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Conflict is…

The interaction of interdependent

people who perceive incompatible
goals and interference from each
other in achieving those goals.
What is Conflict?

Conflict is… Conflict is not…

• Perceived difference • Sign of a bad
– needs, values and relationship
goals • Negative experience
• Part of a relationship • Mistake
• Consequence of • Struggle between
– growth right and wrong
– change
Examples of Conflict
• Generational change:
• Technology driven change:
– Upgrading to electronic medical records
• Change in scope of practice:
• Something just isn’t fair:
– What about our salaries?
• Others
Advantages of Conflict
• Diffuse more serious conflicts
• Stimulate search for new facts or solutions
• Enhance relationships
• Increase cohesiveness

Conflict should be managed not eliminated

Disadvantages of Conflict
• Time consuming
• Disrupts progress/ problem solving
• Detracts from job at hand
• Keeps people apart; if unresolved
• Poor quality, lowers productivity
• Reduces team effectiveness
Sources of Conflict

• Fear • Mishandling conflict in

• Dishonesty the past
• Boundaries • Hidden agenda
• Negligence • Revenge
• Need to be right • Fighting the “last war”
• Miscommunication
Conflict Management

The use of strategies and tactics to

move parties toward resolution or
at least containment of a dispute
that avoids further escalation and
relationship destruction.
Conflict Management 1
• Identify critical information
– Whose problem is this?
– What is the situation?
– Issues, history, players, stake holders
Conflict Management 2
• What organizational factors are present?
– Policy/procedure, culture, working conditions
– What personal factors do I need to acknowledge?
– Personal issues, conflict resolution style, what pushes my
Conflict Management 3
• Personal inventory
– What role does my behavior play in the
– What situational elements am I willing/able to
– What are my resource constraints?
– What matters to me --
• winning?
• The relationship?,
• specific outcome?
Conflict Management 4
• Increase my effectiveness
– Acknowledge my own feelings!!
– If not purely interpersonal –separate the
problem and the people
– Focus on interests – not positions
– Generate solution options
– Consider measurable outcomes
– Recognize successful conflict management
Conflict Management

Tailor your conflict management

strategies to match situations with
peers, supervisors or those that
report to you.
Handling Conflicts
• Integrating
• Obliging
• Dominating
• Avoiding
• Compromising
Handling Conflict
INTEGRATING: involves openness, exchanging
information, looking for alternatives, and examining
differences so solve the problem in a manner that is
acceptable to both parties. Appropriate where
• Issues are Complex
• Commitment is required from other groups for successful
• Time is available for problem solving.
Handling Conflict
INTEGRATING: Inappropriate where
• Other parties do not have problem solving skills.
• Immediate decision is required.
 Disadvantages
– Time consuming
– Both parties need to listen and learn
– Willingness to change
– Needs planning and team building
Handling Conflict
OBLIGING: is associated with
attempting to minimize the differences and
highlight the commonalities to satisfy the
concern of the other party.
Appropriate where
• You believe you may be wrong
• Give and take
• Preserving relationship is important
Handling Conflict
OBLIGING: Inappropriate where
• You believe you are right
• The other party is unethical
Handling Conflict
DOMINATING: one party goes all out to win his or
her objective and, as a result, often ignores the needs
and expectations of the other party.
Appropriate where
• Unpopular course of action is implemented
• Necessary to overcome assertive subordinates.
• Decision in favour to the other party may prove to be
costly to you.
Handling Conflict
DOMINATING: Inappropriate where
• Decision does not have to be made
• Issue is not important to you.
• Subordinates possess high degree of
Handling Conflict
AVOIDING: party fails to satisfy his or her own
concern as well as the concern of the other party.
Appropriate where
• Issue is trivial
• Cooling off period is required
• Potential dysfunctional effect of
confronting the other party outweighs
benefits of resolution
Handling Conflict
AVOIDING: Inappropriate where
• Prompt attention is needed
• It is your responsibility to make decision
Handling Conflict
COMPROMISING: involves give-and-
take whereby both parties give up
something to make a mutually acceptable
Appropriate where
• Consensus cannot be reached
• Temporary solution to a complex problem
is needed
Handling Conflict
COMPROMISING: Inappropriate
• The other party is more powerful
– Focus on position/solution not issues
– Lose-lose rather than win-win
– May miss a systems solution
Conflict Management: Peers
• Shared interest/goals
• Non competitive approaches
• Solve this without involving others
• Set the ground rules early
• Consider humor
• Cultivate relationships at all times, not just
during conflict
Conflict Management:
• Match actions and words
• Assume they know more about you than you think
• Be explicit about expectations and consequences
• Give and accept feedback in private
• Deal fairly and objectively with poor performance
• Listen, learn [boomerang questions]
• Be a coach not a player
Communication Skills
• Respect
• Cultivate trust
• Stay clear, concise, positive
• Recognize body language
• Use “I” statements not “you” statements
(avoid blame)
• Articulate your needs
• Acknowledge others’ needs
Successful Conflict
• Reconsider your definitions of conflict
• Know your preferred style
• Vary your style based on situation
• Tailor your approach based on involved parties
• Proactively manage conflict – anticipate
• Communication – LISTEN

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