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Interference Map for TDMA Based Wireless Mesh Networks

Somdas Bandyopadhyay

Under the guidance of

Prof. Kameswari Chebrolu
 Introduction
 Related Work
 Basic SIR (Signal to Interference Ratio) approach
 Measurement experiments
 Proposed interference modeling – SIR + BIR
 Evaluation Methodology
 Results
 Future Work
 Conclusion
 What is Interference Map ?

 Why is it required in a TDMA setup ?

In a TDMA setup its required for efficient scheduling
 Setup
 TDMA based setup

 Objective
 To develop interference map

 Optimization
 Protocol with minimum overhead
 Overhead is number of measurements

 Solution Approach
 SIR based approach
 Develop interference map for all data rates and channels

 Interferer outside the communication range of receiver

 Multiple interferers

 Variation across links and time

 Application across different technologies

 Application across different hardware

 Basic idea - Actually measure whether nodes interfere or not
 Basic idea - Actually measure whether nodes interfere or not

 J Padhye et. al. in [1] developed a metric - BIR (Broadcast Interference Ratio)
 Basic idea - Actually measure whether nodes interfere or not

 J Padhye et. al. in [1] developed a metric - BIR (Broadcast Interference Ratio)

S1 S2

R1 R2

S1 and S2 are senders

R1 and R2 are senders
 Basic idea - Actually measure whether nodes interfere or not

 J Padhye et. al. in [1] developed a metric - BIR (Broadcast Interference Ratio)

S1 S2

R1 R2

Only S1 is transmits
P1 is the number of packets received at R1
 Basic idea - Actually measure whether nodes interfere or not

 J Padhye et. al. in [1] developed a metric - BIR (Broadcast Interference Ratio)

S1 S2

R1 R2

Only S2 is transmits
P2 is the number of packets received at R2
 Basic idea - Actually measure whether nodes interfere or not

 J Padhye et. al. in [1] developed a metric - BIR (Broadcast Interference Ratio)

S1 S2
P12 P21

R1 R2

Both S1 and S2 transmit simultaneously

P12 is the number of packets of S1 received at R1 when S2 is transmitting
P21 is the number of packets of S2 received at R2 when S1 is transmitting
 Basic idea - Actually measure whether nodes interfere or not

 J Padhye et. al. in [1] developed a metric - BIR (Broadcast Interference Ratio)

S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 P12 + P21
P1 P2 P12 P21 BIR =
P1 + P2
R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2
 Basic idea - Actually measure whether nodes interfere or not

 J Padhye et. al. in [1] developed a metric - BIR (Broadcast Interference Ratio)

S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 P12 + P21
P1 P2 P12 P21 BIR =
P1 + P2
R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2

 D. Niculescu in [5] showed that

PDR of sender at receiver when two interferers (I1 and I2) are active= d1 * d2
where , d i = PDR of sender at receiver when only Ii is active
 Basic idea –

Model Developed from

offline experiments
 Basic idea –

Online SINR /

 Basic idea –

Online SINR / Interference

Experiments Map

 Basic idea –

Online SINR / Interference

Experiments Map


 R Maheshwari et. al. in [6] (TDMA based)

 Suggested a model based on SINR v/s error rate.
 Suggested graded version of the model.
 Basic idea –

Online SINR / Interference

Experiments Map


 R Maheshwari et. al. in [6] (TDMA based)

 Suggested a model based on SINR v/s error rate.
 Suggested graded version of the model.

 B Raman et. al. in [4]

 Suggested a SIR based approach for interference modeling.
 Our work is based on this model.
Parameters Broadcast TDMA SIR SIR with SIR + BIR
Based (BIR) Based Based small Based

Methodology Every node Every node Every node Every node Every node
broadcasts broadcasts broadcasts broadcasts broadcasts
and all pair and some pair
broadcast broadcast

Number of n  (n  1) n n n n  (n  1)
n n
Measurements 2 2*k

Interferer outside
Communication YES NO NO YES YES
Predictability NO YES YES YES Partially

Evaluation 802.11 a 802.11 a 802.11 b/g 802.11 g 802.11 g

6 MbpsTable 1: Comparison
6 Mbps All rates
With All rates
Prior Work 6 and 36 Mbps
Parameters Broadcast TDMA SIR SIR with SIR + BIR
Based (BIR) Based Based small Based

Methodology Every node Every node Every node Every node Every node
broadcasts broadcasts broadcasts broadcasts broadcasts
and all pair and some pair
broadcast broadcast

Number of n  (n  1) n n n n  (n  1)
n n
Measurements 2 2*k

Interferer outside
Communication YES NO NO YES YES
Predictability NO YES YES YES Partially

Evaluation 802.11 a 802.11 a 802.11 b/g 802.11 g 802.11 g

6 MbpsTable 1: Comparison
6 Mbps All rates
With All rates
Prior Work 6 and 36 Mbps
 Model Construction
 Three nodes setup (Sender (S), Interferer (I) and Receiver (R) )
 Measure RSS of S and I at R when they are transmitting alone.
 SIR is equal to the difference of S’s and I’s RSS.
 Then make I send data packet with inter-packet gap of zero.
 Measure the Delivery ratio of S’s packet at R now.
 Model Construction
 Three nodes setup (Sender (S), Interferer (I) and Receiver (R) )
 Measure RSS of S and I at R when they are transmitting alone.
 SIR is equal to the difference of S’s and I’s RSS.
 Then make I send data packet with inter-packet gap of zero.
 Measure the Delivery ratio of S’s packet at R now.
 Measurement
 Broadcasting - Each node broadcasts packets at lowest data rate
 Recording - Other nodes record RSS of the packet received from the sender
 Calculation - SIR for all (sender, receiver) in the presence of a interferer
 Change in Power –
 RSS (and hence SIR) can be predicted when the transmit power of a node changes
 The wireless cards need to be well calibrated.
 Change in Power –
 RSS (and hence SIR) can be predicted when the transmit power of a node changes
 The wireless cards need to be well calibrated.

 Change in Rate –
 RSS (and hence SIR) value of a link remains almost same with the change in data rate.
 Change in Power –
 RSS (and hence SIR) can be predicted when the transmit power of a node changes
 The wireless cards need to be well calibrated.

 Change in Rate –
 RSS (and hence SIR) value of a link remains almost same with the change in data rate.

Data Rate 6 Mbps 18 Mbps 36 Mbps 1 Mbps

Exp 1 -59.45 -59.53 -59.30 -60.4
Exp 2 -65.32 -65.57 -65.72 -66.35
Exp 3 -70.78 -70.42 -70.65 -71.83
Exp 4 -75.17 -75.23 -75.46 -76.3
Table : Effect of Data Rate on RSS (dBm)
 Change in Power –
 RSS (and hence SIR) can be predicted when the transmit power of a node changes
 The wireless cards need to be well calibrated.
 Change in Rate –
 RSS (and hence SIR) value of a link remains almost same with the change in data rate.

Data Rate 6 Mbps 18 Mbps 36 Mbps 1 Mbps

Exp 1 -59.45 -59.53 -59.30 -60.4
Exp 2 -65.32 -65.57 -65.72 -66.35
Exp 3 -70.78 -70.42 -70.65 -71.83
Exp 4 -75.17 -75.23 -75.46 -76.3
 Change in Channel –
Table : Effect of Data Rate on RSS (dBm)
 The RSS of a node at a receiver changes when the node switches channel.
 This change can be pre-computed
 Multiple Interferers –
 Technique suggested in [5] can be used
 PDR when two interferers are active is equal to product of PDRs when only one is active
 Needs to be verified
 Multiple Interferers –
 Technique suggested in [5] can be used
 PDR when two interferers are active is equal to product of PDRs when only one is active
 Needs to be verified

 Variation across links and time –

 Till now there is no concrete solution to this problem.
 One approach is to consider the worst SIR threshold among all the links
 But this approach is pessimistic
 Multiple Interferers –
 Technique suggested in [5] can be used
 PDR when two interferers are active is equal to product of PDRs when only one is active
 Needs to be verified

 Variation across links and time –

 Till now there is no concrete solution to this problem.
 One approach is to consider the worst SIR threshold among all the links
 But this approach is pessimistic

 Interferer outside communication range –

 The receiver cannot record its RSS and hence cannot calculate SIR.
 Our work addresses this issue.
 Mikrotik RB433AH single board computers, installed with Openwrt Kamikaze
 Modified Madwifi driver code (v0.9.4) for the wireless cards
 Microtik R52H wireless cards
 CCA was disabled in both the sender and interferer
 Nodes set to ahdemo mode.
 Nodes send broadcast data
 Used Bwudp to generate traffic and readlog for receiver side per packet logging

Figure : Experimental Setup

For 6 Mbps at -92dBm PDR
is 30%
For 1 Mbps its -93 dBm
But of no use !!
SIR Threshold increases
with rate
 Interferer at -92 dBm and sends data packet with inter packet gap of zero
 RSS of sender is varied to get the SIR v/s PDR curve
 Sender and interferer are at the same data rate
 Interferer at -92 dBm and sends data packet with inter packet gap of zero
 RSS of sender is varied to get the SIR v/s PDR curve
 Sender and interferer are at the same data rate

Shift in SIR Threshold by 1 dB

RTh -1 RTh RTh +1 RTh + 2 RTh + 3 RTh + 4

6 Mbps -89 6 20 42 70 90 96.4 96.8 5 -87

36Mbps -78 18 04 10.23 56.64 88.23 96.23 99.29 16 -76

RTh – RSS Threshold (dBm)

BSTh - SIR threshold (90% PDR) [ below] (dB)
ASTh - SIR threshold (90% PDR) [ above] (dB)
PDR@RTh + i - PDR (%) when the sender RSS is around RTh + i and interferer is at -92 dBm
OTh – RSS above which a link should operate to avoid the problem (dBm)
RTh -1 RTh RTh +1 RTh + 2 RTh + 3 RTh + 4

6 Mbps -89 6 20 42 70 90 96.4 96.8 5 -87

36Mbps -78 18 04 10.23 56.64 88.23 96.23 99.29 16 -76

RTh – RSS Threshold (dBm)

BSTh - SIR threshold (90% PDR) [ below] (dB)
ASTh - SIR threshold (90% PDR) [ above] (dB)
PDR@RTh + i - PDR (%) when the sender RSS is around RTh + i and interferer is at -92 dBm
OTh – RSS above which a link should operate to avoid the problem (dBm)
RTh -1 RTh RTh +1 RTh + 2 RTh + 3 RTh + 4

6 Mbps -89 6 20 42 70 90 96.4 96.8 5 -87

36Mbps -78 18 04 10.23 56.64 88.23 96.23 99.29 16 -76

RTh – RSS Threshold (dBm)

BSTh - SIR threshold (90% PDR) [ below] (dB)
ASTh - SIR threshold (90% PDR) [ above] (dB)
PDR@RTh + i - PDR (%) when the sender RSS is around RTh + i and interferer is at -92 dBm
OTh – RSS above which a link should operate to avoid the problem (dBm)
RTh -1 RTh RTh +1 RTh + 2 RTh + 3 RTh + 4

6 Mbps -89 6 20 42 70 90 96.4 96.8 5 -87

36Mbps -78 18 04 10.23 56.64 88.23 96.23 99.29 16 -76

 Suppose Date rate is 36 Mbps

 Sender – Receiver link RSS is -77 dBm

 No packet received from interferer at the receiver

Can we say whether Interferer will interfere with sender ? ?

RTh -1 RTh RTh +1 RTh + 2 RTh + 3 RTh + 4

6 Mbps -89 6 20 42 70 90 96.4 96.8 5 -87

36Mbps -78 18 04 10.23 56.64 88.23 96.23 99.29 16 -76

The answer is NO

If interferer is at -92.5 then the interferer will interfere as SIR is 15.5 dB

If interferer is at -93.5 then the interferer will NOT interfere as SIR is 16.5 dB
RTh -1 RTh RTh +1 RTh + 2 RTh + 3 RTh + 4

6 Mbps -89 6 20 42 70 90 96.4 96.8 5 -87

36Mbps -78 18 04 10.23 56.64 88.23 96.23 99.29 16 -76

 Suppose Date rate is 36 Mbps

 Sender – Receiver link RSS is greater than -76 dBm

 No packet received from interferer at the receiver

Can we say whether Interferer will interfere with sender ? ?

RTh -1 RTh RTh +1 RTh + 2 RTh + 3 RTh + 4

6 Mbps -89 6 20 42 70 90 96.4 96.8 5 -87

36Mbps -78 18 04 10.23 56.64 88.23 96.23 99.29 16 -76

The answer is YES

SIR is always greater than 16 dB and hence there is no interference

RTh -1 RTh RTh +1 RTh + 2 RTh + 3 RTh + 4

6 Mbps -89 6 20 42 70 90 96.4 96.8 5 -87

36Mbps -78 18 04 10.23 56.64 88.23 96.23 99.29 16 -76

If all links operate above OTh then the problem can be avoided

 The difference between RSS threshold and OTh is only 2-3 dB

 If a link falls between RTh and OTh then operate the link at a lower rate
 Combine the advantages of BIR and SIR based method into one protocol
 Use BIR method only when necessary
 Combine the advantages of BIR and SIR based method into one protocol
 Use BIR method only when necessary
 Combine the advantages of BIR and SIR based method into one protocol
 Use BIR method only when necessary

For N1 , pairs added to the list are :-

(N2,N4) (N2,N5)
(N3,N4) (N3,N5)
 SIR + n Hops
 Assumes no effect of interferer outside n hops
 BIR experiment only for nodes that are within n hops of a receiver.
 SIR + n Hops
 Assumes no effect of interferer outside n hops
 BIR experiment only for nodes that are within n hops of a receiver.

 Distance based approach

 Assumes each node knows distance of all other nodes
 RSS varies at a given distance
 No BIR experiment for which we are sure
 SIR + n Hops
 Assumes no effect of interferer outside n hops
 BIR experiment only for nodes that are within n hops of a receiver.

 Distance based approach

 Assumes each node knows distance of all other nodes
 RSS varies at a given distance
 No BIR experiment for which we are sure

 Optimal Strategy
 BIR experiment only for cases where interferer will interfere with the sender
 For rest of the cases the algorithm must correctly predict no interference
 Uniform Node placement
 Nodes are placed with a uniform distribution along X and Y axis of a square.
 Nodes may be concentrated at one area.
 May get disconnected graphs.
 Uniform Node placement
 Nodes are placed with a uniform distribution along X and Y axis of a square.
 Nodes may be concentrated at one area.
 May get disconnected graphs.

 Grid Based Node Placement

 The whole area is divided into grids.
 Two nodes placed in each grid randomly.
 Two nodes placed in it can always communicate.
 Uniform Node placement
 Nodes are placed with a uniform distribution along X and Y axis of a square.
 Nodes may be concentrated at one area.
 May get disconnected graphs.

 Grid Based Node Placement

 The whole area is divided into grids.
 Two nodes placed in each grid randomly.
 Two nodes placed in it can always communicate.

 Real Life Topology

 MIT roofnet [12]  98 nodes.
 TACAVA [13]  71 nodes.
 Used Distance v/s RSS model for 802.11b and used it with 802.11g.
 Results will not change too much with slight change in model
 Nature of Distance v/s RSS curve important
 The RSS was calculated from SNR assuming the noise level to be -95 dBm
 The RSS derived from the model roughly satisfies the median RSS
 Used Distance v/s RSS model for 802.11b and used it with 802.11g.
 Results will not change too much with slight change in model
 Nature of Distance v/s RSS curve important
 The RSS was calculated from SNR assuming the noise level to be -95 dBm
 The RSS derived from the model roughly satisfies the median RSS

 Equations

[ TACAVA [13] ]

[ Uniform and Grid Node Placement [9]]

[ MIT Roofnet [6]]
Not Much
benefit !! 
normal = No. of cases where Sender and
receiver can not send together (SIR + BIR)
normal  optimized
Error  optimized = No. of cases where Sender and
normal receiver can not send together (SIR + n Hops)

3 Hops 4 Hops 5 Hops

18 nodes 0 0 0
32 nodes 0 0 0
50 nodes 0.8 0 0
72 nodes 1.4 0.92 0
98 nodes 2.1 1.1 0

Table : Error (in percentage) for SIR + n Hops (6 Mbps)

benefit !! 
 Why does SIR + n Hops strategy fail ?
 Why does SIR + n Hops strategy fail ?

75 m
Receiver Interferer
-78 dB
450 m

-89.7 dB

SIR (11.7 dB) < SIR Threshold (16 dB)

 Why does SIR + n Hops strategy fail ?

75 m
Receiver Interferer
-78 dB
450 m

-89.7 dB

SIR (11.7 dB) < SIR Threshold (16 dB)

 Why does not distance based approach give large benefit ?

 Why does SIR + n Hops strategy fail ?

75 m
Receiver Interferer
-78 dB
450 m

-89.7 dB

SIR (11.7 dB) < SIR Threshold (16 dB)

 Why does not distance based approach give large benefit ?

Variation in RSS at a given distance is 5 dB
No measurement required when interferer RSS below -97 dBm
In these topologies very few links are below -97 dBm
 Results only for 6 Mbps
 Results are very good because
 Most of the link RSS are very high
 Lesser number of nodes outside the communication range of a node

 In a network that has high number of high RSS links, the strategy is good

Topology BIR SIR SIR + BIR

Roofnet 4278 92 188

TACAVA 2556 71 618

 Why does not SIR + BIR method and its optimization give significant benefit ?

(N3,N5) measurement has to be done for
all receivers
(N3,N5) measurement has to be done only
for N1 and N2
Some Optimization
(N3,N5) measurement has to be done
For all these cases (N3,N5) measurement only for N1
has not been eliminated !!
 Why does not SIR + BIR method and its optimization give significant benefit ?

(N3,N5) measurement has to be done for
all receivers
(N3,N5) measurement has to be done only
for N1 and N2
Some Optimization
(N3,N5) measurement has to be done
For all these cases (N3,N5) measurement only for N1
has not been eliminated !!

 Should we use it ?
 Even at higher data rate the number of measurements is too high
 Also there is no predictability
 Need to verify whether results are similar to real test bed

 Need to verify whether results are similar across different cards

 Use CC2520 motes (High sensitivity) to solve the problem

 Find a solution for multiple interferer challenge

 Find out a method to tackle the problem of variation in SIR threshold across links
and time

 Applicability across different channels

 Main objective was to develop a method by which we can avoid the problem of
having interferers outside the communication range

 Conducted some measurement experiments to find out SIR threshold when the
interferer is below RSS threshold.

 Found that operational threshold of a link is 2-3 dB higher than its RSS threshold.

 Developed a protocol called SIR + BIR to solve the problem without increasing
operational threshold, but overhead is on higher side

 At high data rate interferers outside many hops can also cause sufficient
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[4] J. Cao R. Maheshwari and S. R. Das. Physical interference modeling for transmission
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[6] Daniel Aguayo, John Bicket, Sanjit Biswas, Glenn Judd, and Robert Morris. Link-level
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[8] Nabeel Ahmed, Usman Ismail, Srinivasan Keshav, and Konstantina Papagiannaki. Online
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