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How to control High Blood Pressure

and Cholestrol , The Amish Way

• High blood pressure and cholesterol levels are a very
common medical problem these days, especially in
• People diagnosed with this condition usually require
life long therapies and treatments to keep them under
control and they just accept the fact that their lives
have been changed forever.
• AMISH people are known to lead a simple life and stay
away from conventional medicine & technology and
they use their method of treating High Blood Pressure
and Cholesterol and results were amazing.
• The recipes that I’m gonna share not only
treat BP and reduce Cholesterol , it also
strengthens your immune system, making you
healthier and stronger.
• Grated ginger ( 1 piece )
• 1 garlic clove ( grated )
• I tbsp. of ACV
• 1 tbsp. of honey
• 1 tbsp. of fresh lemon juice
• Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend
at maximum speed for 30 seconds
• Strain the liquid, pour it in a glass jar and store
it in the fridge for 5 days. Consume the
remedy two times a day, 1 tbsp. in the
morning and 1 tbsp. in the evening, before
meals. Make sure you don’t consume more
than 3 tablespoon a day.
• After 7 days you will notice the results. Your
blood pressure and cholesterol levels will
return to their normal values and your
immune system will get a boost of energy
• Try this out and let me know the results
• Subscribe to my channel for more healthy tips
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