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Dr. dr. Shahrul Rahman, Sp.PD, FINASIM

Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam

Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
Thyroid Disease Spectrum
Overt Hypothyroidism
TSH >4.0 IU/mL, Free T4 Low

Mild Thyroid Failure

TSH >4.0 IU/mL, Free T4 Normal

TSH 0.4-4.0 IU/mL, Free T4 Normal

TSH <0.4 IU/mL, Free T3/T4 Normal or Elevated

0 5 10
Braverman LE, et al. Werner & Ingbar’s The Thyroid. A Fundamental and Clinical Text. 8th ed. 2000.
Canaris GJ, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:526-534.
Vanderpump MP, et al. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 1995;43:55-68.
Typical Thyroid Hormone Levels
in Thyroid Disease

Hypothyroidism High Low Low
Hyperthyroidism Low High High
Subclinical Hypothyroidsm High normal normal
Subclinical Hyperthyroidsm Low normal normal
Thyrotoxicosis and Hyperthyroidism
• Thyrotoxicosis
–The clinical syndrome of hypermetabolism that
results when the serum concentrations of free
T4, T3, or both are increased
• Hyperthyroidism
–Sustained increases in thyroid hormone
biosynthesis and secretion by the thyroid gland
• The 2 terms are not synonymous

Braverman LE, et al. Werner & Ingbar’s The Thyroid. A

Fundamental and Clinical Text. 8th ed. 2000.
• Thyroid Storm Rare complication of
hyperthyroidism where manifestations of
thyrotoxicosis become life threatening. Also may be
termed Thyrotoxic Crisis.

• Apathetic Thyrotoxicosis Rare form usually

occurring in the elderly. Often presents as single
organ failure (CHF). Patient may develop thyroid
storm without the typical manifestations.
Hyperthyroidism Etiology

• Graves’ disease
• Multinodular goiter
• Autonomous nodule
• Exogenous thyroid hormone
• Transient—subacute thyroiditis,
postpartum thyroiditis
• Drugs—amiodarone
Causes of Thyrotoxicosis
Causes of Thyrotoxicosis
Divided by Degree of Radioiodine Uptake

High I123 Uptake Low I123 Uptake

Graves’ disease Subacute thyroiditis
I I123
Toxic nodular goiter Hashitoxicosis
TSH-mediated thyrotoxicosis Drug-induced
Pituitary tumor Iodide
Pituitary resistance to Thyroid hormone
thyroid hormone Struma ovarii
HCG-mediated thyrotoxicosis Factitious
Hydatidiform mole
Other HCG-secreting tumors
Thyroid carcinoma (very rare)
Common Signs and Symptoms
of Thyrotoxicosis
Symptoms Signs
 Nervousness  Hyperactivity
 Fatigue  Tachycardia
 Weakness  Systolic hypertension
 Increased perspiration  Warm, moist, or smooth skin
 Heat intolerance  Stare and eyelid retraction
 Tremor  Tremor
 Hyperactivity  Hyperreflexia
 Palpitations  Muscle weakness
 Appetite/weight changes
 Menstrual disturbances
Braverman LE, et al. Werner & Ingbar’s The Thyroid. A
Fundamental and Clinical Text. 8th ed. 2000.

• Dyspnea, panting, hyperventilation

• respiratory muscle weakness
• increased tissue carbon dioxide levels
• +/- congestive heart failure

• Thyrotoxic cardiomyopathy
– Hypermetabolic state
– Systemic hypertension
– Direct T3 and T4 action on heart
• LV hypertrophy, IVS hypertrophy,
RA and aortic dilation, enhanced
Signs and Symptoms of
Nervousness/Tremor Deepening of Voice

Mental Disturbances/ Persistent Dry or Sore Throat

Difficulty Swallowing
Difficulty Sleeping
Bulging Eyes/Unblinking Stare/ Palpitations/
Vision Changes Tachycardia

Enlarged Thyroid (Goiter) Impaired Fertility

Weight Loss or Gain
Menstrual Irregularities/
Light Period Heat Intolerance
Increased Sweating
Frequent Bowel Movements
Sudden Paralysis
Warm, Moist Palms

Family History of
First-Trimester Miscarriage/
Thyroid Disease
Excessive Vomiting in Pregnancy
or Diabetes
Signs and Symptoms of
1. Graves’ Disease (Toxic Diffuse Goiter)

• The most common cause of hyperthyroidism

– Accounts for 60% to 90% of cases
– Incidence in the United States estimated at 0.02% to
0.4% of the population
– Affects more females than males, especially in the
reproductive age range
• Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder
possibly related to a defect in immune tolerance
- Pertama kali dikenal oleh Coindet (1821) sbg akibat
pemberian yodium.
- KMD oleh Parry (1825) dan Robert Graves (1835),dan
tahun 1840 Von Basedow melaporkan sindroma yg sama
dan dikenal sbg Morbus Basedowi
- Penyakit multisistem yg ditandai dengan gondok
difusa,tiroktoksikosis,ofthalmopathi, dan kadang-kadang
dermatopati infiltratif
Graves Disease
• Autoimmune disorder
– Production of TSH receptor autoantibodies
– Stimulate thyroid hormone overproduction
• Characterized by the presence of B- and T-
lymphocytes in thyroid tissue
– TSH receptor activation
– Thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase antibodies
– Sodium/iodide cotransporter (NIS) activity enhanced
(increased RAI)
– Autoantigens
Abbott Laboratories Diagnostics Division Web site. Available at: et al. Werner & Ingbar’s The
Thyroid. A Fundamental and Clinical Text. 8th ed. 2000.
Graves' Disease
Localized myxedema
Thyroid acropachy
Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins
Clinical Characteristics of Goiter
in Graves’ Disease
Diffuse increase in thyroid gland size
Soft to slightly firm
Bruit and/or thrill
Without prominent adenopathy
Graves’ Disease - Localized Myxedema

Margins sharply

Thickened skin
Margins sharply
Graves’ Ophthalmopathy

• Class one: spasm of upper

lids with thyrotoxicosis
• Class two: periorbital edema
and chemosis
• Class three: proptosis
• Class four: extraocular
muscle involvement
• Class five: corneal
• Class six: loss of vision due
to optic nerve involvement
Tanda-tanda mata pada tirotoksikosis :
Joffroy’s sign : kening tidak berkerut bila pasien
disuruh mengikuti gerakan tangan
pemeriksa dari bawah ke atas
Von Graefe : penutupan palpebra lambat bila pasien
disuruh mengikuti gerakan tangan
pemeriksa dari atas ke bawah
Mobius : kedua bola mata tidak bisa
konvergensi bila pasien disuruh
menatap jari tangan pemeriksa
Stellwag : mata jarang berkedip bila pasien
menatap kedepan
Dalrymple : retraksi kelopak mata atas
Rosenbach : tremor bola mata bila mata ditutup

• Endocrine Testing
– Total T4: 5-10% will be normal
– Total T3: 30% will be normal
– Free T4: false negative with NTI and
– fT4 better
– T3 supression
– TRH stimulation and TSH response
Gejala :
Sesak kalau bekerja………..+3 Keringat banyak……………….+3
Palpitasi……………………….+2 Selera makan bertambah…...+3
Lelah (tiredness )…………...+2 Selera makan berkurang……...-3
Suka suasana panas……….. -5 Berat badan menurun….……..+3
Suka suasana sejuk…………+5 Berat badan meningkat….…….-3
Suka panas/dingin…………....0 Cemas (nervousness)………...+2
Kelainan klinis : Ada Tak ada
Kelenjar tiroid teraba +3 -3
Bruit di atas tiroid +2 -2
Exoptalmus +2 0
Retraksi kelopak mata +2 0
Lid lag +1 0
Gerakan berlebih +4 -2
Tremor halus jari-jari +1 0
Tangan (telapak) panas +2 -2
Tangan (telapak) lembab +1 -1
Tanda :
Ada kacau serambi ………………………..+4
Teratur kurang dari 80x/menit …………………………-3
Teratur 80-90xd/menit ………………………… 0
Teratur > 90x/menit …………………………+3

Penilaian :
Skor  +19 ( tirotoksikosis )
Skor +11 smp +18 (kemungkinan tirotoksikosis)
Skor  +10 ( eutiroid )

Umur mulai dikenai 15-24 th 0

25-34 th +4
35-44 th +8
45-54 th +12
55 th dst +16
Pencetus psikologis Dijumpai -5
Tak dijumpai 0
Sering memeriksakan diri Ada -3
Tak pernah 0
Kecemasan hebat Ada -3
Tak ada 0
Selera makan bertambah Ya +5
Tidak 0
Gondok ( goiter ) Ada +3
Tak ada 0
Bising pembuluh tiroid Ada +18
Tak ada 0
Exoptalmus Dijumpai +9
Tak dijumpai 0
Retraksi kelopak mata Dijumpai +2
Tak dijumpai 0
Hiperkinesia Dijumpai +4
Tak dijumpai 0
Tremor halus jari-jari tangan Dijumpai +7
Tak dijumpai 0
Frek denyut nadi radialis >90x/mnt +16
80-90x/mnt +8
< 80x/mnt 0

Penilaian : Skor > 40 (hipertiroid)

Skor +24 smp +39 (meragukan)
Skor -11 smp +23 (eutiroid )
2. Toxic Multinodular Goiter

• More common in places with lower iodine

– Accounts for less than 5% of thyrotoxicosis cases
in iodine-sufficient areas
• Evolution from sporadic diffuse goiter to toxic
multinodular goiter is gradual
• Thyrotropin receptor mutations and TSH
mutations have been found in some patients
with toxic multinodular goiters
• Th/ Surgery or 131I is recommended treatment
Braverman LE, et al. Werner & Ingbar’s The Thyroid. A
Fundamental and Clinical Text. 8th ed. 2000.
Toxic Multinodular Goiter

• MNG is an enlarged thyroid gland containing

multiple nodules
– The thyroid gland becomes more nodular with
increasing age
– In MNG, nodules typically vary in size
– Most MNGs are asymptomatic
• MNG may be toxic or nontoxic
– Toxic MNG occurs when multiple sites of autonomous
nodule hyperfunction develop, resulting in
– Toxic MNG is more common in the elderly
3. Toxic Adenoma

• Autonomously functioning thyroid

nodule hypersecreting T3 and T4
resulting in thyrotoxicosis (Plummer’s
• Almost never malignant
• Manage with antithyroid drugs followed
by either I-131 or surgery
Laboratory Testing in Thyroid
• TSH:
– Pituitary hormone which stimulates thyroid
– May rise transiently in recovery from other illness
• Free T4:
– direct measure of thyroxine activity
– May be transiently suppressed in severe acute
• Free T3: suspect hyperthyroid but normal FT4
• Thyroid peroxidase/thyroperoxidase antibody:
– Anti-TPO
– High levels in Hashimoto’s (95%) & Graves
– TSH receptor stimulating Ab measures activity in
Graves-use in pregnancy

• Radioiodine uptake (RAIU)

• Thyroid Scan
• Ultrasound
• Fine needle Aspiration
Treatment of Hyperthyroidism
1. Antithyroid drugs

2. Surgical resection

3. Radioactive iodine therapy

Braverman LE, et al. Werner & Ingbar’s The Thyroid. A

Fundamental and Clinical Text. 8th ed. 2000.
1. Antithyroid Drug Therapy
• Acute hyperthyroid symptoms
• Goal of therapy:
– Inhibit peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
– Inhibit synthesis and release of T4 and T3
from thyroid gland
• Propylthiouracil (PTU)
• Methimazole
Antithyroid Drug Therapy
• A. PTU:
– Inhibits peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
– Inhibits thyroid hormone synthesis and
release from thyroid gland
• B. Methimazole [generic]:
– Inhibits thyroid hormone synthesis and
release from thyroid gland
- As immunosuppressive : ↓ TSHR-Ab (Stim)
- Inhibits peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
- Inhibits thyroid hormone synthesis and release
from thyroid gland

Methimazol :
Inhibits thyroid hormone synthesis and release
from thyroid gland
Side Effects of PTU

- Allergy ( rash )  5%  antihistamine

- Agranulositosis 0,5% ( nasopharingitis,
fever, leucopenia, ↑ granulocyte ) 
* stop antithyroid drugs
* antibiotic
* shift to other antithyroid therapy
- Cholestatic jaundice
- Angioneurotic oedema
- Hepatocelluler toxicity
- Acute artralgia
Choice of Antithyroid Drugs
Started with large divided dose → when patient
become clinically euthyroid → maintenance
therapy with lower single morning dose.

• MMI : 5 & 10 mg
• Need < tablet MMI • PTU : 50 mg /tablet
• Initial dose : 20-40 • Need > tablet PTU
mg/day • Initial dose : 100/day
• Almost patients : • Devided dose
– Once daily
– Small dose
• C. Beta-blocker therapy:
– Ameliorates tachycardia, sweating,
tremor, nervousness, HT, AF
– ↓ T3 concentration in serum
– Propanolol:
* starting dose 10-40 mg PO q6h
* can be give 20-80 mg every 6-8
– Caution in patients with :
* bronchospasm
Total Block Therapy

• Methimazole untill euthyroid ( 3-6 months ) 

then added levothyroxine 0,1 mg/day  than
continue methimazole 10 mg/day + levothyroxine
0,1 mg/day 12-24 months  then stop
methimazole at that time or if the size of the
gland is return to normal

• Aim : to prevent the development of hypothyroid

• But incidence of relaps is about the same as after

treatment with methimazole alone.
Sustain Remission

May be predicted in about 80 % of treated

patient in the following circumstance :
• if the thyroid gland returns to normal size
• if the disease can be controlled with a
relative low dose of antithyroid drugs
• if THSR-Ab ( stim) is no longer detectable
in serum
2. Subtotal Thyroidectomy

• Surgical complications:
– Vocal cord paralysis (1%)
– Hypothyroidism (up to 43% after 10 years)
– Hypoparathyroidism
– Recurrence of hyperthyroidism (10-15%)
3. Radioactive Iodine 131[I]

• Treatment of choice in patients > 21
years old with Graves’ Disease
• Treatment of choice in patients < 21
years old without remission after
antithyroid drug therapy
• Treatment of choice in patients with
toxic multinodular goiter or toxic thyroid
Radioactive Iodine Ablation (cont’)

• Single dose of 131[I] orally

• 80% euthyroid after single dose
• > 50% of patients will develop
– Assay TSH every 3 months after therapy
Radioactive Iodine Ablation (Cont’)

• Levothyroxine therapy when patient

becomes hypothyroid
• Life-long Levothyroxine therapy
• RIA contraindicated in pregnancy,
lactation, iodine allergy
– Screen pre-menopausal women for
pregnancy prior to treatment

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