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Harleen Kaur
India’s Diversity & Business
Facts about Immigration:
 More than 1 million immigrants became legal permanent
residents (LPRs) of U.S in 2011.
 Of the new US residents, 14% came from Mexico, 7.9%
from China and 6.4% from India.
 In 2013, Obama had removed nearly 2 million
 Priority to those who have work skills or have refugee or
asylee status
 Between 2009 and 2011, more than 70% of immigrants
came from Asia and North America every year.
 More than 550,000 LPRs in 2011 were women and more
than 600,000 were married individuals.
Facts about Immigration:
 By 2026, it is predicted that there will be shortage of
20 million workers.
 For the first time in 2012, the majority of babies
under age 1 were black, Hispanic, Asian, or another
non- white race
 There are 41 million foreign born individuals living in the
U.S- This makes up 19% of the overall population.
 Majority of foreign born are from Latin America and Asia
with a small number from Europe and Africa- In 2013,
52% of U.S. immigrants were born in Latin America, 30% in
Asia, 11.6% in Europe and 4.4% in Africa.
 Latinos and Asian Americans are a growing segment of the
American electorate- In 2012, Latinos and Asian Americans
made upto 11% and 6% of eligible voters respectively. By
2024, it is expected to rise to 15% and 8% respectively.
 Immigrants play a significant role in U.S economy.
They have started 40% of Fortune 500 businesses.
 There were 11.2 million undocumented immigrants in
the U.S as of January 2012- This is a decline from the
population of 12.2 million undocumented immigrants in
 In March 2015, 750,000 people have applied for the
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA, and
665,000 people have had their applications approved.
 A Harvard University study found that 60% of DACA
beneficiaries reported obtaining news job, 45%
reported increased wages, 57% obtained driver’s
license to support family.
 5 million parents and dreamers to receive temporary
work permits.
 2014 Deferred Action for Parents of Americans or
DAPA will keep families together.
 The deferred action programs will boost the U.S
economy- over next 10 years, GDP of US will increase
by $230 billion.
 The incomes will increase by $124 billion over a
 29000 jobs will be created per year for all Americans
 Undocumented immigrants paid $11.84 billion in state
and local taxes in 2012.
 Immigrants, Latinos and Asians constitute large and
growing shares of U.S workforce, tax base, business
community and electorate.
 Myth 1- immigrants are overrunning our country and
are illegal
 Fact 1- Today immigrants make up approx 19% of U.S
 60% of immigrants are for at least 15 years.
 Of 41 million immigrants in U.S in 2013, 47% were
naturalized citizens, 53% people were lawful permanent
residents and on temporary visas.
 In 2014, there were approx 11.3 million undocumented
immigrants living and working in U.S
 Undocumented immigrants make up about 3.5% of the
nation’s total population.
 Myth 2- Immigrants bring crime and violence to
our cities and towns
 Fact 2- According to U.S Chambers of Commerce,
the crime rate during 1990 and 2010 plummeted 45%
and property crime rate dropped by 42%
 Studies have found that crime rates are lowest in
states with highest immigration growth rates.
 Myth 3- Immigrants hurt our country financially
by taking jobs and services without paying taxes.
 Fact 3- Immigrants are twice as likely to start
businesses as citizens born in U.S
 Immigrants collectively pay between $90 and $140
billion each year in taxes.
 Undocumented immigrants alone paid more than
$11.8 billion in taxes in 2012.
 Myth 4- Immigrants are coming to U.S to obtain
welfare and other benefits.
 Fact 4- Undocumented immigrants are not eligible
for federal public benefits such as Social Security,
Medicaid, Medicare and food stamps.
 Immigrants with lawful status are not entitled to such
benefits until they have been in the country for five
years or longer.
 Exceptions for victims of human trafficking.
 Myth 5- Immigrants are coming to U.S with the
express purpose of having children here.
 Fact 5- Research have found that majority of
immigrants come for economic prosperity or to flee
violence or poverty in their birth countries.
 U.S citizens cannot petition for a green card for a
foreign parents until they turn 21 years old.
 Myth 6- Immigrants are bringing diseases into the
 Fact 6- According to World Health Organization, 113
countries, including many in Latin America have
higher vaccination rates for 1 year old than U.S.
 Myth 7- Terrorists are infiltrating the U.S by
coming across the border with Mexico
 Fact 7- According to a 2015 report by the U.S
Department of State, Bureau of Counterterrorism,
there are no known international terrorist
organizations operating in Mexico.
 1 in 8 people in U.S is immigrant
 1 in 5 people in U.S is Latino or Asian
 Immigrants, Latinos and Asians are large and
growing shares of U.S electorate.
 1 in 6 workers in U.S is an immigrant
 Unauthorized immigrants contribute to U.S
 Unauthorized immigrants pay taxes.
 Immigrants are integral to U.S economy as

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