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Renewable energy
• Name-Kolhe Omkar Mahesh.
• School-G.R.P. Sabnis, Narayangaon
• Std.10 Div. E

Renewable energy
• Renewable energy: The energy that
produce again and again without creating
the pollution is called as Renewable energy.
• There are many types of energies among
them following are the two types of
Renewable energy:-
• 1.Solar Energy 2.Wind
1.Solar Energy:
Sun is most important and main
source of energy in our ecosystem.
The energy from the sun is stored in
the form of solar energy. This can be
done by the solar panels which are
shown in below. This solar energy is
stored in the form of electrical energy
in solar cell.

This stored electrical energy can

be used in domestic use in our
home as shown as following.
Indian government has give
subsidy for the domestic
instruments like solar water
heaters. Solar bulb, etc.
So help to protect ecosystem and
increase the use of solar power
2.Wind energy:
The flows of air are used by
Wind Turbines and they produce
electrical energy. This wind miles
are in the high level from the
ground, because the flow
reqiured to rotate the turbines
are available at high distance
from the ground. Approximately
the height of turbines are 23-25
meters or above.
Following are the types of the
wind turbines:- In India the use of Wind energy is increased by the
government, because the population of India is very Huge.
And here are the cities of India which use wind energy.
E.g.Chennai, Gujrat, Pune, Banglore, etc.
In future to protect our environment and to preserve natural
wind energy and solar energy is more useful eco friendly
technology to save our envoiranment.

Guided by-Mr. Babel Sir

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