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Communication Skills

The Seven C’s for

Effective Communication
 Concrete communication implies being
particular and clear rather than fuzzy and
 Concreteness strengthens the confidence.
 Concrete message has following features:
 It is supported with specific facts and figures.
 It makes use of words that are clear and that
build the reputation.
 Concrete messages are not misinterpreted
 Put actions in your verbs.
 Use precise statements instead of
vague words.
 For example
 Instead of writing;
 Student’s GMAT scores are higher
 It should be written;
 In 1996 the GMAT scores averaged 600; by
1997 they had risen to 610.
 Put actions in your verbs.
 Use active voice.
 Use action in verbs, Not in nouns.
 Choose vivid, image-building
 Use impressive and appealing words.
Active & Passive Voices
Passive: The memo was sent by the manager.
Active: The manager sent the memo.

Active: I write a letter.

Passive: A letter is written by me.
Benefits of Concreteness
 Concreteness reinforces confidence.
 It is supported with specific facts
and figures.
 It makes use of words that are clear
and that build the reputation.
 It creates positive and pleasant
affect on reader
 Clarity demands the simple language and easy
sentence structure in composing the messages.
 Clarity implies emphasizing on a specific goal or
objective at a time, rather than trying to move
away from track
 Clarity comes with the use of exact, appropriate
and concrete words.
 While Composing the Clarity in message we have
to bear following points in our mind.
 Choose precise, concrete, and familiar words
 Construct effective sentence and paragraphs.
 Choose Precise, concrete and familiar
 Use Simple & famous words.
 Write your purpose clearly.
Familiar Words Pretentious Words
After Subsequent
Home Domicile
For example E.g.
Pay Remuneration
Invoice Statement of payment
 Construct effective sentences and
 Length (Sentence <40 words)
 Unity (One main idea in one paragraph)
 Logic ( Say clearly)
 Emphasis (Choose correct sentence to focus
on it)
Benefits of Clarity

 It makes comprehension easier

 Complete clarity of thoughts and ideas
enhances the meaning of the message.
 It will make use of exact, appropriate and
concrete words.
 Doing well with good intentions is called
 Courtesy means being polite, kind,
judicious, enthusiastic and convincing.
 Courtesy reflects the nature and character
of the sender.
 Courtesy in message implies the
message should show the sender’s
expression as well as respect for the
 Here are the following suggestions for
generating a courteous tone.
 Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and
 Use expressions that show respect.
 Choose non discriminatory expressions.
 Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and

Tactless Tactful
Stupid letter; I Its my
cant understand understanding……
any of it.
Sometimes my
Clearly, you did wording is not precise;
not read my latest let me try again
 Use expression that show respect.
 Avoid irritating expressions.
 Avoid using questionable humor.

 Use non-discriminatory expressions.

 Use language for all kind of people.
Benefits of Clarity
 Courtesy creates goodwill.
 Courtesy strengthen relations.
 Courteous message is positive and
focused at the receiver/audience.
 It makes use of terms showing respect
for the receiver of message.
 It is not at all biased
 Correctness means “sentence ought to be
properly grammatical, punctuated, and well
spelled” or free from any sort of errors
 Correctness in the communication implies
that the correct information is conveyed
through message.
 The encoder should know the status,
knowledge and educational background of
the decoder
 Correct message has following features:
 Use the right level of language.
 Check the accuracy of figures, facts and words.
 Use the right level of language.

More Formal Less Formal

Participate Join
Procure Get
Endeavor Try
Ascertain Find out
utilize Use
 Check the accuracy of figures,
facts and words.
 Verify your numerical data
 Double check your totals
 Ask someone else to read you
Benefits of Correctness
 Correctness in the message helps in
building confidence
 Correct message has greater impact on
the audience/ readers.
 It checks for the precision and
accurateness of facts and figures used in
the message.
 It makes use of appropriate and correct
language in the message.

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