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You may read many books,many articles,many
faces too but can you read a person like a book
? If its possible then

HOW………..? HOW……..? HOW……..?

 This project provides and advices on how to:
 Keep the upper hand in arguments and
negotiations .
 Tell whether the person you are talking to is lying
 Recognize and overcome boredom or defensiveness
 Succeed in many other duplicate or tricky
Hi……..! Airport z an excellent spot for viewing
the entire human emotional spectrum……COME

walking away from departure area you may view three men in
telephone booths ……..o.k then lets start with them

One of them is standing with his body at attention.

See him. His court is buttoned. he gives the impression that whoever
he is talking to is very important to him .he might be a salesman
talking to a customer on the telephone as if he were actually in his
 Now we are with second person, see friends his
Body is relaxed. he slouches over, shifts his weight
from foot to foot, and rests his chin.

Reading this person further, you may get the impression

that he is comfortable but possibly bored with the
conversation and attempting to hide the fact. the
receiver of the call can be granted. It is probably his
wife or an old friend…!
From these two clues can you visualize how a
third caller might look as he talk to his girl
friend? this callers face is hidden . His
launched shoulders may be concealing it from
View or his body may be completely turned
away from passers by ……..!

Comon take a look………!! No doubt he

might be a lover I right….?
Different persons-different walks
 Now let us walk with some persons…!!
The burst of energy walker:

See this person ……his energy is burst that's why he

became inactive. that type of persons walk like
this………o.k. lets us have a look at him……u know
by seeing persons walk we can tell their present
This is one type of walks that one who is disappointed
Unhappy walk s like this …………………

See…… he often put his hands in his

The preoccupied walk

This is a person who is thinking or worrying about

something else a lot……………and we say gesture
from his walk…………….nd he often puts his hands
in his pockets…
The stutters walk
Hi ! Now we will meet the person who is so
Happy……..!see him he is so happy na and
what more he is so proud too…….
What late look at him………..!!

Hey I mean stop

O.k. then give me your hand I will
Who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The politicians handshake
 Did u experience this type of shake hand? If u
experience this type of handshake……….

 I think no doubt you can recognize that he is a

politician…………….! wanna to try …….?
Women expressing sympathy
Do you know ….if women really wants to
express sympathy then she obviously put
her hands on others hands…….that's the
way they really express sympathy………!!
See them..!
The one gesture that most of us really associate
Sincerity and openness is open hands
yes friends open hands signals sincerity …
Defensive positions
Now let us meet some defensive persons‘ k……?

When we observe our opposer with his arms crossed

and fists reinforcing or arm gripping then we should
reconsider what we are doing or saying to that
individual because they are strongly communicating
that they are in defensive position….!
Come lets see some gestures on
thinkers !o.k lets meet them ….!
 See him…may be you are thinking that he
might thinking something else! Yes you are
right he z a thinker ! And one more thinker
with hand on cheek are involved in some sort
of meditation…………and you know
sometimes there is a slight blinking of
 See him !he brings a hand to his face, puts his
chin in the palm and extends his index finger
along his cheek, the remaining fingers are
positioned below the mouth ,then that thinkers
thought patterns are critical ,cynical, or in
some other way negative towards the person
attempting to persuade…………!
The chin stroking evaluation
 This “well let me consider gesture "which
seems to be worldwide is made when people
go through a decision making
process……………….this gesture signifies
the wise man making a judgment……
 One can often observe this deliberate
motions ,the pipe smokers goes through
when he is fighting or manicuring for time
to think or reconsider……………….!i mean
2 say that usually smokers think like
that……….ok what next have a look on
Its hard for me to see the answer!!
 A business man who knows clearly signals
his quandary by this gesture ……..when
he performs it, we merely keep quite and
wait for him to raise his objections of what
is being discussed. we do not attempt to
reason him out of this situation .Instead we
recognize his feelings and wait for him to
express his doubts ………..k?
“Just what do you mean?”
 It is a gesture of rejection even without
“No , thanks”
“Touching the nose”
 Our finding is that nose touching or
rubbing is a doubt sign and in many cases
that doubt is expressing the same thing
that is “NO” even whatever he may
 It is the gesture which says that the person is
goal oriented and can enjoy competition
Sit-down readiness
 We have observed that persons have moved
towards the edge of the chair …………this
indicates that the person getting ready to
comprimise,cooperate,buy,accept or
conserve,conclude reject or leave
“To hide his conversation!”
 People who consciously want to hide their
conversation may cup their hands to their
mouths and speak to the listener at an intimacy
distance of 6 to 12 inches!!!!
Self control gesture
 Holding an arm behind the back and clenching
the handgrips the wrist or arm is one of the
common which says that the person may be in
tension ,pressure or anxiety………!!
“Locked ankles and clenched
 People who are holding back strong feelings
and emotions assume the locked ankles and
clenched hand position……
 My dear friends do you know for centuries,
man has put his hand to his chest to
communicate loyality,honesty and
Friends now we will enter into the
final stage that is studying women
which is a magical art
common…..! lets experience that!

 Hey may be women words have different

meanings but their postures cant hide what
they really mean!!!!!!!
“Girl in bore “
 See her ……!she is in bore …….the give
away gestures are head in palm of her hand
and body pointing towards exit……!
“Girl in approach”
 This girl is striking an ,”iam interested in
you” pose…..hopefully the man is making
preening gestures and is about to approach
Girl in defensive
 This women is being very defensive, as
indicated by her crossed arms and legs….
“Girl in waiting”
Hi..! have a look on her …… you know
what she says……..?without her speech
we Can say about her want she really
mean..! you know she is expecting
someone ………..*********

Someone she is very fond of………!!!!!!

 Friends what finally I mean is these r the
gestures only but if u really like to know
about the person means definitely you
have to read him with your soul and heart
am I right think once!!!!!!!!!! keep smiling
Thank you

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