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Lecture 2.

Maxwell Equations in Matter:
When we have electric or magnetic polarization of matter
then we have the bound charges and currents.

The volume charge density and current density are:

----------(1) Electric Polarization

Now in case of non-static we have the flow of polarization
charge which is known as bound charge and this give rise
to Polarization current and is given as

Note that this polarization current is different from the
bound current density as latter is due to magnetization


Which is continuity eqn for the polarization of current

Now total charge density is written as sum of free charge
density and bound charge density

And total current density is written as sum of three terms

--------- (6)

Now applying the Gauss’s Law, we get, using (5)

1st Maxwell Eqn in Matter

Where Displacement vector,
Now from Ampere’s modified Law we have


Now using eqn (6), we get


Above eqn further can be written as

4th Maxwell Eqn in matter
Four Maxwell Eqns in Matter
Few Relations

Displacement current
Wave Equations for Electric and Magnetic fields

We start with following Maxwell Eqns in space

where no charge or current is,

Note that above four eqns are coupled 1st order

Partial differential eqns.
Now we will decouple these. It means we write an
eqn for E.F. which will not involve M.F. and an eqn
for M.F. Which will not involve E.F.

For this I will apply the curl to Eqn (iii) and (iv).
Applying curl to Eqn (iii), we have


Where eqn (iv) is used

Applying curl to Eqn (iv), we have

Where eqn (iii) is used
Now using eqns,
in equation (1) and (2) , we get


Qbove eqn give us the wave eqn for E and B which

Are 2nd order partial differential eqns. Thus
we have now separate eqns for E and B
In general above equations look like

Where v is the propagation speed for

electromagnetic waves in vacuum

Note that speed is same as that of light in vacuum

Electromagnetic waves are transverse in
nature i.e. E and B vectors are perpendicular to
each other and also perpendicular to the
direction of propagation.

Exercise: Find the expressions for

electromagnetic waves in conducting medium.

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