Chapter 8 - Traffic Analysis Techniques

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CES 341:Transportation Engineering and Planning

Chapter 8
Traffic Analysis Techniques

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mongkut Piantanakulchai


8.1 Space-Time Relationships


Figure 8.1 Space-time diagram

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8.1 Space-Time Relationships


Note: Assume vehicle’s length is negligible

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8.1.1 Direct Graphical Solution
Fig. 8.2 Location and size of double-track sections
Transit system
Single track 15
km long
Train 10 min
dispatched from
each end (W-E)
5 min layovers
Neglect stop
time at stations
Uniform speed
45 km/h both
• Determine number and location of double-track directions
sections, and the minimum length required for such
sections in order for trains running as much as 2 min
behind schedule to pass one another without delay
CES 341 Transportation Chapter8: Traffic Analysis Techniques 4
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8.1.1 Direct Graphical Solution
Fig. 8.3 Train dispatch problem
Rail line 90 km
7.5 km long
section located
between 60-67.5
km from W end
A train leaves W
end at 1:00 p.m.
and travel E at
constant speed of
45 km/h
The second train
leaves from the E
1) Determine earliest time the W-bound train can arrive at the W
end at 1:30 p.m.
end of the line
and may travel at
2) Determine the latest dispatch time (after 1:00 p.m.) that will
any speed up to 90
allow the W-bound train to reach its destination without
unnecessary delay
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8.1.2 Development of Analytical Solutions

 Complicated space-time problems

 Space-time diagrams are used to derive
analytical solutions

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Example: Runway Capacity Analysis

Fig. 8.4 Time separation at Fig. 8.5 Time separation at

runway threshold, vi ≤ vj runway threshold, vi ≥ vj
     1 1 
tij   tij      
 v j   vj  v j vi 

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Example: Runway Capacity Analysis
Weighted average of interarrival time Capacity is expressed by
h min   pijtij (10.2) C (10.1)
i j h min
where pij = probability of arrival pair i-j

If arrivals are independent

pij  pi p j (10.3)

Note: Assume arrivals only, no departures

More details in CES 446 Port and Airport Engineering
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8.1.3 Development of Simulation
 More complicated problems
 Space-time diagrams are used to develop simulation
 Behavior of system in a step-by-step manner

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Example: Block Signal Control System
for Rail Line
 Objective: To protect  System of blocks and
train collisions and other aspects (combination of
hazards such as broken signal lights)
 System consists of
• Electronically insulated
section of tracks = blocks
• Train detection system:
to determine if a train is
in a particular block (the
block is occupied)
• Signal system (warn or

CES 341 Transportation Chapter8: Traffic Analysis Techniques 10

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Example: Block Signal Control System
for Rail Line

Fig. 8.6 Block signal control systems

CES 341 Transportation Chapter8: Traffic Analysis Techniques 11
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Example: Block Signal Control System
 0.75 km long blocks
 Three-block, four aspect system
•RR –stop and proceed at 7.5 km/h prepared
to stop
•RY – proceed at 30 km/h, prepare to stop at
next signal
•GY – proceed at 60 km/h
•GG – proceed at full speed
CES 341 Transportation Chapter8: Traffic Analysis Techniques 12
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Example: Block Signal Control System
• A train traveling at 45 km/h, passes a point A, which
is located at a block boundary, at 11:00 a.m.
• Five min and 30 s later, a second train passes this
point traveling at 90 km/h in the same direction
• Both trains are 0.375 km long
Describe the motion of the second train, determine the
time that the rear of second train passes point B,
located 4.875 km beyond point A

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Time-space diagram of the first train
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Signal indication after the first train
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Trajectory of the second train according to block signals
CES 341 Transportation Chapter8: Traffic Analysis Techniques 16
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Trajectory of the second train (front) according to block signals
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Trajectory of the second train (front&rear) according to block signals
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8.14 Non-trajectory Space-Time
 Display information about traffic states
(speed, flow rate, density) as well as
vehicle trajectories
 Contour diagram can be used to display
region with similar traffic state values

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8.14 Non-trajectory Space-Time

Figure 8.11 Speed contours

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8.2 Queuing Analysis

Figure 8.12 Queuing System

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8.2.1 Queuing Theory Fundamentals

Figure 8.13 Arrival function Figure 8.14 Arrival and

for airport runway departure functions for
airport runway

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8.2.1 Queuing Theory Fundamentals

Figure 8.14 Queuing Figure 8.14 Queuing

diagram features diagram, smooth curve

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8.2.2 Queue Discipline
 First-in, first-out (FIFO)
 Last-in, first-out (LIFO)
 Random service
 Priority service

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Relationship of Delay (w(t)) and Queue
Length (Q(t)) of Individual at Time t

Qt 
wt  

W(t) = Waiting time (Delay)
of an individual at
time t
Q(t) = Queue length at time t

  service rate

CES 341 Transportation Chapter8: Traffic Analysis Techniques 25

Engineering and Planning
8.2.3 Stochastic Queuing Models
 Deterministic queuing models – arrival and
service rate are deterministic (known as some function)
 Stochastic queuing models
• constant long term arrival and service rates
• short-term random fluctuations around the average rates
• arrival rate may exceed service rate for short time intervals
and queues will form

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Stochastic Queuing Models
 M/D/1

One Channel
Arrivals Service
Exponentially Deterministic
Distributed (No random variation)

Inter-arrival times follow

Negative Exponential Distribution

 M/M/1

CES 341 Transportation Chapter8: Traffic Analysis Techniques 27

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 2   arrival rate
Q   service rate
1 

   traffic intensity
 
2  1    Q  average queue length
w  average waiting time
t t  average time
2  1    spent in the system
CES 341 Transportation Chapter8: Traffic Analysis Techniques 28
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 2   arrival rate
Q   service rate
1 

   traffic intensity
 
     Q  average queue length
w  average waiting time
t t  average time
  spent in the system
CES 341 Transportation Chapter8: Traffic Analysis Techniques 29
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General relationships

Q  t
t  w

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8.2.4 Transportation Applications of
Queuing Theory

Server opens after arrivals begin Arrival rate temporary exceeds

constant service rate

Service rate varies Server temporarily shut down

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8.2.5 Queue Density, Storage, and
 Density (vehicles per unit distance)
 Occupancy – fraction of time vehicles are
over the detector
 Objectives of studying queue density
•Locating queues and bottlenecks in traffic
•Determine the length of the queue and space
needed for queue storage, control the queue
spillback to upstream section

CES 341 Transportation Chapter8: Traffic Analysis Techniques 32

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Example Problem 8.1
 Morning peak traffic upstream of a toll
booth is given in the table
 The toll plaza consists of three booths,
each of which can handle an average of
one vehicle every 6 s.
 Using queuing diagram, determine the
maximum queue, the longest delay to an
individual vehicle, and the total delay

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Example Problem 8.1
Time period 10 min volume Cumulative volume

7:00-7:10 200 200

7:10-7:20 400 600

7:20-7:30 500 1100

7:30-7:40 250 1350
7:40-7:50 200 1550
7:50-8:00 150 1700

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Cumulative volume, A(t)

300 veh/min, D(t)

D(t)>A(t) {Show A(t), No queues}

8-21 CES 341 Transportation Chapter8: Traffic Analysis Techniques 35

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8.3 Network Analysis
 Network
•Nodes : Usually points of facilities intersect
•Origins or destinations of trips (source or sink
•Decision points
•Links : Usually road or railway segments
 Link characteristics
•Link costs: Distance, travel time, generalized
costs (weighted sum of several costs)

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Network Elements
8-23 CES 341 Transportation Chapter8: Traffic Analysis Techniques 37
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Example network
Minimum path algorithm, step 1
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Minimum path algorithm, step 2

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Minimum path algorithm, step 3

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Minimum path algorithm, step 4

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Minimum path algorithm, step 5

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Minimum path algorithm, step 6

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Table 8.1 Link-cost array
Node 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 -1 8 -1 2 -1 -1
2 8 -1 4 -1 2 -1
3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 3
4 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
5 -1 2 -1 3 -1 10
6 -1 -1 3 -1 10 -1

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8-31 CES 341 Transportation Chapter8: Traffic Analysis Techniques 45
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Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

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