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Rangga | Fajar Nur | Andin | Sona | Larasati

History and Etymology for holophrastic

■ NOTE: Word apparently coined by the German-American educator and political
philosopher Francis Lieber (1798 or 1800-1872) in a letter to Albert Gallatin entitled
"On some subjects of comparative Philology, and the importance of the study of
Foreign Languages especially of the Classic Tongues," published in the Southern
Literary Messenger, vol. 3, no. 3 (March, 1837),
■ Holophrastic means the child use the single word to express the thought while the
adult will use the whole sentence.
Noam Chomsky, the well known linguist (cited in elliot 1981:10) claims that almost all
children by the age of five have learned the basic structure of their own language,
though they may have different intelligent levels and the richness of the learning
The Holophrastic Period
(12 months – 18 months )
■ 12 months single words phrase stage : coommunication done with single words in
order to convey complex message.
■ Example : a word “tedda” could mean : I want teddy, Where is my teddy ?
■ Naming person, Object and Place (like cookie, dog etc)
■ Vocabulary moved to 30 words
■ Improved pronounciation
■ Start understanding what is being said like “come here” “stop it”, etc.
■ Replay to question
■ Children across all language go through similiars stage in their speech production :
cooing, babbling, uttering syllables and finally words before they produce more
complicated sentence structure approaching the age of three. The language
development process within children is such an amazing and interesting
phenomenon that many linguist are urged to conduct researchers on that matter.
One thing that wes must not ignoreis that children themselves try to produce their
utterances to serve a single purpose, which they want to achieve even since the
moment of their birth to interact with other people around them.

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