2.MSA GRR TRG Slides

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Information sharing session on MSA

Measurement System Analysis

Division : NhP/QMM 61

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Information sharing session on MSA

• Basic definitions

• BOSCH booklet 10

• MICO BOSCH’s approach

Division : NhP/QMM 61

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Information sharing session on MSA

MSA - Measurement System Analysis

• Measurement data is used to take a decision “to adjust a manufacturing process or not ”
OR “ to accept a component or not”.

• Gauges are used on the shop floor to take such a decision.

• To ensure that the decision taken is correct, gauge being used should be both
accurate and consistent.

• MSA is a procedure which helps us in ensuring this.

• Cg/Cgk and GRR studies are conducted on gauges to ensure that they meet the
requirements of standards for acceptance of gauges.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

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Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

BIAS Bias is the difference between the true
values (reference value) and the
observed average of measurements on
the same characteristics on the same part.

Measurement systems Reference

average value Bias is the measure of the systematic
error of the measurement system.
It is the combined effects of all sources
of variation known or unknown.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

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Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

Probable causes for excessive bias are :

• Instruments needs calibration

• Worn instrument, fixture

• Improper calibration

• Poor quality instrument

• Linearity error

• Wrong gauge for application

• Environment (temperature, humidity, vibration, cleanliness)

Division : NhP/QMM 61

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Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

• Repeatability is known as “within appraiser’ variation

• Repeatability is the variation in measurements obtained

Reference value with one measurement instrument when used several

times by one appraiser while measuring the identical
characteristic on the same part .

• This is the inherent variation or capability of the

equipment itself

Repeatability • Repeatability is “within system” variation when the

condition of measurements are fixed and defined.
(fixed part, instrument, standard, method, operator,
environment etc)

Division : NhP/QMM 61

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Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

Probable causes for poor Repeatability:

Within part : Form, position, surface finish, taper

Within Instrument : Repair, wear, equipment or fixture failure,

poor quality maintaince

Within Standard : Quality, wear, class

Within Method : Variation in set up, technique, zeroing, holding, clamping

Within Appraiser : Technique, position, lack of experience, feel, fatigue

Within Environment: Temperature, humidity, vibration, lighting

Division : NhP/QMM 61

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Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
• Reproducibility is known as “between appraisers” variation
• Reproducibility is the variation in the average of measurements made by
different appraisers using the same measuring instrument when
measuring identical characteristic on the same part.


This is often true for manual instruments influenced by the skill of the operator.

It is not true however, for measurement processes (i.e automated systems)

where the operator is not a major source of variation.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

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Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

Probable causes for poor Reproducibility

Between appraisers

Average difference between appraisers A, B, C caused by training,

technique, skill and experience.

Instrument design, or method lacks robustness operator training effectiveness.

Gauge R & R or GRR

It is an estimate of combined variation of Repeatability and Reproducibility.

GRR is the variance equal to the sum of within system and

between system variances.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Information sharing session on MSA

• Cg/Cgk - Gauge capability > 1.33

• GRR - Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility < 10%

GRR indicates variation from :
Equipment EV
Appraiser AV
Part PV

• What are the consequences of not performing these studies ?

- A product or component that does not meet the Quality
requirements is accepted.
- This defective component is assembled onto the product.
- May or may not be detected at various Inspection points.
- Defective product may reach the customer.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Information sharing session on MSA

• This may lead to a Product Liability case, wherein MICO will have to pay penalty
for accident, damage or failure of our product.

How is MSA practiced at MICO ?

• Cg/Cgk and GRR tests are performed in Tool Room after design and manufacture
of new gauges .

• In case of gauges already on the shop floor, GRR test is performed by shop personnel.
( These tests have to be performed by the people using them and in the exact conditions
that they are supposed to be used in.)

• Subsequent to this, Gauges are taken for Periodic Inspection (PI) at fixed intervals to
ensure that they are maintained in the same condition.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
BOSCH booklet 10

BOSCH booklet 10

Division : NhP/QMM 61

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Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
BOSCH booklet 10

Conforms to the requirements of MSA (Measurement System Analysis,

Daimler Chrystler, Ford and GM)

Testing of the capability and monitoring of the stability of measurement

processes is intended to ensure that a measuring device is capable of
measuring a quality characteristics at the place of use by the user
with a sufficiently small variation.

Five procedures are specified (Procedure 1 to 5 in BB #10)

They are supplemented by a procedure 6 for qualitative (attributive)


Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

The measurements and tests are usually done using measurable

standards and objects from production.

If a measurement process proves not to be capable, the causes must

be investigated in order to ascertain possibilities of improvement.

In this, systematic and random measurement deviation, the influence

of the measured object and of the operator must be determined.

The measuring aids and fixtures used, as well as the measurement

strategy and environmental conditions, can also have an influence.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

Evidence of capability must be proved by means of measurements

on the measurement system, at the place of use and by statistical evaluation.

An approximate lot size of N25 numbers of parts with identical

characteristics is to be measured and assessed.

The capability of measurement processes for variable characteristics must

usually be proved by procedures 1 to 4.

Confirmed capability according to procedure 1 is the pre-condition for

implementation of procedure 2 to 5.

Procedure 6 is provided for testing the capability of test equipment

for qualitative (attributive) characteristics.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

Sufficient planning and preparation ought to be done prior to conducting

measurement system study. Some of the parameters that are to be
considered are :
• Number of sample parts
• Number of repeat readings
• Criticality of dimensions
• Part configuration (bulky/heavy)
• Appraiser chosen should be selected from those who normally operate
the instrument
• Selection of sample parts that represent entire range of production process
• Each part taken for study, to be numbered for identification.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Preparation (contd)

• The indicating instruments used should have a least count of atleast

one-tenth of the expected process variation of the characteristics to

be read directly. (LC of instrument should be 5% of tolerance. Not possible

in all cases).

For eg.: if the characteristic’s variation is 0.01, the instrument should

be able to read 0.001

• The measurement should be made in a random order.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Preparation (contd)

• The appraisers should be unaware of which numbered part is being

checked in order to avoid any possible knowledge bias.

• Components shall be measured in the same plane and same position.

• The effect of any differences between the methods the appraisers use
will be reflected in the reproducibility of the measurement system.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Flow chart for MSA

Division : NhP/QMM 61

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Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Procedure 1

Goal :To test the capability of the measurement process with

regard to Variation and the position of measured values in the
tolerance zone of a characteristic.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Procedure 2 – Repeatability and Reproducibility

Goal : To test the capability of a measurement process on production

parts with regard to it’s variability under the influence of the operator.

If the possibility of influencing of the measurement process as a result

of handling by the operator cannot be excluded, this influence must be

tested in conjunction with production parts. The test is performed with 10

repeatable measurable objects from production and with 3 operators.

Two separate measurement series are conducted under repeatability


Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Procedure 2 – Repeatability and Reproducibility

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Procedure 2 – Repeatability and Reproducibility
Evaluation :
• From the data of the 2 measurement series of each operator the mean

values are calculated. Rx is the range of these 3 values.

• The range of each value pair is determined for each part and operator.

• Finally, from the individual ranges a mean range is calculated for

each operator – RA, RB, RC.

• From the 6 measurement results of each object the mean value is calculated.

• The quantity RP is the range of the mean values in the far right column.

• Additional calculations based on the formulae are seen in on the

evaluation sheet.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

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Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Procedure 3 – Repeatability and Reproducibility
Goal : To test the capability of a measurement process on production parts
with regard to it’s variability without the influence of the operator.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Procedure 3 – Repeatability and Reproducibility

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Procedure 4 - Linearity

Goal : Investigation of the linearity of a measurement system

A linearity test must be done if the linearity is important to the specific

application case under investigation.
Investigation must be carried out on atleast 5 points distributed over the
specified working range.
Preparation : Atleast 5 production parts are selected, covering the specified
working range of the measurement system. Reference value Xmi is
determined for each part by means of measurements with an equipment
with low measurement uncertainty.
Execution : Each of the reference parts is measured by the designated
operator with the measurement system under test at least 10 times.The
measured values are documented.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Procedure 4 - Linearity

Evaluation :
• Determination of the deviation of each observation from the
respective reference value.

• Plot the deviations wrt reference values.

• Determination and representation of the regression line and the

95% confidence limits. (Confidence limits calculated here relate
to the mean value of measurement results at a specific location).

• The zero line must be fully within the confidence limits.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

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Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Procedure 4 - Linearity

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Procedure 5 - Stability

• Goal : To control the stability by means of a x – s control chart.

• This procedure is recommended for assessment of the long time

behavior of the measurement process.

• The standard or reference part, must conform to the requirements

of the standard used in Procedure 1.

• The standard is measured at set intervals, atleast 3 times (n=3).

• Measured values are plotted on a x – s control chart.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Procedure 5 - Stability

Division : NhP/QMM 61

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Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes
Procedure 6 – Attributive characteristics

Scope: To test the capability of a test process with a view to obtaining

unambiguous test decision for attributive characteristics
• Test with 50 objects from production
• Ref values checked with an instrument with known uncertainty.
• Objects with values covering a range beginning slightly below LSL and
ending slightly above USL are required
• The sequence of the objects must be
changed for each test cycles for both cases.
• If all 4 results are “-”or”+” and match the
reference Assessment, this result is entered
in the code column.
• Results are sorted in descending order of the
qty of the reference values.
• The distance between the last part assessed
as “good” by all operators and the first part
assessed as “bad” by all operators is a
measure of the width of the grey zone.
• There are 2 such widths, d1 and d2.
• Mean value d = (d1+d2) / 2 is GRR and
% GRR = 100.d/T
Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

MICO BOSCH’s approach

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

• CIP workshop

• Procedure created

• Demonstration to all concerned

• Co-ordinators identified

• Evaluation done range wise

• Review’s conducted and corrective actions initiated

• Training for workmen

• Training at suppliers end with demonstration

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

GRR > 10%

GRR Yes Quarantine Decide on alt means

> 30% gauge of measurement and
order for new gauge

Apply for Risk anal- OK Release for
concession ysis by limited duration
from QMM QMM
Not OK
/ rework Quarantine

GRR Yes Order for Decide on alt means

> 10% new gauge of measurement

Release gauge
for production

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Capability of Measurement and Test Processes

Problems encountered during evaluation of Attribute type gauges

• Thread Plug gauge

• Position gauge.

- Unable to repeat with 3 operators on Aluminum components.

- Master components made from steel to be used for analysis.

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.
Information sharing session on MSA

What must we do to ensure that we use gauges that meet MSA requirements ?

• Stores personnel have to ensure that gauges issued to shop are checked for GRR

• Gauges due for PI as indicated on the PI sticker are promptly returned to stores.

• Before issuing / drawing gauges, check validity on PI sticker on gauge.

• Clean gauges before using them.

• Report any abnormality and replace gauge.

When performing GRR studies on gauges , ensure that :

• the test is performed in the workshop where it is regularly used.

• gauge is cleaned and dust / oil free.

• the component is checked in the same area every time.

• trained operator performs the test

Division : NhP/QMM 61

This is the exclusive property of Motor Industries Co. Ltd. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.

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