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Humanistic teachers believe that both cognitive and affective domains
should mutually exist and should not be separated from each other.
For a humanistic teacher, both knowledge and feelings are important
to the learning process. “A great deal depends on how the teacher
adjusts his perspectives on human beings and the institutions they have
made. Much also depends on how he chooses himself as a teacher, how
he decides to act on what he has come to know.” (Greene, p. 65).

Humanistic Educator:
 Student-centered
 Sensitive  Self-directed
 Have positive self-  Have positive self-
concept concept
 Genuine  Self-motivated
 Passionate  Self-disciplined
 Humble
Humanism is defined to be a democratic and ethical life stance that affirms
that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape
to their own lives (IHEU)

Behaviorism refers to a psychological approach which

emphasizes scientific and objective methods of investigation.
The purpose of this paper aims to determine how
teachers can apply a humanistic approach in the
teaching-learning process so as to help students
develop and enhance their decision making skills and to
practice better their moral reasoning. The research also
aims to determine the working environment of teachers
as to what keeps them motivated and what certain
factors limit them in this profession.
Teachers plan a curriculum to help the students in learning the subjects.
All teachers are classroom managers who reinforce appropriate
behavior, measure student learning and create inclusive learning
environments (Meier, K. S., 2018, March 15). There are many ways a
teacher can be considered as good and effective. Teachers apply
different technique and strategies to have a good class.
But the question is how to become a good and effective teacher? What
are the ways to be considered as one? Can we consider the working
environment as factor to become a good and effective teacher? How
does the environment contribute to the success of the teacher?
The analysis of the five responses solicited from the teachers show that these teachers support
the humanistic approach in education. They too believe that students for meaningful learning,
students should be self-motivated, self-directed and self-disciplined learners. In addition, the
only form of meaningful evaluation can be achieved through self-evaluation wherein both
cognitive and affective domains are fostered during the teaching-learning process.
As to how the working environment affects the teacher, the five respondents point out that
aspects of anxiety, feelings of being misunderstood by colleagues and difficulties
communicating with students concerning methods and tasks are limiting factors. On the other
hand, the five respondents agree that what keeps them motivated in the teaching profession
is the sense of empathy and passion they have for it. Lastly, the teaching-learning process is
made more meaningful when the teacher works as a facilitator therefore allowing students to
make their own choices and evaluate their own decisions.
The humanistic educator calls for allowing students to exercise their
human free will. Consequently, the teachers role is to facilitate learning.
Teachers can learn how to be more supportive towards students'
autonomy. Furthermore, since students learn best in nonthreatening
environments, schools need to provide such to students so that they will
feel secure to learn and by then learning becomes easier and more
meaningful. Lastly, school administrations should provide more
opportunities and venue to teachers' growth and professional

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