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Private Pilot License


• The atmosphere
• Heating process in the
• Atmospheric pressure
• The general circulation pattern
• Pressure system
• Wind • Clouds
• Local winds • Precipitation
• Atmospheric stability • Fog and Mist
• Temperature inversions • Thunderstorms
• Air masses and Fronts
•Tropical Cyclones
• Meteorological services
What is Atmosphere?
• is a mixture of gases, Nitrogen
and Oxygen
• Nitrogen 78.1%
• Oxygen 20.9%
• Argon 0.9%
• Carbon dioxide, Methane,
Rare (inert) gases0.1%

So, Meteorology is ….
• a study of atmosphere and its
various components and how
they interact.
Vertical Division of the Atmosphere
• The troposphere is the first
layer above the surface and
contains half of the Earth's
atmosphere. Weather occurs
in this layer.

• From sea level to 20,000 feet

over the poles and up to • At the top of troposphere is a
48,000 feet at the equator. boundary known as
• Jetstream and clear air
turbulence is located in this
• The atmospheric level
above the tropopause is
known as stratosphere.

• It extends up to 160,000

• Many jet aircrafts fly in the

stratosphere because it is • At the top of stratosphere is
very stable. Also, the a boundary known as
ozone layer absorbs stratopause.
harmful rays from the Sun.
• Directly above the
stratosphere is the area
called mesosphere.

• It extends up to the
mesopause boundary at
about 280,000 feet.

• Meteors or rock fragments

burn up in the mesosphere.
• After mesosphere, is
the another layer
called thermosphere.

• The thermosphere is
a layer with auroras. It
is also where the
space shuttle orbits.
Temperatures in the atmosphere
Heating Processes in the Atmosphere
• Radiation
• Solar
• Terrestrial

• Seasons
• Winter
• Spring
• Summer
• Autumn
• Nature of surface  Water

 Land

• can be very hot during

the day • Water temperature
• can cool down at night doesn’t vary that much
whether day or night.
• This phenomenon is related to specific heat.
• The ability of an object to heat up, cool
down or retain heat.
• Color of surface

• Dark object tends to absorb more

of the sun’s rays resulting in more

• Light objects reflects most of the sun’s

rays back to the atmosphere with very
little effect on the surface.
Effect of Variable Heating

• It creates convection currents,

an important method of heat

• Hot air expanding becomes

lighter and rises. This is an
example of convection.

• Cool air from the sea moving

to replace the air that has
risen. We call this as sea
breeze which is an example of
Other factors affecting Variable
• Clouds
 It diffuses solar radiation.

• Wind
 Its mixing effect affects
different air masses.

• Coastal Proximity
 Temperature in areas near
coastline tend to be less
Atmospheric Pressure
• Gas molecules in the atmosphere
are constantly moving.
• They exert a force on the object they
hit. This force is called atmospheric
• To measure such pressure, a
barometer is used.
Effect of Altitude on Atmospheric
• ISA Temperature: • ISA Pressure:
 15°C at MSL, decreasing  1013.25hPa, decreasing at
at 2°C/ 1000 feet 1hPa/ 30 feet
• Aircraft Performance

• If air is thin, more speed is required to obtain enough

lift for takeoff, therefore takeoff roll is longer.
• At higher altitudes, due to the decreased density of
air, aircraft engines and propellers are less efficient.
Atmospheric Circulation
• Atmospheric circulation is the movement of air around the surface
of the earth.

• The Earth is curve, tilted, rotating and orbiting around the sun
thus affecting the amount of heat striking the surface.
• In theory, areas of low pressure exist over the equatorial regions
while high pressure exist over the polar regions.
• Solar heating causes air to become less
dense and rise in the equatorial region.
• As the warm air flows towards the poles, it
cools, becoming more dense, and sinks
back to the surface. This movement is
known as Subsidence.
• The circulation of air is modified by several
factors one of which is the rotation of the
earth. The force created by the earth’s
rotation is called Coriolis force.
• The Coriolis force deflects air to the right in
the Northern Hemisphere.
• The amount of deflection differs depending
on the latitude.
• The magnitude of the force depends also
on the speed. The faster the speed, the
greater deviation.
• The speed of the Earth’s rotation causes
the flow to break into 3 distinct cells in each
hemisphere - Hadley cell, Ferrel cell, Polar
Circulation Pattern

• Polar cell

• Ferrel cell

• Hadley cell

• Circulation patterns are further

complicated by seasonal changes,
difference between surfaces of
continents and oceans, and other

• Frictional force caused by the

topography of the Earth’s surface
changes the movement of air in
the atmosphere.
Surface Analysis Chart
Low Pressure Area
• Lows are frequently associated with
stronger winds and atmospheric lift.
This lift will generally produce cloud
cover, due to adiabatic cooling, once
the air becomes saturated as it rises.
• It turns counter clockwise in the
northern hemisphere.

Weather associated with LPA:

• The rising air in a low will cool and
cloud will tend to form.
• Depending on the stability of air,
large CU, CB or NS cloud will form.
• Rain or heavy showers.
• Turbulence
• Good visibility
High Pressure Area
• High pressure area is a region where the
atmospheric pressure is greater than the
surrounding area. In some countries, these
regions may be referred to as anti-
• Highs are frequently associated with light
winds and subsidence. Subsidence will
generally evaporate most cloud droplets
after less than 500 meters, due to adiabatic

Weather associated with HPA:

• The subsiding air in a low is stable.
• As air descends and warms, any cloud
tends to disperse.
• Poor visibility due to stable atmosphere.
Fine weather but hazy.
• It is a region between two HPAs and two
• It is an area of almost constant pressure
with isobars bending away from the center.

Weather associated with Col:

• The wind is typically light and variable.
• Fog is possible (during winter) and high
temperature (in summer).
• Weather generally is unpredictable.
• It is the flow of air in horizontal motion due to
the difference in pressure between two joining
air masses.
• On a MSL Synoptic Chart, the isobars, which
joins lines of equal pressures, indicate both
wind speed and direction.
• If the isobars are close together, wind is
strong. And the further apart the isobars the
weaker the wind.
Local winds
Sea Breeze (A)
• It is a wind from the sea that develops over
land near coasts.
• It is formed by increasing temperature
differences between the land and water
which create a pressure minimum over the
land due to its relative warmth and forces
higher pressure, cooler air from the sea to
move inland.

Land Breeze (B)

• It occurs exactly opposite reason to sea
• At night, the land cools more quickly than
the sea.
• The result is that the flow of air is now from
the land out to the sea.
• Land breeze are strongest during the early
hours of the morning.
Katabatic wind
• It is a wind that blows down a
mountain slope during the night and in
the early morning when the land loses
heat by radiation.
• The land then cools the air in contact
with it and on a slope the dense air
mass “slides” down the slope under
the influence of gravity.

The katabatic wind speed depends on:

• The size and steepness of the
• How cloudy the sky is
• Surface friction
• Length of the night

Anabatic wind
• The opposite of katabatic wind.
• This less dense air flow up the slope.
Mountain waves
• When a wind flows towards a mountain
producing a series of standing waves.
• They are periodic changes of
atmospheric pressure, temperature and
orthometric height in a current of air
caused by vertical displacement.
• They can also be caused by the surface
wind blowing over an plateau or even by
upper winds deflected over a thermal
updraft or cloud street.
Wind Shear
• Refers to the variation of wind over
either horizontal or vertical distances,
the difference in wind speed and
direction over a relatively short
distance in the atmosphere.
• An additional hazard of turbulence is
often associated with wind shear.
• It is commonly observed near
microburst and downburst caused by
thunderstorms, weather fronts, areas
of locally higher low level winds
referred to as low level jets, near
mountains, radiation inversions that
occur due to clear skies and calm
winds, buildings, wind turbines, and
Wake Turbulence
• The turbulence that is formed behind
an aircraft as it passes through the
air. This turbulence includes various
components, the most important of
which are wingtip vortices and
• These vortices’ are at its greatest
strength when the aircraft generating
is heavy, clean, and slow.
• Wake turbulence is especially
hazardous during the landing and
takeoff phases of flight.
• Wake turbulence generation begins
at rotation and ends at touchdown.
Atmospheric Stability
• As a parcel of air rises the pressure around it
reduces. Therefore as is rises, it will expand and it
will cool. The air is said to be cooling adiabatically.
• Adiabatic means a change in temperature not due to
heat transfer but a change in pressure around its
• The lapse rate is the change of atmospheric
temperature with height.
• Environmental Lapse Rate
• Adiabatic Lapse Rate
Environmental Lapse Rate
• Refers to the actual change of temperature
with altitude for the stationary atmosphere.
• The ELR at a given place varies from day to
day and even during each day.
• As an average, the ICAO defines an ISA with
a temperature lapse rate of 1.98 °C/1,000 ft
from sea level to 11 km (36,090 ft).

Adiabatic Lapse Rate

• When unsaturated air cool adiabatically at
approximately 3°C/ 100 feet, this is known as
Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate (DALR).

• When saturated air in a form of water vapor

changes to liquid, it gives off latent heat, it
slows down the adiabatic cooling process.
The air cools at a slower rate, this is called
Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate (SALR) at
approximately 1.5°C/ 1000 feet.
Atmospheric Stability
• Atmospheric stability is the air’s resistance to any
disturbing effect.
• The ability to resist the narrowing of the spread
between air temperature and dewpoint.

• The lapse rate determines the atmosphere's

resistance to vertical motion, or stability.
• If the lapse rate equals the DALR then there is
no resistance to vertical motion.
• If the lapse rate is larger, or "more stable" the
atmosphere resists vertical motion.
• An atmosphere in which the lapse rate is smaller
(more negative) than the DALR is "unstable" and
tends to spontaneously mix.
• The only region of the atmosphere which is
generally unstable is the layer immediately
above heated ground, in which thermals form.
Temperature Inversion
• It is a deviation from the normal change of
an atmospheric property with altitude (an
increase in temperature with height).
• When there is an inversion, it indicates a
very stable atmosphere.
Types of Inversion
Radiation Inversion
• Occurs after an overnight cooling of the
ground which in turn cools the lowest
layer of the atmosphere.

Subsidence Inversion
• Usually occurs when different density of
air in the atmosphere subside more
causing some adiabatic warming.
• When a warm layer of air overlying
colder air occurs about 4000 to 6000
feet above the earth’s surface,
inversion sets in.

Frontal Inversion
• Movement of a cold front results in cold
dense air forcing warmer air aloft.
• A cloud is a visible mass of droplets or frozen
crystals floating in the atmosphere above the
surface of the earth.
• All clouds are divided into 3 groups based on
the height of their base.

High Clouds
• Usually forms above 20,000 feet AGL and
form only in stable air.
• They are made of ice crystals and pose
no real threat of turbulence or airframe
• Typical high clouds are cirrus, cirrostratus,
and cirrocumulus.
Mid-level Clouds
• Usually forms between 6,500 feet AGL and
extends up to 20,000 feet AGL.
• They are composed of water, ice crystals, and
super-cooled water droplets.
• Typical middle-level clouds include altostratus
and altocumulus.
• Altostratus clouds can produce turbulence and
may contain moderate icing.
• Altocumulus clouds, which usually form when
altostratus clouds are breaking apart, also may
contain light turbulence and icing.

Low Clouds
• Low clouds are those that form near the Earth’s
surface and extend up to 6,500 feet AGL.
• They are made primarily of water droplets, but can
include super-cooled water droplets that induce
hazardous aircraft icing.
• Typical low clouds are stratus, stratocumulus, and
Basic cloud types
Precipitation from clouds
• Consist of very small water droplets. Hail
This type of precipitation is • Usually occurs from large towering
associated with stratus clouds. cumulus and cumulonimbus type of
• Large water droplets coming from
nimbostratus cloud. Also varying Snow
degrees from stratocumulus and • Occurs when star shaped ice
altostratus clouds. crystals develop within a cloud
before falling. This is most
Showers commonly seen from the stratus
• Occurs as a sudden start and group of clouds.
stopping of precipitation with clear
breaks in between. These fall with Virga
varying degrees of intensity from • This doesn’t reach the ground, so its
cumulus, cumulonimbus and not really precipitation. The rain falls
altocumulus type of clouds. from the base of a cloud but
evaporates before it reaches the
Fog and Mist
• Fog is a form of stratus cloud at low level
with the horizontal visibility down to below
1000 meters.
• If the visibility is 1000 meters or more,
then it is known as mist.
• Basically fog forms by the same method
as cloud. Fog types are categorized
according to how they form.
• Fog is one of the most frequent causes of
low visibility at airports and as such is a
significant hazard to aviation.
• Fog forms when the difference between
temperature and dew point is generally
less than 2.5°C.
Radiation fog
• is formed by the cooling of land after sunset
by thermal radiation in calm conditions with
clear sky.
• The cool ground produces condensation in
the nearby air by heat conduction.
• Radiation fogs occur at night, and usually
do not last long after sunrise.

Advection fog
• Occurs when moist air passes over a cool
surface by advection (wind) and is cooled.
• Wind is required to form advection fog.
• Winds of up to 15 knots allow the fog to
form and intensify; above a speed of 15
knots, the fog usually lifts and forms low
stratus clouds.
• Advection fog is common in coastal areas
where sea breezes can blow the air over
cooler landmasses.
Steam fog
• Forms when cold, dry air moves over
warm water. As the water evaporates,
it rises and resembles smoke.
• This type of fog is common over bodies
of water during the coldest times of the
• Low-level turbulence and icing are
commonly associated with steam fog.
• It often causes freezing fog, or
sometimes hoar frost.

Dispersal of fog
• Sun light to warm up the earth’s
• An increase in wind strength.
• Thunderstorm is a form of weather
characterized by the presence of
lightning and thunder.
• It is a cumulus cloud that has grown
into a cumulonimbus.
• For a thunderstorm to develop, it
needs the following:
 An unstable atmosphere
 Abundant moisture to feed
the cloud.
 A trigger to start the air rising.
Thunderstorm can be defined by the trigger that
starts the air rising:
• Convective storms are caused by surface
heating over land in summer.
• Frontal storms are caused by cold front
forcing warmer air upwards.
• Orographic storms are started by air rising
over a mountain.
• Nocturnal storms occur over the ocean at
night and are caused by cooling at the top of
a large cumulus cloud.
Life cycle of a thunderstorm

Cumulus stage is Dissipating stage last stage

characterized by warm, of an active thunderstorm.
Mature stage is
strong updrafts which may Both updrafts and downdrafts
characterized by both
be as fast as 4000 feet per mix weakens leaving a
updrafts and downdrafts,
minute. No precipitation at continuous rain until the cloud
extremely turbulent.
this stage. is empty.
Lightning and rain begins
at this stage.
Air mass and Fronts
Air mass
• Is a large volume of air that have
characteristics of temperature and
water vapor content.
• Air masses cover many hundreds or
thousands of square miles, and
slowly change in accordance with the
surface below them.
• They have continental and maritime
source regions, with different
temperature and moisture

• Tropical maritime form over • Polar maritime forms over a
warm tropical waters and bring polar region and brings cool,
warm, moist air. dry air with it.
• Tropical continental • Polar continental
Cold front
• Occurs when a mass of cold, dense, and stable air
advances and replaces a body of warmer air.
• Cold fronts move more rapidly than warm fronts,
progressing at a rate of 25 to 30 m.p.h.
• A typical cold front moves in a manner opposite that of
a warm front; because it is so dense, it stays close to
the ground and acts like a snowplow, sliding under the
warmer air and forcing the less dense air aloft.
Before passage: After passage:
• Prior to the passage of a typical • As the cold front passes, towering
cold front, cirriform or towering cumulus or cumulonimbus clouds
cumulus clouds are present, and continue to dominate the sky.
cumulonimbus clouds are possible. • Depending on the intensity of the
• Rain showers and haze are cold front, heavy rain showers form
possible due to the rapid and might be accompanied by
development of clouds. lightning, thunder, and/or hail.
• The wind from the south-southwest • More severe cold fronts can also
helps to replace the warm produce tornadoes.
temperatures with the relative • During cold front passage, the
colder air. visibility will be poor, with winds
• A high dewpoint and falling variable and gusty, and the
barometric pressure are indicative temperature and dewpoint drop
of imminent cold front passage. rapidly.
• Temperature will fall and barometric
pressure begins to gradually
Warm front
• Occurs when a warm mass of air advances and
replaces a body of colder air.
• Warm fronts move slowly, typically 10 to 25 miles per
hour (m.p.h.).
• The slope of the advancing front slides over the top of
the cooler air and gradually pushes it out of the area.
• Warm fronts contain warm air that often has very high
• As the warm air is lifted, the temperature drops and
condensation occurs.
Before passage: After passage:
• Prior to the passage of a warm • Clouds starts to clear up.
front, cirrus, cirrostratus, altostratus, • Some light rain or showers.
nimbostratus are present. Then
• Temperature starts to warm up
stratus and fog.
while pressure slightly rise.
• Heavy continuous rain because of
rising of stable air forming stratiform
clouds or NS.
• Wind from the south-southeast.
• Cool temperature and steadily
falling barometric pressure are
indicative of warm front passage.
• Poor visibility.
Tropical Cyclone
• Cyclones are intense low pressure
systems that develop in tropical oceans.
• The main difference between cyclones
and other depressions is the destructive
winds which can reach speeds of up to
150 knots.
• The main characteristics are:
 They form between about 5 and 15
latitude N.
 They form over water whose
temperature is about 28C or warmer.
 The lowest surface pressure is in the
 The strongest winds are around the
Cyclone formation and track
Meteorological Services
Aerodrome Forecasts (TAF)
• A Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) refers to the forecast conditions
within a 5 NM radius of the center of an aerodrome or runway complex.

New format (TAF)

Weather codes and translation
(TAF) samples
TAF VHHH 171100Z 1712/1818 15010KT 8000 FEW025 TX27/1807Z
TN19/1723Z BECMG 1715/1717 VRB05KT TEMPO 1718/1806 3000 HZ BR
BECMG 1802/1804 29010KT BECMG 1809/1811 12005KT

TAF AMD YPJT 171043Z 1712/1806
FM171700 21005KT 9999 SCT015
FM180200 21013KT 9999 SCT030
PROB30 1719/1724 0300 FOG
T 19 18 16 15 Q 1015 1015 1015 1016

TAF AMD YPPH 171040Z 1712/1818
FM171700 21005KT 9999 SCT015
FM180200 21013KT 9999 SCT030
PROB30 1719/1724 0300 FOG
T 21 18 16 15 Q 1014 1014 1014 1015
Aerodrome Weather Reports (METAR)
• A Aerodrome Weather Report (METAR) is a report of an actual observation
of weather conditions.


VHHH 171100Z 1712/1818 15010KT 8000 FEW025 TX27/1807Z TN19/1723Z
BECMG 1715/1717 VRB05KT TEMPO 1718/1806 3000 HZ BR
BECMG 1802/1804 29010KT BECMG 1809/1811 12005KT
VHHH 171600Z 11006KT 060V160 9999 FEW015 23/18 Q1013 NOSIG

WSSS 171100Z 1712/1818 VRB05KT 9999 FEW018CB SCT020
WSSS 171630Z VRB01KT 9999 FEW018 BKN300 27/25 Q1010 NOSIG

RPLL 171100Z 1712/1812 12008KT 9999 SCT025 SCT100 TX31/1806Z TN24/1721Z
TEMPO 1712/1718 10005KT 8000 -RA SCT023 BKN090
RPLL 171600Z 12006KT 8000 SCT023 BKN100 26/25 Q1012 NOSIG RMK A2989

RPVM 171100Z 1712/1812 04008KT 9999 FEW020 SCT100 BKN250
TEMPO 1712/1718 02006KT 9000 FEW018CB FEW020 BKN090
RPVM 171600Z 34004KT 9999 FEW020 BKN300 25/23 Q1011 A2985
Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS)
• Is a continuous broadcast of recorded ATIS YPPH K 171616
non-control information in busier terminal + APCH:
areas. RWY: 21 AND 24 FOR ARR.
• ATIS broadcasts contain essential OPR INFO: TWY LIMA 2 AND
information, such as weather information, CHARLIE 3, NOT AVBL DUE WIP.
which runways are active, available DEP FREQ 118.7
WND: 230/8
approaches, and any other information VIS: GREATER THAN 10 KM
required by the pilots, such as important CLD: SCT035
QNH: 1015
• Pilots usually listen to an available ATIS
broadcast before contacting the local
control unit, in order to reduce the ATIS YMML W 171616
controllers' workload and relieve RWY 16 FOR ARRS.
frequency congestion. RWY 27 FOR DEPS
WND: 200/6
• The recording is updated when there is a VIS: GREATER THAN 10 KM
significant change in the information, like CLD: BKN022
a change in the active runway. It is given TMP: 13
QNH: 1018
a letter designation (e.g. bravo), from the
phonetic alphabet.
- END -
• When the bicyclist runs over the nail, the air, having a higher pressure than
the outside air, will rush out. The air does work against the atmosphere as
it rushes out from the tire. In doing this work of displacing the outside air,
the air from the tire must use some energy. That energy comes from the
kinetic molecular energy. The kinetic energy of the molecules from the tire
slows and the temperature falls.

• No heat has been added or removed from the system yet the expanding air
This process is called Adiabatic Cooling. It is also called Expansion

• This process is reversible.

• If we took a pump to compress the air, as we would if we were filling the tire,
then the energy used to compress the air is used to increase the kinetic
energy of the molecules. Compression warms the air.
This process is called Adiabatic Warming.
Example 1
• if we raise a parcel of air from ground level to
100 meters in height, the temperature will
decrease by 1°C. The parcel cools at a rate of
1°C per 100 m or 10°C per km.
• The parcel expanded and did work on its
• Now, bring the parcel back down to the
surface. The environment did work on the
This is an adiabatic process and is reversible.
Example 2:

• If we use a moist parcel of air (RH = 100%)

• The rising air cooled and produced condensation. The
condensation released latent heat so the rising parcel
does not cool as rapidly with height as a dry parcel.
• Parcel cools only 0.6°C per 100 m (on average).
• Moist adiabatic lapse rate = 0.6°C per 100 m.
Remember -- This is an average lapse rate. The actual
one varies!!!
• If the moisture falls out of the parcel as rain, the
process is not reversible.
Reversible only if no moisture has been removed!
If we (somehow) lift the parcel: It will cool at the dry adiabatic lapse rate. The parcel
will find itself cooler than the environmental (sounding) temperature. At the same
pressure, a cooler parcel will be denser than the environment. Being denser, the
parcel will descend back to where it came from.

If we (somehow) lift the parcel: It will cool at the dry adiabatic lapse rate.
The parcel will find itself warmer than the environmental (sounding) temperature.
At the same pressure, a warmer parcel will be less dense than the environment.
Being less dense, the parcel will ascend and move farther from where it came from.
If we (somehow) lift the parcel: It will cool at the dry adiabatic lapse rate.
The parcel will find itself at the same temperature than the environmental (sounding)
Being the same density, the parcel will not be accelerated in any direction and will remain
where it is.

NEUTRAL STABILITY! -- Dry Neutral, or Conditional Instability

What triggers the rising air?

• Convection
What triggers the rising air?
• Frontal Lifting
What triggers the rising air?
• Orographic lifting
What triggers the rising air?
• Converging surface winds
Vertical Cross Section View
Stretching Process
• Vertical
stretching (like
by a strong
updraft) also
Splitting Process
Right-Moving Supercell
Storm Tilt
• Vertical wind shear
and buoyancy
gradients across the
cloud act to tilt the
convective tower in
the downshear
direction. For a
given amount of
shear, a stronger,
updraft will not tilt as
much as a weaker
updraft simply
because its vertical
momentum is
Right-Moving Supercell
Additional Effect
Temperature Inversions
• What is an inversion?
• An inversion is a stable zone in the atmosphere.
Inversions that are weak may only last a day
while strong inversions can stay around for
multiple days until the weather changes. During
a strong inversion, pollution is trapped under this
“cap”, preventing exhaust like carbon monoxide
from vehicles and wood stoves to mix or rise up
in the atmosphere.
Temperature Inversions
Change of state
• Evaporation is the process by which
molecules in a liquid state (e.g. water)
spontaneously becomes a gas (e.g. water
vapor), without being heated to the boiling
point. It is the opposite of condensation.
Generally, this manifests as the gradual
disappearance of the liquid, when exposed
to a significant volume of gas.
Change of state
• Condensation is the change in matter of
a substance to a denser phase, such as a
gas (or vapor) to a liquid.[1] Condensation
commonly occurs when a vapor is cooled
to a liquid, but can also occur if a vapor is
compressed (i.e., pressure on it increased)
into a liquid, or undergoes a combination
of cooling and compression.
Change of state
– Sublimation of an element or compound is the
change from a solid directly to a gas with no
intermediate liquid stage
– Deposition is a process in which gas transforms into
solid. The reverse of deposition is sublimation.
• One example of deposition is the process by
which, in sub-freezing air, water vapor changes
directly to ice without first becoming a liquid.
This is how snow forms in clouds, as well as
frost and hoar frost on the ground.
• Humidity is the amount of water vapor in air. Absolute
humidity, relative humidity, and specific humidity are
different ways to express the water content in a parcel of
air. Relative humidity is the most frequently used of
these expressions because of its importance in weather
• Relative Humidity is a term used to describe the
amount of water vapor that exists in a gaseous mixture
of air and water, expressed as a percentage of the
maximum amount of water vapor that could be present if
the vapor were at its saturation conditions
• Dewpoint- “dew point” of a given parcel of air is the
temperature to which the parcel must be cooled, at
constant barometric pressure, for water vapor to
condense into water, called dew.
• Cloud bases
– Unsaturated air 5.4 ºF/ 1000ft.
– Dewpoint Temperature cools 1ºF/1000ft
– 4.5ºF/1000ft Converge

Temperature (ºF) – Dewpoint (ºF) x 1000ft

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