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By : Syeda SheherbanoAnwer


 In 1962 when USA supported India in the war
between India and china over the border. Pakistan
changed its foreign policy and started to seek for the
support of USSR and other communist states.
 USSR loaned 11 million pounds to Pakistan .
 Trade agreement between both the countries was
signed during Ayyub's era.
 In 1961, the USSR as a gesture of goodwill started
exploring oil reserves in Pakistan.

1966 USSR improved relations between
Pakistan and India at Tashkent by ending the
war of 1965 this strengthened relations
between both the countries and US base in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was closed
1962,USSR agreed to set up steel mill in Karachi
1999,Nawaz Sharif visited Moscow and signed
trade agreements

 In 1965 Liaqat Ali khan was invited by the USSR to
Moscow but he chose to visit USA instead , due to
this relations between soviet union and Pakistan
 In 1954-55 Pakistan joined SEATO and CENTO, this
made USSR turn against Pakistan
 The USSR now supported Indian claim over Kashmir
and gave India economic and technical assistance

 U2 incident turned USSR against Pakistan.
 In 1950, USSR made an offer of oil exploration in
Pakistan which was refused
 In 1971, when Pakistan helped arrange china-US
agreement, USSR got angered and signed a treaty of
peace and friendship with India. They also promised
to support India in any war against Pakistan
 1979, when Pakistan opposed soviet occupation in
Afghanistan and accepted US aid to support the
mujahedeen …relations between both countries

 In 1984 Zia was coldly welcomed at the funeral of
Andropov in Moscow
 Later the USSR who also disapproved of Pakistan's
nuclear programme started mass bombing on
 This hostile situation continued until USSR finally
withdrew from Afghanistan in 1988

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