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Do now:

What’s the top 3

reasons that’d make
you want to fight
P.S. I hope you did your HW
or else you won’t like what’s about to “pop” up next…
The War that
Made America
The French and Indian War
England vs France

American colonists Algonquins
and Hurons
The French and Indian War
Why fight?
• Establish colonies- group of
people from one place who
settle in another
• Make mother country rich
and powerful
• Trade
• Resources
• Control of land
The French and Indian War

Ohio Valley

of rivers

•Rich fur
Native American Support
English Treatment of French Treatment of
Native Americans Native Americans
The French and Indian War
The French and Indian War

Fort Duquesne Fort Necessity

The French and Indian War
The French and Indian War:
What’s each side’s strength?
England France

• Better relationship with

• Strongest navy in the world
Native Americans
• Coastal colonies easy to
• One single government that
could act quickly
• Larger population
The French and Indian War
Colonists fight alongside
the British, but are not Albany Plan of Union
willing to work together
to plan for their own
defense. We need to make
our own federal

The French and Indian War
The Treaty of Paris
The French and Indian War
“Thanks for getting rid of “We fought for you, American
the French! We are alright colonies. You must now pay
on our own now, please your fair share of the debt.”
leave us alone.”

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