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The number of unknowns in the set of equations
for turbulent flow is larger than the number

A quantity like is called a double correlation,

or a second statistical moment.
To eliminate this as an uknown we derived a
forecast equation,which is given below

Similarly some equation contains additional triple

correlation(third moment)term such as
Closure techniques

To make the mathematical/statistical description

of turbulance tractable,one approach is to use
only a finite number of equation,then approximate
the remaining unknowns in terms of known
quantites.such closure approximationor closure
assumptions are named by highest order
prognostic equation is retained.
ex.first-order closure the first equation is retained
and second mopments are approximated.
Types of closure

Local closure- an known quantity at any point in

space is parameterized by values and/or
gradients of known quantities at same point.
Non-local- The unknown quantity at one point is
parameterized by values of known quantities at
many points in space.
A Parameterization is an approximation to nature.
In other words, we are replacing the true(nature)
equation describing a value with some artifically
constructed approximation.sometimes
parameterization are employed because the true
physics has yet to be discovered.
Local clousre order

Zero order

Half order

First order

Second order

Third order

Zero order

Zero order closure implies that no prognostic

equations are retained, not even the equation for
mean quantities. In other words, the mean
wind,temperature,humidity and other mean
quantities are parameterized directly as a function
of time and space.
Half order

Half order closure uses subset of the first moment

equation. A variation of this approachis called the
bulk method, where a profile shape of wind or
temperature is assumed,but where the resulting
wind or temperature curve is shifted depending on
bulk average background wind temperature within
the whole layer.
First order
K - Theory
Firts-order closure retain the prognostic equations
for only the zero order mean variables such as
wind,temperature,and humidity. ex.
To close the above set of equations,we must
parameterize the turbulent fluxes.if we let be
any variable, then one possible first-order closure
approximation for flux is: . This

closure approximation is often called k-theory.

Mixing-length Theory

1.Turbulence in a statically neutral environment.
2.Linear mean humidity gradient in vertical.
3.Background mean wind profile is also linear.
4.The nature of turbulence is such that W’ is
Proportional U’.
Using all assumption, we can write
and we can define mixing length,l



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