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Diplomatic Power
2. Military Power
3. Power of Appointment
4. Power of Removal
5. Executive Power
6. Power of Control
7. Pardoning Power
8. Borrowing Power
9. Budgeting Power
10. Informing Power
11. Residual Power / other
• Diplomatic Power (Foreign Affairs
Powers) (sec. 21) – No treaty of
International agreement shall be
valid and effective unless concurred
in by at least 2/3 of all the Members
of the Senate. The power to ratify is
vested in the President, subject to
the concurrence of the Senate.
• Military Power (Commander-in-
Chief) (sec. 18)– To call out the
Armed Forces of the Philippines to
prevent or suppress lawless
violence, invasion or rebellion
(whether it becomes necessary) to
meet the emergency situation
• Power of Appointment – the president shall
nominate and with the consent of the
Commission on Appointment, appoint the
heads of the Executive Departments,
ambassadors, public ministers and consul, or
officers of the armed forces of the Philippines
from the rank of colonel or naval captain and
other officers whose appointments are
vested in him in 1987 Philippine Constitution.
• Power of Removal (sec. 16)– General Rule:
this power is implied from the power to
Exception – those appointed by the
President where the Constitution
prescribes certain methods for separation
from public service.
Independently and Understand the full Understands the Guidance from the
accurately content of the task content of the task teacher was needed
Accuracy of understands the full with the help of the with the help of the though the whole
Content content of the task. teacher. teacher. activity

The output was The output was The output was The output was
neatly & creatively neatly done but with neatly/creatively unpleasant with
Quality and done and reported no creativity and done and reported errors and mistakes
delivery of with confidence. reported with with minimal errors
Output confidence & mistakes

All members 1 member did not 2 or 3 members did No cooperation was

Cooperation cooperated in the cooperate in the task not help in the task observed
Finish the task on Finish the task on Finish the task 30 Finish the task a
Timeliness time before the time seconds after the minute after the time
given time time
(Paint me a picture)
1. President has the
power to appoint his
Cabinet Secretary
2. As commander in –
chief the president has
the power to direct the
armed forces of the
3. The president is
the spokesperson of
the external affairs
of the country.
4. The president has the
power to remove
appointed non-career
service officials from
their office.
5.With great power
comes smaller
 Research on the powers of the
Philippine President;
1.Executive Power
2.Power of Control
3.Pardoning of Power
4.Borrowing Power
5.Budgetting Power
6.Informing Power
7.Residual Power/other power

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