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Common challenges in middle
and late adolescence
Male-Female Sexual :
• teens are dating earlier than in the past generations
• Earlier dater are more likely to engage in sex but not
always; teens who have close relationships with their
parents are less likely to initiate sex at an early age
• Many teens are engaging in “petting” and do not
consider themselves as having sex unless they
engage in intercourse.
Common challenges in middle
and late adolescence
Sexual relationships
• Emotional difficulties arise because of incorrect or
inadequate information concerning sex. Many
adolescent are made to feel that questions
concerning sex are improper and shameful. Strong
parental attachment usually prevents the adolescent
from making serious commitments to a relationship
since it is difficult for them to entertain the thought of
leaving home. When one decides to have
commitments, he or she likely to look for qualities
similar to those of their parent.
Common challenges in middle
and late adolescence
Peer adjustment
• The peer culture acts as a transition period before
reaching adult status in the community. Developing a
sense of responsibility depends upon the
satisfactions of social skills which enables one to
become acquainted with other young people. Failure
to develop these skills with others can lead to
feelings of inadequacy and indifference.
Common challenges in middle
and late adolescence
Intellectual maturation
• During this period, attitudes are formed, which are
like remain relatively unchanged throughout life.
Ways of thinking are being developed which will lead
to either: healthy problem solving techniques,
expanded intellectual curiosity, and interest; or to
narrow viewpoint; faculty habits and poverty of
Common challenges in middle
and late adolescence
Vocational choice
• Many adolescent make little or no
preparation for an occupation. They take
courses in school which are easy, or which
are required of them; not those that will be
of practical value in later life
Common challenges in middle
and late adolescence
Emotional Maturity
• To achieve emotional maturity, adolescent
must learn to channel his or her impulses
into constructive endeavors. Their actions
should be socially acceptable responses to
the demands of society. They should take
responsibility for their actions without
blaming others
Common challenges in middle
and late adolescence
• Puberty is the point in the development of a
man at which the individual becomes
physically capable of sexual reproduction.
Production of different hormones trigger as
series of physiological changes to both male
and female.
The challenges a Filipino
adolescent faces
 Attitudes and behavior toward sexuality
and sexual relationship
The challenges a Filipino
adolescent faces
 Academic concerns
The challenges a Filipino
adolescent faces
 Group Belongingness
The challenges a Filipino
adolescent faces
 Health and nutrition
The challenges a Filipino
adolescent faces
 Developing or Regaining elf-esteem
The challenges a Filipino
adolescent faces
 Roles
The challenges a Filipino
adolescent faces
 Material poverty
The challenges a Filipino
adolescent faces
 Parents working abroad
The challenges a Filipino
adolescent faces
 Career Choice
The challenges a Filipino
adolescent faces
 Value and beliefs
Other challenges of Middle and
Late adolescence
 Depression
 Self Identity
 Defining Responsibilities
 the state or fact of having a duty to deal
with something or of having control over
 Defining Expectations
 a strong belief that something will
happen or be the case in the future
Developmental stages of Middle
and Late Adolescence
Aspects Middle Adolescence Late Adolescence
(15-18 y/o) (19-21 y/o)
• Physical Most have passed the puberty period.
The main concern in physical and
There is greater acceptance of
their physical appearance.
sexual attractiveness, there is a desire
to look good and to impress others.
Other issues of concern are fashion,
hygiene, and weight

• Identity / S Sense of identity has not yet been

established. Identity crisis is prevalent
The process of discovery
continues in areas such as family,
elf-Concept partly because of confusion brought a relationships, education and
bout the diverse changes in their career

• Emotional Most adolescents are moody, sensitive

, secretive, rebellious, stubborn, and in
They slowly possess the ability
to delay gratification. There is an
behavior consistent. The rebel against increased emotional stability.
requirements and policies.
Developmental stages of Middle
and Late Adolescence
Aspects Middle Adolescence Late Adolescence
(15-18 y/o) (19-21 y/o)
• Social Attitud There is a desire to be recognized, be
liked, and gain success and greatness
They have increased and deeper
capacity for caring others. There i
e in their endeavors (so as to become s an emerging social autonomy a
popular). They love to compete with mong them.
others in school (e.g. debates, games,
and other contests) and even with
siblings in the family.

• Peer R They are eager to make new friends

and friendship is everything to them.
The peer group fades in
importance and is replaced by a
elationship The influence of peers is quite strong few good and trusted friends.
which sometimes leads them to risky
behavior (e.g. smoking, alcohol, sex,
and drugs). They usually emulate the
behavior of their peer groups.

• Family R As adolescents develop closed ties

with their peer groups, the relationship
Conflict with parents often decre
ase with. Family is becoming
elationship with their family deteriorates. influential again.
Developmental stages of Middle
and Late Adolescence
Aspects Middle Adolescence Late Adolescence
(15-18 y/o) (19-21 y/o)

• Romantic Slowly, adolescents begin to be interest

ed in romantic relationships and in
There is a development of more
serious relationships and adolesc
Relationship physical and emotional intimacy. Early ents develop skills for romantic
romantic relationships tend to be short relationships. Serious intimate
duration, usually just a few months. relationships begin to develop.

• Sexual An adolescent begins to have increased

interests about their own sexual attractiv
Females become interested with
moral and physical
Relationship eness. consequences of sexual
relationship while males are not
that concerned.

• Decision- They are prone to making poor decision

s. This can be a problem especially whe
They manifest increased indepen
dence and self – reliance. There t
making n poor decisions lead adolescents to ris he ability to make independent d
Independenc ky behaviors such as the use of alcohol
or drugs
ecisions and to compromise.
Developmental stages of Middle
and Late Adolescence
Aspects Middle Adolescence Late Adolescence
(15-18 y/o) (19-21 y/o)

• Cognitive They develop abstract reasoning skills.

When bombarded with dilemmas and st
They begin to mature cognitively
and intellectually. They have
Developmen ress though, they sometimes regress to improved problem solving skills,
t concrete thinking. Cognitive developme
nt includes having logical thinking skills,
ability to relate various ideas,
and capacity to understand
expansion of verbal abilities, and ability complex issues.
to grasp conventional morality.

• Values/ M They start to develop a sense of values

and begin to be concerned about exhibi
Adolescents develop a more mat
ured understanding of morality a
orality ting ethical behaviors. They begin to de nd justice. They question and ass
velop moral reasoning, honesty, and pro ess the beliefs they acquired duri
- social attitudes such as helping, altruis ng childhood and restructure the
m, volunteerism, and caring for others. se beliefs into personal ideologie
s (e.g. more personally meaningf
ul values, religious views, and bel
ief systems).
Developmental stages of Middle
and Late Adolescence
Aspects Middle Adolescence Late Adolescence
(15-18 y/o) (19-21 y/o)

• Regard for Though beginning to mature cognitively

and ethically, many of them remain to b
They have greater capacity for se
tting goals. Adolescents become
future / e risk takers as they feel that they are in concerned with their future. Ther
Career goals vincible. Many are still hungry for happi
ness and freedom and are carefree and i
e is less participation in risky acti
vities. They start to think about t
rresponsible. Most have poor concept of heir careers and make efforts to
cause and effect, being unable to link, f gather information related to the
or instance, driving while drinking with career path they wish to pursue.
auto accidents, and sexual intercourse w
ith pregnancy or acquiring STD’s. The d
ominant desire to fit in with peers make
it difficult for them to make wise and fu
ture – oriented choices and decisions. B
eing adventurous, they have poor capaci
ty to set clear career goals.
Adolescence need to face various challenges in relation to the
above – mentioned developmental changes. Those in the middl
e adolescence are expected to accomplish the following
challenges and tasks:
1. Creation of stable identity
2. Emotional maturity
3. Establishment of some form of autonomy from parents or family
4. Establishment of a healthy romantic relationship
5. Establishment for a better relationship with parents/family
6. Control of impulsive emotions and establishment of good behavior
7. Improvement of decision – making skills
8. Improvement of personal ethical and value system
9. Establishment of regard for one’s safety via avoidance of participati
on in risky behaviors
10. Consideration of career and future goals
It is in these stages where persons have to make significant
choices and engage in endeavors that would shape their life a
s adults. Hence, those in the late adolescence are expected to
accomplish the following challenges and tasks:

1. Finishing studies
2. Entry to workforce
3. Finding a significant role in society or niche in the world
4. Entering responsible romantic partnership (as preparation
for entering a married life)
5. Preparing to build one’s own family
6. Preparing to become responsible parent
Pitfalls and Challenges to Adolescence
The common pitfalls and challenges that adolescents encount
er, namely, using and abusing drugs, being addicted to compu
ter games, running away from home, being sexually promiscu
ous, becoming a teenage parent, and being depressed and
committing suicide.
1. Depressed mood most of the day
2. Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day
3. Significant weight loss or weight gain, or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every
4. Insomia or hypersomnia nearly every day
5. Psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day
6. Fatigue or less of energy nearly every day
7. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt nearly every day
8. Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day , and
9. Recurrent thoughts of death, recurrent suicidal ideation without specific plan, or suicid
al attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide.
To be able to cope well and make sure to emerge in this topic
victoriously, here are some strategies that may help you do so
• Learn to accept what u feel.
• Identify your vulnerabilities.
• Develop your talents and interests.
• Become more involved with others.
• Seek help when needed.

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