02 Fundamentals of Rock Properties

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Important Issues on

Reservoir Rock Properties

In Conjunction with
Production Optimization

Prof. Ir. Tutuka Ariadji, M.Sc, Ph.D


+ = Total Porosity

Interconnected Isolated
Porosity Porosity
Particle Grain Shape Affecting Porosity
Particle Packing Arrangement Affecting Porosity
Particle Size Distribution Affecting Porosity
Grain Size Classification
Clay and Cement affect
Porosity and Permeability
Pengaruh Sementasi dan Susunan Butiran
terhadap Porositas
Pengaruh Kompaksi terhadap
Litologi Rentang
Porositas (%)
Unconsolidated 35-45
‘Reservoir’ 15-35
Compact 5-15
Shales 0-45
Clays 0-45
Massive Limestones 5-10
Vuggy Limestones 10-40
Dolomite 10-30
Chalk 5-40
Granite <1
Basalt < 0.5
Conglomerate 1-15

Q L
A  P1  P2 
Kualitas Nilai Permeabilitas
Sangat Rendah k < 1mD
Rendah 1mD< k < 10 mD
Fair 10 mD < k < 50 mD
Rata-rata 50 mD < k < 200 mD
Baik 200 mD < k < 500 mD
Excellent k > 500 mD

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