and will never run out.

The renewable resource is a sustainable source of energy

 Renewable energy often provides energy in four important areas: electricity generation,
air and water heating/cooling, transportation, and rural (off-grid) energy services.
Why Do We Need Renewable
Why Do We Need Renewable Energy?
 Fossil Fuels Are Limited
Fossil fuels are a finite resource. Fossil fuels will run out eventually and it will take some
10,000,000 years to replenish what we have used in around 150 years. As the human
population increases, our rate of consumption of these fossil fuels also increases.

 It’s a renewable resource

This implies that they do not deplete over a lifetime and there is zero possibility that they will
run out (sustainable source of energy). Sources of energy like fossil fuels (oil, gas, and coal) are
considered limited resources and there is strong possibility that they will run out in the
 Renewable energy is eco-friendly
It is a clean source of energy, meaning, it has low or zero carbon and greenhouse
emission. Fossil fuels emit high levels of greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide, which are
greatly responsible for global warming, climate change, and degradation of air quality.

 Renewable energy is a stable and reliable source of energy

When renewables are creating energy, the power produced is stable and usable, just like
any other form of “traditional” power. Fossils fuels are prone to trade disputes, political
instabilities, spike in energy prices and unnecessary wars.

 Economic Stability
Related to some of the issues mentioned above, where renewable energy offers a
constant and sustained supply (such as hydroelectric, wave power, solar and biofuels),
energy prices are likely to remain stable and in turn, keep the economy stable.
 It provides the foundation for energy independence
By developing renewable energy resources, countries can work toward energy independence with a
diversified portfolio of energy to access.

 Environmental damage
As fossil fuel supply gets harder to acquire, and prospectors search for new pockets of oil and have
to drill longer and deeper to acquire it, there has been conflict between environmental groups,
industry and between governments when local wildlife and environmentally sensitive areas are

 Improved public health

Generating electricity from renewable energy rather than fossil fuels offers significant public health
benefits. The air and water pollution emitted by coal and natural gas plants is linked to breathing
problems, neurological damage, heart attacks, and cancer. Replacing fossil fuels with renewable
energy has been found to reduce premature mortality and lost workdays, and it reduces overall
healthcare costs.
 Leads to job creation
Since the inception of renewable energy, new and stable jobs have been added to
most world economies. Experts project that with the ongoing rigorous campaigns to
embrace renewable energy, thousands of stable jobs will be created.

 Less maintenance of facilities

Once infrastructure for the harnessing of the renewable resource is laid down,
there is low to zero maintenance required.

 Able to be stored
Many people do not realize this but renewable energy sources can be stored.
For example, solar energy can be stored in solar panels so that it can be used
even during cloudy weather or during the winter.
Can be integrated into daily life
Renewable energy sources can be harnessed in a way that does not disrupt daily
life. For example, cows can graze in the same field as wind turbines are at work, and
solar panels can be placed on the roof of a family home to create a handy energy

Empowering of people in the countryside

This means that local towns would get a fair share of power generated, ultimately,
catalyzing the regeneration of those depressed areas both socially and
economically. Electrification of those areas will open up untapped opportunities for
Renewable energy sources are sources of energy that are not used up when they
are used. So, no matter how much people use them, they will not be depleted.

Renewable energy sources are automatically replenished by nature, i.e, sun’s

rays, water, tides, wind, air, etc.

Some examples of renewable energy sources will help to illuminate things even
further. Solar energy is a key example of a renewable energy resource. No matter
how many solar panels we use to harness the sun's rays, we will not deplete the
There are various sources of renewable energy. They are given below:

→ Hydroelectric power or hydropower

→ Wind energy
→ Solar Energy
→ Geothermal Energy
→ Wave power
→ Tidal power
→ Biomass fuel
→ Hydrogen Energy
 When water is used to generate electricity, it is called hydroelectric power, or

 The natural flow of water in rivers offers kinetic power that can be
transformed into usable energy.

 Potential and kinetic energy of water converted into electricity in

hydroelectric plants.

 Most hydropower plants use a dam on a river to create a reservoir to store

As water is released from the reservoir, it flows through a turbine and causes it to spin.
This activates a generator that produces electricity.

As the water rushes down through pipes, this stored

energy is transferred to kinetic energy,
which turns electricity generators.

The amount of energy extracted from flowing water depends on the volume of water and
its speed. Hydropower accounts for 17% of the world electricity supply
Wind Energy
Wind Energy
Wind energy is just what it sounds like: energy that we get from the wind.

The moving air (wind) has huge amounts of kinetic energy, and this can be
transferred into electrical energy using wind turbines.

The wind turns the blades, which spin a shaft, which connects to a generator and
makes electricity.
Wind turbines cannot work if there is no wind, or if the wind speed is
so high it would damage them.

The largest wind turbine in the world, located in Hawaii, stands 20

stories tall and has blades the length of a football field.

 An average wind speed of 14 miles per hour is needed to convert wind

energy into electricity.

One wind turbine can produce enough electricity to power up to 300

Solar Energy
Solar energy is energy from the sun in the form of radiated heat and light. The sun’s
radiant energy can be used to provide lighting and heat for buildings and to produce

Historically, solar energy has been harnessed through passive solar technologies. Solar
energy can be harnessed only during the day and only if the sunlight is not blocked by
clouds, buildings or other obstacles.

Solar energy is used for producing solar energy, it is also used for drying clothes, used by
plants during the process of photosynthesis and also used by human beings during
winter seasons to make their body temperature warm.
• Solar energy does not create any pollution and is widely used by many countries.

It is renewable source of power since sun will continue to produce sunlight all the


• Solar panels, which are required to harness this energy can be used for long time

and require little or no maintenance.

Fig: Solar panel to produce electricity

• ‘Geo’ means Earth and ‘thermal’ means energy. Geothermal energy means energy drawn
or harnessed from beneath the earth.

• Deep down in the earth's crust, there is molten rock (magma). Molten rock is simply
rocks that have melted into liquid form as a result of extreme heat under the earth.

• Geothermal technology takes advantage of the hot close-to earth- surface temperatures
to generate power.

• In places with hotter 'close-to-earth-surface' temperatures, deep wells can be drilled and
cold water pumped down.
• The water runs through fractures in the rocks and is heated up. It returns to the
surface as hot water and steam, where its energy can be used to drive turbines and
electricity generators.

• Geothermal energy is called a renewable energy source because the water is

replenished by rainfall, and the heat is continuously produced by the earth.
Wave power
Wave power
• Wave power is the transport of energy by ocean surface waves and the capture of
that energy to do useful work for example electricity generation, water
desalination or the pumping of water.

• Most wave power systems include the use of a floating buoyed device and
generate energy through a shaking motion or by mechanic movement from the
wave’s peaks and troughs.

• Ideal for an island country. More likely to be small local operations, rather than
done on a national scale.

• Construction can be costly. May be opposed by local or environmental groups.

Wave power
A machine that exploits wave power is a wave energy converter (WEC)

wave energy
Tidal power
Tidal power
• Tidal power or tidal energy is a form of hydropower that converts the energy obtained
from tides into useful forms of power, mainly electricity.

• Tidal power basically involves using kinetic energy from the incoming and outgoing
tides. The difference in high tides and low tides are also important in this respect. It is
another form of hydropower.

• In short, tidal energy generator captures the kinetic motion of the tides and converts
them into electrical energy.
Tidal power
The main advantage of tidal energy is that it is completely renewable and
are much more predictable than wave energy.

Fig: Diagram of a tidal power

•A b i o ma s s is a biol ogical materia l in solid , liqui d or g a s e o u s form
t h a t h a s s t o r e d sunlight in t h e fo r m of ch emical e n ergy .

• Several ty p e s of bio m a s s can b e u s ed, with t h e p r o p er technology

a n d e qui pme nt , t o pr o d u c e e n ergy .

• Th e m o s t c o m m o n ly u s e d ty p e of bio m a s s is w o o d , either r o u n d
wood or wood waste fro m industrial activ ities .

• Wood a n d wood wast e can b e c o m b u s t e d t o p r o d u c e h e a t u s e d for

industrial p u r p o s e s , for s p a c e a n d wat er heating , or t o p r o d u c e
s t e a m fo r elec tricity g e n e ration .
Biomass converted into energy into several ways.
Burning: This is a very common way of converting organic matter into energy. Burning
stuff like wood, waste and other plant matter releases stored chemical energy in the
form of heat, which can be used to turn shafts to produce electricity.

Decomposition: Things that can rot, like garbage, human and animal waste, dead
animals and the like can be left to rot, releasing a gas called biogas (also known as
methane gas or landfill gas). Methane can be captured by a machine called
Microturbine and converted into electricity

Fermentation: Ethanol can be produced from crops with lots of sugars, like corn and
sugarcane. The process used to produce ethanol is called gasification.
Hydrogen Energy
 Hydrogen is the most abundant element available on earth but it is
rarely alone. Even water contains two third of hydrogen.

 It is usually available with o t h e r e l e me n t s a n d have t o s e p a r a t e

before we can make use of it.

 Hydr ogen has t r emendous pot ent i al and can be u s e d t o p o w e r u p

homes, vehicles and even space rockets.

 It takes a lot of energy t o s e p a r a t e h y d r o g e n f r o m o t h e r e l e m e n t s

and therefore it proves to quite expensive to extract it.
• The main benefit of hydrogen energy is that it is clean source of fuel and does not
leave any waste elements

• It is completely renewable and can be produced over and over again on demand.

• Also, it is quite expensive to produce and store.

Fig: Hydrogen tanks are used for

temporarily storing the hydrogen

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