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Submitted By:
A.Vivekananda Reddy(15471A05G6)
G.Sriranga Nikhil (15471A05H2)
B.Bharath (15471A05C2)
S.Karthik (15471A05D8)

Under the esteemed guidance of

B.Jhansi Vazram,M.Tech., Ph.D
Professor Dept of CSE
 The objective of this application is to automate the details of transportation
services provided by an organization to its students and faculty and to
manage the related information in a convenient manner.

 The purpose is to design a system that allows one to manage the relevant
information. The User can make a request to Administrator for bus. This
system allows the administrator to maintain and update all information of
bus details.
 Introduction
 Existing system

 Proposed Design

 Software and hardware Requirements

 Database Design

 System Design

 Implementation

 Test Cases

 Conclusion

 References

Administrator involved the followings:

Can Add/update/delete route details in online.
Can perform action for bus request.
Can perform action for user complaint.

User involved the followings

Can give bus request to administrator.
Can give complaint about bus request.
Can give feedback about services.

The present systems organize the entire information in file and

ledgers. It is difficult to search and retrieve relevant data, when required. Its
is difficult to view any particular information quickly. Lot of time is need to
search the data.

Often the data is mismanaged and this leads to loss of data.It is

difficult to track the vehicle details.

The proposed system is a web based application which maintains a

centralized repository of all necessary information.

This allows the users to access the information easily.The system allows to
track and manage all information through well-defined interfaces.

After careful analysis the system has been identified to have the following
 Administrator Module
 Vehicle module
 Route module
 Bus assign module
 Feedback module
 Registration module

 User module
Software requirements:

Operating System : Windows Server 2003 and later

Frame Work : PYTHON
Data Base : SQLITE
Front End : HTML,CSS,JS
Web Server : iis7

Hardware requirements:

RAM : 512MB
Processor : i3
Driver Table:

Column Name Data Type Constraints

d_id int Primary key
d_name varchar(30) Not Null
d_dob date Not Null
d_phno char(12) Not Null
d_aadhar char(12) Unique
d_doj date Not Null
d_bloodgroup varchar(20) Not Null
d_photo_url varchar(50) Not Null
Bus Table:

Column Name Data Types Constraints

b_number int Primary Key
b_gov_number varchar(20) Not Null
b_d_id int Foreign key
b_r_id int Foreign key
b_total_seats int Not Null
b_photo varchar(50) Not Null
b_seats_filled int Not Null

Route Table:

Column Name Data Type Constraints

r_id int Primary Key
r_name varchar(30) Not Null
Student Table
Column Name Data Type Constraints
s_id char(10) Primary key
s_name varchar(30) Not Null
s_dob date Not Null
s_mobile_num char(12) Not Null
s_photo varchar(50) Not Null
s_gender varchar(10) Not Null
s_email varchar(20) Unique
s_password varchar(20) Not Null
s_year_of_study varchar(20) Not Null
s_course varchar(20) Not Null
s_branch char(10) Not Null
s_father_name char(10) Not Null
s_address varchar(10) Not Null
s_institution varchar(10) Not Null
Faculty Table

Column Name Data Type Constraints

f_id char(10) Primary key
f_name varchar(30) Not Null
f_mobile_num char(12) Not Null
f_photo varchar(50) Not Null
f_gender varchar(10) Not Null
f_address varchar(10) Not Null
f_institution char(10) Unique
f_st_id int Foreign key

Admin Table

Column Name Data Type Constraints

ad_id varchar(30) Primary key
ad_password varchar(30) Not Null
Stage Table
Column Name Data Type Constarints
st_id int Primary key
st_r_id varchar(30) Foreign Key
st_name varchar(30) Not Null
st_time time Not Null
st_amount int Not Null

Student Registration Table

Column Name Data Type Constraints
sr_id int Primary key
sr_stage varchar(30) Not Null
sr_date date Not Null
sr_amount int Not Null
Feedback Table:

Column Name Data Type Constraints

fe_st_id char(10) Primary Key
fe_text varchar(50) Not Null
E-R diagram for faculty table
The Transport Management System is an
application that the admin launch the route ,add
time and bus for the route and make updation for
route,time and bus.
Thank You.

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