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BMCG 2613


Chapter 5
Fluid Kinematics
Introduction to Fluid Flow
When fluid flow over a
solid boundary, velocity
of the fluid in contact with
the boundary must be the
same to the boundary
Velocity gradient is
created at right angle to y Umax
the boundary
Change of velocity from
layer to layer of fluid flow layer
gives rise to shear
stresses in the fluid SOLID
Introduction to Fluid Flow
Individual fluid particle move
as a result of the action of
forces set up by differences
of pressure or elevation
The motion is controlled by
their inertia and the effect of
the shear stresses exerted by
the surrounding fluid
The resulting movement is not
easily analyzed
mathematically, and
Often necessary to supplement
theory by experiment
Uniform Flow
Steady Flow
Uniform Flow and Steady Flow
Uniform Flow
– Velocity at a given At time t
instant is the same
in magnitude and
direction at every
point in the fluid
Non-uniform flow
– Velocity changes
from point to point at
a given instant
Uniform Flow and Steady Flow
Uniform Flow
– In practice, velocity At time t
will be very when a
fluid flows past a
solid boundary
– However if the size
and shape of the
cross-section of
the stream of fluid is
constant, the flow is
considered to be
Uniform Flow and Steady Flow
Steady Flow
– The velocity, pressure
and cross-section of the At time t1
stream may vary from
point to point but do not
change with time
– In practice, there will
always be slight
variations of velocity and At time t2
pressure, but if the
average values are
constant, the flow is
considered to be steady
Uniform Flow and Steady Flow
Unsteady Flow
– If conditions at a
given point change At time t1
with time, the flow is
described as

At time t2
4 possible types of flow

Steady uniform flow

Steady non-uniform flow
Unsteady uniform flow
Unsteady non-uniform flow
Steady uniform flow

Condition do not change with

position or time
Velocity and cross-sectional
area of the stream are the
same at each cross-section
i.e. flow of liquid through a pipe
of uniform bore at constant
Steady non-uniform flow

Condition change from point

to point but not with time
Velocity and cross-sectional
area of the stream may very
from cross-section to cross-
But for each cross-section, they
will not very with time
i.e. flow of liquid at constant
rate through a tapering pipe
Unsteady uniform flow

Velocity at every point is the

same at a given instant of time
But this velocity will change
with time
i.e. accelerating flow of a liquid
through a pipe of uniform bore
Unsteady non-uniform flow

Cross-sectional area and

velocity vary from point to point
and also change with time
i.e. wave traveling along a channel
Compressible and Incompressible Flow
All fluid are compressible
Density change with pressure
Compressible and Incompressible Flow
Under steady flow conditions,
and changes of density is small;
It is possible to simplify the
analysis of a problem by
assuming that the fluid is
incompressible and of
constant density
Liquids are relatively difficult
to compress, under steady flow
condition, it is usually treated as
Compressible and Incompressible Flow

In unsteady flow conditions, high

pressure differences may develop, and
compressibility of liquids must be taken
into account
Compressible and Incompressible Flow
Gasses are easily compressed and,
Except when changes of pressure and
density are very small, the effects of
compressibility and changes of internal
energy must be taken into account
Analyzing Fluid Flow

To analyze an endless stream of fluid,

we have to decide what part of this
stream shall constitute the element or
system to be studies, and
What shall be regarded as the
surrounding which act upon this system
There are 2 main alternative: -
– Close system/fixed mass/fluid
particle/close surface
– Control volume/open system
Closed system/Fluid element
Study the specific element of the fluid of
fixed mass
The element constitute a close system
the boundary are a closed surface,
which may vary with time, but always
contain the same mass of fluid
At any instant, free body diagram can be
draw showing the forces exerted by the
surrounding fluid and any solid
boundaries on the element
Analyzing Fluid Flow -
Control Volume
The system to be studied is defined as a
fixed region in space, or in relation to
some frame of reference, know as a
control volume
Through which the fluid flows, forming, in
effect, an open system
Boundary of the system is its control
surface, and its shape does not
change with time
in out

Control volume
• Total quantity of fluid flowing
in unit time past any
particular cross-section
• Can be measured as:
– Mass flow rate /
mass rate of flow, ṁ (kg/s)
– Volume flow rate / volume
rate of flow, Q (m3/s)
• In idea fluid (no friction), Cross-section, A
• Velocity, u of the fluid would be
the same at every point of the
cross-section u (m/s)
• In unit time, a prism of fluid
would pass the cross-section, Ideal Fluid
• If the cross-sectional area
normal to the direction of flow is
A, the volume passing would be
Au, thus in unit time
Q = Au

• In real fluid,
• Velocity profile for a pipe would be: -

u u
r r r

Laminar flow Turbulent flow

• If u is the velocity at radius r,
• The flow dQ through an angular
element of radius r, and
thickness dr will be
dQ = Area of element x velocity
= 2pr dr x u
u u
r r r

Laminar flow Turbulent flow

Q  2π  ur dr

∴ Volume flow rate can be determined by

knowing the relationship between u and r

u u
r r r

Laminar flow Turbulent flow

• In many problem, the variation of
velocity over the cross-section can
be ignored
• Velocity is assumed to be constant,
• Equal to the mean velocity, ū, and,
• Is defined as
ū = Q/A
A = cross-section area
normal to the stream
Q = volume flow rate

Flow direction
• Consider a fixed region in a
flow constituting a control
Increase of
Mass of fluid Mass of fluid
mass in the
entering per = leaving per +
control volume
unit time unit time
per unit time

Mass of fluid Mass of

entering Control volume
fluid leaving
• For steady flow, the mass of
fluid in the control volume
remains constant, therefore
Mass of fluid Mass of fluid
entering per = leaving per
unit time unit time
• For steady flow in a
streamtube having a cross-
section area small enough 2
for the velocity to be 1
dA1 u2
consider constant over u1 r2
given cross-section,

Mass entering Mass leaving

per unit time = per unit time
at section 1 at section 2
Mass entering
per unit time = dA1u1 r1 2
at section 1 dA2
dA1 u2
Mass leaving u1 r2
per unit time = dA2u2 r2 r1
at section 2
For steady flow,
dA1u1 r1 = dA2u2 r2 = constant

This is equation of continuity

for the flow of a compressible dA2
fluid through a streamtube and dA 1 u2
the velocities measured at right u
angles to the cross-section r
For the flow of a real fluid through a
2 u2
pipe or other conduit,
A1ū1 r1 = A2ū2 r2 = ṁ
Where A1 and A2 are
total cross-section areas
and ṁ = mass flow rate
A 1
If the fluid can be consider as A2
incompressible, so that r1 = r2 u2
A1ū1 = A2ū2 = Q r2

Continuity of flow equation is one of

the major tools in fluid mechanics
for calculating velocities at different
point in a system
A1 1
Inlet Outlet
Qin = ū 1A1 Qout = ū 2A2

Qin = Qout = ū 1A1 = ū 2A2

If A1 = 2A2
Then ū 1 = ½ ū 2
Continuity equation can also be
applied to determine the relation
between the flow into and out of a
A1 Q2
Q1 A3
Total inflow Total outflow Q3
to junction = from junction
r1Q1 = r2Q2 + r3Q3
For incompressible fluid,
r1 = r 2 = r3 A2
 Q1 = Q2 + Q3 A1 Q2
Q1 A3
or A1 ū 1 = A2 ū 2 + A3 ū 3 Q3
Example 1
Water flows in a circular pipe which reduces in
diameter from 400mm at point A to 350mm at point
B. Then pipe then splits into two branches of
diameters 150mm and 225mm discharging at C
and D respectively.

If the velocity at A and D is 1.0m/s, what is the

discharge at C and D and the velocity at B and C?
Example 2
• Water flows form A to D
and E through the series
pipeline shown in the
• Given the pipe diameters, Q2 = ? Q3 = 2Q4 =?
velocities and flow rates, d2 = 75 mm d3 = ?
complete data for this ṽ2 = 2 m/s ṽ3 = 1.5 m/s
system A B
Q1 = ?
d1 = 50 mm
Q4 = ½Q3 =?
ṽ1 = ?
d4 = 30 mm
ṽ4 = ?

Q3 = 2Q4 =?
Q2 = ? d3 = ?
A1 = p(0.05)2/4 d2 = 75 mm ṽ3 = 1.5 m/s
ṽ2 = 2 m/s
= 1.9635 x 10-3 m2
A2 = p(0.075)2/4
Q1 = ? Q4 = ½Q3 =?
= 4.4179 x 10-3 m2 d1 = 50 mm d4 = 30 mm
ṽ1 = ?
A4 = p(0.03)2/4 ṽ4 = ?
= 0.707 x 10-3 m2
Q2 = ? Q3 = 2Q4 =?
Q = Aṽ d2 = 75 mm d3 = ?
ṽ2 = 2 m/s ṽ3 = 1.5 m/s
Q2 = 4.4179 x 10-3 x 2
A2 = 4.4179 x 10-3 m2
= 8.8358 x 10-3 m3/s
Q1 = ?
d1 = 50 mm
ṽ1 = ? Q4 = ½Q3 =?
A1= 1.9635 x 10-3 m2 d4 = 30 mm
ṽ4 = ?
A4 = 0.707 x 10-3 m2
Q2 = 8.8358 x 10-3 m3/s Q3 = 2Q4 =?
d2 = 75 mm d3 = ?
-3 ṽ2 = 2 m/s ṽ3 = 1.5 m/s
Q2 = 4.4196 x 10 x 2
A2 = 4.4179 x 10-3 m2
= 8.8358 x 10-3 m3/s
Q1 = ?
Q1 = Q2 d1 = 50 mm
Q4 = ½Q3 =?
ṽ1 = ?
A1= 1.9635 x 10-3 m2 d4 = 30 mm
ṽ4 = ?
A4 = 0.707 x 10-3 m2
Q2 = 8.8358 x 10-3 m3/s Q3 = 2Q4 =?
Q = Aṽ d2 = 75 mm d3 = ?
-3 ṽ2 = 2 m/s ṽ3 = 1.5 m/s
Q2 = 4.4196 x 10 x 2
A2 = 4.4179 x 10-3 m2
= 8.8358 x 10-3 m3/s
Q1 = Q2
Q1 = Q2 d1 = 50 mm
Q4 = ½Q3 =?
ṽ1 = ?
A = 1.9635 x 10 -3 m2 d4 = 30 mm
ṽ1 = Q1/A1 1
ṽ4 = ?
-3 -3 A = 0.707 x 10 -3 m2
= 8.8358 x 10 /1.9635 x 10 4

= 4.5 m/s
Q2 = 8.8358 x 10-3 m3/s
Q3 = 2Q4 =?
d2 = 75 mm
d3 = ?
ṽ2 = 2 m/s
ṽ3 = 1.5 m/s
Q3 + Q4 = Q2 A2 = 4.4179 x 10-3 m2
Q3 + ½Q3 = Q2
Q1 = Q2
 1.5 Q3 = Q2 Q4
d1 = 50 mm
Q4 = ½Q3 =?
ṽ1 = 4.5 m/s
A1= 1.9635 x 10-3 m2 d4 = 30 mm
ṽ4 = ?
Q3 = 8.8358 x 10-3 / 1.5 A4 = 0.707 x 10-3 m2
= 5.8905 x 10-3 m3/s
Q2 = 8.8358 x 10-3 m3/s Q3 = 5.8905 x 10-3 m3/s
d2 = 75 mm d3 = ?
ṽ2 = 2 m/s ṽ3 = 1.5 m/s
A2 = 4.4179 x 10-3 m2
p d32 / 4 = Q3 /ṽ3
Q1 = Q2
d1 = 50 mm Q4 = ½Q3 =?
ṽ1 = 4.5 m/s d4 = 30 mm
d3 = √ 4 Q3 /ṽ3 p A1= 1.9635 x 10-3 m2 ṽ4 = ?
= √ 4(5.8905 x 10-3) / 1.5p A4 = 0.707 x 10-3 m2
= 0.0707 m @ 70.7 m
Q2 = 8.8358 x 10-3 m3/s Q3 = 5.8905 x 10-3 m3/s
d2 = 75 mm d3 = 70.7 mm
ṽ2 = 2 m/s ṽ3 = 1.5 m/s
A2 = 4.4179 x 10-3 m2
Q4 = ½Q3
= 0.5 x 5.8905 x 10-3 Q = Q
1 2
= 2.9453 x 10-3 m3/s d1 = 50 mm Q4 = ½Q3 =?
ṽ1 = 4.5 m/s d4 = 30 mm
A1= 1.9635 x 10-3 m2 ṽ4 = ?
A4 = 0.707 x 10-3 m2
Q2 = 8.8358 x 10-3 m3/s Q3 = 5.8905 x 10-3 m3/s
d2 = 75 mm d3 = 70.7 mm
ṽ2 = 2 m/s ṽ3 = 1.5 m/s
A2 = 4.4179 x 10-3 m2
ṽ4 = Q4 / A4
= 2.9453 x 10-3 / 0.707 x 10-3
= 4.17 m/s Q4 = 2.9453 x 10-3 m3/s
Q1 = Q2 d4 = 30 mm ṽ4
d1 = 50 mm =?
ṽ1 = 4.5 m/s A4 = 0.707 x 10-3 m2
A1= 1.9635 x 10-3 m2

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