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Soil And Water Pollution

Presented By:
Sana Jehanzeb (0334)

Department of Industrial Engineering

University of Engineering And Technology,

1. Pollution

2. Soil pollution (cause, effect and control measures)

3. Water pollution (cause, effect and control measures)

4. Conclusion

5. References
1. Pollution

Pollution introduces types of contaminants into the natural

environment that causes unfriendly change. It can be of two
types: chemical substance or energy
Forms of Pollution
Air pollution
Noise pollution
Thermal pollution
Plastic pollution
Radioactive contamination
2. Soil Pollution

Soil is the natural medium for the growth of plants.

Soil Pollution

The Soil Pollution is defined as the presence of materials in the

soil which are harmful to the living beings when they cross their
threshold concentration levels.
2.1 Sources of Soil Pollution

Acid rain Excess application of

pesticide and fertilizer

Disposal of Industrial waste Urban solid waste

2.2 Control of Soil Pollution
(3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
1. Reducing chemical fertilizer and pesticide use
• Applying bio-fertilizers and manures can reduce chemical fertilizer and pesticide
• Biological methods of pest control
2. Reusing of materials
• Materials such as glass containers, plastic bags, paper, cloth etc. can be reused at
domestic levels rather than being disposed, reducing solid waste pollution.
3. Recycling and recovery of materials
• Materials such as paper, some kinds of plastics and glass can and are being recycled.
This decreases the volume of refuse and helps in the conservation of natural
• For example, recovery of one tons of paper can save 17 trees.
2.2 Control of Soil Pollution (cont’d)
• Some other methods used in control of soil pollution
1. Use of pesticides should be minimized.
2. Use of fertilizers should be judicious.
3. Cropping techniques should be improved to prevent growth of weeds.
4. Special pits should be selected for dumping wastes.
5. Controlled grazing and forest management.
6. Planning of soil binding grasses along banks and slopes prone to rapid
7. Afforestation and reforestation.
8. Application of organic manures in field to minimize heavy metal presence in
3. Water Pollution
• Water pollution is contamination of water bodies .
This form of environmental degradation occurs when pollutants are directly
or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to
remove harmful compounds.
• Water pollution occurs when energy and other materials are released into the
water, contaminating the quality of it for other users.
3.1 Types of Water Pollution

1. Surface water pollution

Found on the exterior of the earth’s
crust ,oceans , rivers and lakes

2. Groundwater pollution
In agriculture sector, use of high
amount of fertilizers, pesticides,
heavy metals (Cd, Pb,Zn Ni) are
leachable by heavy rainfall, water
logged condition and high irrigation.
3.1 Types of Water Pollution (cont’d)

3. Thermal Pollution
• Elevated water temperatures
decrease oxygen levels, which can
kill fish and alter food chain

4. Eutrofication
• Refers to the bloom or great
increase of phytoplankton in a water
body due to the addition of nitrates
or Phosphates from fertilizers or
3.2 Water pollution control

1. Introduce aquatic plants for removal of pollutants (Pb, Cu,

Cd, Fe, Hg and Cr) from leather industries.
2. Purifier of waste water.
3. Keep out fat, grease, or oils from your sink.
4. Do not flush contaminated drugs, liquids, medications, or
pills down the drain.
5. Use detergents or bleach minimally.
6. Reduce the usage of pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides.
7. Ensure proper sewage management and treatment.
3.2 Water pollution control (cont’d)

8. Always use environmental friendly products.

9. Plant trees to reduce the speed of the surface water.
10. Use super energy saving washing machines. Opt for reusable
and recyclable options.
11. Avoid the use of plastics.
12. Dispose batteries, antifreeze, and motor oil at specific
collection points.
4. Conclusion
Soil, water and air pollution control in today is most necessary for
balance of ecosystem in future life in any sector . Managing of
ecology with minimum use of petrol on automobiles, industrial
plastic material, chemical fertilizers, pesticides in field and
higher amount of afforestration those control of soil , water and
air pollution.
4. References

• Singh,B. and Das,D.K.,Soil Pollution and its control

,Fundamental of Soil Science, Indian Society of Soil
Science,PP 669 -691.
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