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Developing and Extending

Measurement Concepts


 Measurement is an everyday event that children
encounter in many ways: weighing and taking
temperatures at the doctor’s office; measuring cloth,
ribbon, or wire; buying lunch or paying for a movie;
pouring water into a glass to mix a fruit drink; timing
the baking of a cake; or checking the television
 By building on measurement experiences, children
and teachers develop the mathematical concepts and
skills needed to be thoughtful consumers and users
of measurement. Helping children understand
measurement systems requires their active
involvement in realistic measuring activities through
which they investigate concepts and develop skills
using various measuring instruments and tools.
In this chapter you will read about:
1.The meaning and characteristics of measurement
and two measuring processes
2.The characteristics of the metric system and the
English (customary) system and advantages of the
metric system over the English system
3.A general approach to developing measurement
concepts and skills, with an emphasis on children’s
understanding and use of estimation in
4.Linear measure concepts and activities
5.Area measure and perimeter concepts and activities
6.Activities for two- and three-dimensional figures
7.Volume and capacity measure concepts and activities
for fi gures such as cubes, rectangular prisms,
pyramids, and cones
8.Mass and weight concepts and activities
9.Concepts and skills related to measuring and
recording time, including beginning, ending, and
10.Temperature concept and skills connected with
various real-life activities
11.Concept and skills with money as a medium of
exchange and a measure of value
12.The meaning of angular measure and activities for
helping children learn to measure angles
13.Take-home activities dealing with measurement
Direct and Indirect Measurement

 Measurement uses a direct or an indirect process.

Direct measurement can be used for length,
area,capacity (volume), and weight by applying a
unit directly to the object being measured. The
length of a desk can be measured by lining up
pencils, ice cream sticks, or paper clips along its
edge. The capacity of a jar can be measured by
counting the number of spoonfuls of salt or the
number of smaller jars of water it takes to fi ll it.
Units of measure that are applied directly possess
the same attribute as the object being measured.
 Indirect measurement refers to processes that
determine the measure of an object by nondirect
means, for example, finding the height of a pole by
using shadows or trigonometry.
Measuring Processes

 Linear measurement tools, such as rulers, yardsticks,

and metersticks, have the attribute of length and are
used to measure the characteristic of length (also
called height, width, depth, or distance). A yardstick
can be laid end to end 100 times to verify the length
of a football fi eld. Area has two dimensions, length
and width; it is measured using units also having two
dimensions, such as square inches and square
What Teachers Should Know
About Teaching Measurement

 The study of measurement begins with developing in

children a foundational understanding of the various
attributes that can be measured. Children develop
personal benchmarks for measurement units before
they convert from one unit to another. Only after
children understand such concepts as perimeter,
area, and volume can they begin to explore and apply
formulas for computing them.
Approximation, Precision, and Accuracy

 Approximation. When objects in a set are

counted,the number is exact: 1 or 13 or 145. When an
object is measured, however, the measurement is
approximate. The length of the table may be a little
more or less than 13 pencils, almost 115 paper clips,
or about 2 yards. The fact that measurement is
always approximate stems from the nature of
measurement and measurement units. At least
theoretically, for any unit of measurement chosen,
another smaller unit exists.
 Precision and Accuracy. The difference between
precision and accuracy is important. Precision refers
to units of measure. Inches are more precise than
feet or yards. Milliliters are more precise than liters.
Accuracy refers to the care with which a
measurement is made. If the fi nish line for a 100-
meter dash is only 99.8 meters from the start line,
then the measurement is not accurate. An inaccuracy
of this sort would negate records set on the track.
A Teaching/Learning Model
for Measurement

 With each type of measurement system children

should have a variety of experiences that help them
to understand the concept of measurement and
become skilled with measurement tools and
appropriate units. Measurement activities in the
early part of this chapter represent a teaching
approach and sequence to measurement; they are
intended to develop measurement concepts
Activities to Develop Measurement
Concepts and Skills

 Nonstandard Units of Measure

Planned measurement activities frequently begin in
primary grades, even though not all children are
conservers. Once begun, measurement work and lessons
continue throughout the elementary school years.
Activities with nonstandard units bridge the gap between
exploratory work and the introduction of standard units.
Two goals for work with nonstandard units are to help
children recognize the need for a uniform set of measures
and to lay the groundwork for their understanding of the
various units of standard measure.
Standard Units of Measure

 All the preceding activities will develop children’s

sense of measurement both as a concept for
qualifying an attribute (length,weight, capacity) and
as a process (iteration, transference). The activities
also demonstrate the need for a standard unit so that
any measured attribute can be easily understood and
adapted to others.

 Perimeter is the measure of the distance around a

closed figure and is an extension of length
measurement. In practical terms, perimeter is used
to determine the amount of ribbon needed for the
border on a place mat or bedspread and the amount
of fencing needed to enclose a backyard swimming
pool. Exercises dealing with realistic situations give
children practical experiences that help them to
determine perimeters and to distinguish perimeter
from area measures.

Developing and Extending

Measurement Concepts

Page : 450-465
Syamsul Haj
Teaching Children
Howto Measure Length
Building on their experiences with nonstandard measures children
are ready to begin work with aruler. Children’s first ruler should be
one that has no marks along the edge (pine molding cut to lengths
of 1 foot, 1 yard, or 1 meter serves nicely)
• Prepare problem cards
• to direct students’ work as they measure the length and width
of a desk, the distance from a classroom door to the teacher’s
desk, or the distance between the classroom door and the
principal’s offi ce.
• Recordeddistances can be phrased such as “longer than 12 sticks
and shorter than 13 sticks” or “about 13 sticks.” Introducing
approximate measures suchas these can help children deal with
measurements that are not a whole number of units.
• Perimeter is the measure of the distance around
aclosed figure and is an extension of length
• Connections between mathematics and everyday life
become evident as children engage in projects in which
they, for example, determine the perimeter of a picture
in order to put a border around it and investigate the
cost of the chain-link fence that enclosesa play area or
the school grounds.
• The perimeter of plane fi gures is determined by
finding the measure of each side and adding their
Teaching Children
About Measuring Area
• Intuitive concepts of area are developed when
children cover index cards with colored squares
or gummed stickers.
• Such an experience builds children’s
understanding of area as a covering
• They also experiment with different shapes to
cover a fi gure, such as circles orirregular fi gures
• They discover that using shapessuch as circles is
not effective because of the gaps betweenthem
Teaching Children About CHAPTER 18
Measuring Capacity and
• Capacity and volume are two ways of thinking about and expressing the
same characteristic in measurement
• Capacity measures have been established for products such as liquids
measured in cups, pints, quarts, and liters. Measurement of both liquid
and dry ingredients with teaspoons, tablespoons, and cups is common in
• Capacity is measured in milliliters and liters
• Volume measures are derived from length measurements such as cubic
inches and cubic feet
• Capacity refers to the amount that a container will hold. Volume can also
refer to the amount that an object will hold, but it also refers to the size of
the object, for example, the volume of a large boulder
• In the metric system a direct relationship exists between volume and
capacity units; a cubic centimeter is also a milliliter, and a cubic decimeter
is a liter
Teaching Children About
Measuring Weight (Mass)
• As with the other attributes, younger children
informally explore the attribute of weight, by
holding an object in each hand
• They can judge which one is lighter by using a
simple pan balance
• Children at this age (K– 2) do not need to
consider the difference between weight and mass
• The focus for young children is on building a
sensory understanding of weight and making
qualitative comparisons using their bodies and
simple balance scales.
Teaching Children About
Measuring Weight (Mass)
Teaching Children About
Measuring Angles
• Measurement of angles is often considered a
geometry topic
• However, the concept of an angle can be
developed in primary grades before the
introduction of degrees and protractors for
measuring them
• As childrenblearn to tell time, they can form
“human” clock faces with a child standing at each
numeral on a circle and others acting as clock
hands, moving from numeral to numeral
Teaching Children About
Measuring Angles

The angles formed

by the human clock
(Figure 18.4) and any
demonstration clock
informally introduce
Teaching Children About
Measuring Angles

1. Young children also learn about squares, rectangles,

and triangles, which have combinations of right,
obtuse, and acute angles
2. Children compare and label the angles with their
own words (corner angle, little angle, big angle).
3. The terms right, acute, and obtuse angles and the
number of degrees in each type may not be
introduced in the early grades,
4. but gradually they are used in naming and
Teaching Children About
Measuring Temperature
• Children have had many experiences with
• Children recognize differences in activities and
clothes related to outdoor and indoor
temperatures and seasonal variations
• children feel temperatures on different outdoor
surfaces in sun and shade.
• A drawing or journal-writing activity might
prompt children to recall the hottest and coldest
days of their lives
Teaching Children
to Measure Time
• Learning time measurement includes
development of concepts of duration or
elapsed timesequences of events in time, and
beginning and ending of events
• These time concepts are measured with tools
such as clocks and calendars
Clocks and Watches

• Digital and analog timepieces are part of the

children’s world, and they should learn to read
time with both
• For both digital and analog devices the
underlying concept is the constant passing of
seconds, minutes, and hours.
• Reading times in airplane and train schedules,
television guides, and other written materials
also prepares students for telling time with clocks
Teaching Children
to Use Money
• Children receive and spend money at early ages
• By school age many have allowances as well as lunch
• Real-looking plastic or pasteboard models of coins and
bills are available from teacher stores and school-supply
• When children work with realistic models, they may still
be preoperational, and so they cannot conserve
attributes of objects.
• One consequence is that they will not grasp the
relationships between pennies and nickels, nickels and
dimes, and so on.

• Although many primary-grade children do not

possess the maturational readiness to
understand fully how a calendar indicates
• they do learn about the passage of time and
the sequence of events
Teaching Children
to Use Money
Extending Measurement
• For older children the measurement focus is
on broadening the applications of
measuremen to other contexts and on
extending measurement concepts such as
angle measure, area, and volume
Extending Concepts
About Length
• In the early grades children explore the
concept of length by learning how to use
iteration and transference to measure lengths.
Extending Concepts
About Length
• trundle wheel (available from
school-supply vendors) or a
surveyor’s wheel makes
measuring easier.
• The wheel, which is attached
to a long handle, has a
circumference of 1 meter
• As it is rolled across a surface,
there is a “click” that indicates
that one rotation of the wheel
has measured 1 meter
Extending Concepts
About Length
• Once children become comfortable using
unmarked rulers, they are ready to use rulers
with divisions on them.
• The absence of numerals means that children
must count units to determine an object’s
Extending Concepts
About Length
Estimation and Mental
Models of Length
• To rename 148 centimeters as meters, think:“Since 100
centimeters is 1 meter, 148 centimeters would be 1
meter and about half a meter or 0.48 meter, so 1.48
• To rename 428 meters to kilometers, think: “If1,000
meters is 1 kilometer; 428 meters is lessthan half of a
kilometer, so 428 meters is 0.428 kilometer.”
• To rename 1.67 meters as centimeters, think:“Since
100 centimeters is a meter, 1.67 meters is 100
centimeters plus 67 more centimeters, or 167

1. Measuring And Estimating

How do we determine an area using
nonstandard measures?
There’s to much way of measures to determine an area !

Solution : Use of standard units
• inch to square inch (i𝑛.2 )
• foot to square foot (𝑓𝑡 2 )yard to square yard (𝑦𝑑2 )
• centimeter to square centimeter (𝑐𝑚2 ),
• meter to square meter (𝑚2 ).
 The problem will be shown in the next slide
will involves finding areas of small regions.
The measuring device is a centimeter
 transparency grid that children put on top of
shapes and regions to count and measure
 In the regions marked B and C, areas cannot
be determined by simply multiplying whole
numbers as in Region A
 Children must use estimation to determine
their areas.
 How many square units are entirely within the region? (Answer: 32.)
 How many square units are partially within the region? (Answer: 13.)
 What is the largest possible area and the smallest possible area based
on those two facts? (Answer: 32 whole squares is minimum area, and
45 squares is largest area.)
 How might you estimate the area of the 13 partial squares? (Answer:
Combine the partial squares to approximate whole squares.)
 What is a good total estimate of the area? (Answer: maybe 36, 37, or

Inventing Area Formulas
The Mindset

As children measure rectangles and squares, they

often relate them to their knowledge of the area
concept of multiplication. Young children can
determine that a 4 × 8 rectangular array contains
32 squares, and they can use this image to begin to
learn the multiplication fact that 4 × 8 = 32.
Similarly, the area of a 4-centimeter by 8-
centimeter rectangular array of squares has 4 × 8
= 32 square centimeters, or more generally: Area
of rectangle = base × height
a. Parallelogram c. circle

𝑨 = 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆 × 𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 = 𝐛 × 𝒉
b. Trapezoids 𝑨 = 𝝅𝒓𝟐

𝑨 = 𝟐 (𝒃𝟏 +𝒃𝟐 )𝒉
a. Paralellogram

How to visualize the concept to student:

 Show the students that parallelogram are
consist of square and 2 triangle then
show the formula construction
𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒏 ∶ 𝑩 = 𝒃𝟏 + 𝒃𝟐

𝒃𝟐 𝒃𝟏

h h h


𝑨 = (𝒃𝟏 + 𝒃𝟐 )𝒉
(𝒃𝟏 × 𝒉) (𝒃𝟏 × 𝒉)
+ (𝒃𝟐 × 𝒉) + Or
𝟐 𝟐 𝑨=𝑩×𝒉
b. Trapezoid

Key of visualization to student:

 Show the student that a trapezoid are can be
reproduced and rotated
 Show that trapezoid can be a partition of a
 Contruct the trapezoid formula based on the
𝒃𝟏 + 𝒃𝟐

𝒃𝟏 +𝒃𝟐 𝐡 𝒃𝟏 +𝒃𝟐 𝐡
𝑨 = 𝒃𝟏 + 𝒃𝟐 𝐡 𝑨= +
𝟐 𝟐

𝒃𝟏 +𝒃𝟐 𝐡
So, the area of trapezoid are 𝑨 =
c. Circle
𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟 2

Key for explaining to students:

 What is 𝜋?
 What is the circumference and how is it
 How does the Area formula formed?
What is 𝜋?
 𝜋 is commonly thought of as the circumference-
diameter ratio
 𝜋 is the number of times the length of the diameter
of a circle will fit around the circumference.
 p is an irrational number. It cannot be expressed as a
ratio of two integers (a/b).
 Any decimal representation of the value of p will
extend to infinity with no repeating pattern in the
 As a consequence, there are two common
approximations that are used for the value of 𝜋 : 3.14
 Circumference is the total length of a
circle arcs
 How does it calculated?
We already know that 𝜋 is the number of
times the length of the diameter of a circle will
fit around the circumference. So the formula
must be:
𝐶𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 = 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 × 𝜋
𝐶𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 = (2r)𝜋 = 2𝜋𝑟
Area Of A Circle
 let us think A circle as sectors
 Suppose it divided as 8 sectors

r r

𝑨 = 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆 × 𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 = 𝝅r × 𝒓
= 𝝅𝒓𝟐
The Feel Of Capacity And Ability To
Measures Capacity
Metric And non metric container
Metric containers
Non-metric container
How to expand student concept of
 Ask them to find one metric liter container and some
non metric container but less than a liter
 Ask them to fill the container by liquid that have
graduated by the metric container then ordering it
from the smallest capacity to highest
 It will be such an experience for students to really
know the capacity of a litere
Sense Of Volume

4 5


Length and Area


(i) 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 × 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎

(ii) 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ × width × height
(iii)𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 =𝑙×𝑤×ℎ
(iv) 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 =𝑏×ℎ
The formula is also apply for the
shape below
Confusing things between linear,
area, and volume units
 Some children may likely expect :
 12 linear inch = 1 linear foot
 12 square inch = 1 square foot
 12 cubic inch = 12 cubic foot

Is it?
Confusing things between linear,
area, and volume units
 Reality:
Confusing things between linear,
area, and volume units
 Recommended way of convertion to remember:
 12 𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠 = 1 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡
 144 𝑜𝑟 (12 ×
Mass is the amount of matter in an object;
weight is the gravitational force exerted on the
mass. A lunar rover has the same mass on Earth
as on the moon; however, it weighs less on the
moon because the moon’s gravity is less. Despite
the differences, weight is the commonly used
term because we weigh objects in Earth’s gravity
and equate weight with an object’s mass.
 Density is about the proportion of volume and
 The bigger of the volume and the lighter the
mass, then the smaller the density will be. Either
way, the smaller of the volume and the heavier
the mass, the greater the density will be.
How the angle Formed?
• Angle Are formed by two rays that have two
common endpoints.

How To Extend Student
Angle Concepts
• The teacher can use a large protractor to
demonstrate it at a chalkboard or with a clear
plastic protractor on an overhead projector
• Let them discuss and find the meaning the mark
and numerals on the protractor
• Demonstrate the measuring of an acute, right and
obtuse angle so that students understand how the
zero is alligned with one ray and the measurement
is read where the other ray intersec the arc of the
Picture Of Protractor
1. By doing a large demonstration of thermometer, models how the
liquid in the thermometer moves up and down is read on the
fahrenheit and celcius scales
2. By using a line graph of daily temperatures over one month. It will
provides a record for increasing or decreasing temperature over the
month which connect mathematics and science in realistic context
3. Other science and health units that also engage children in
experiences with measurement of temperature. Plant experiments
require that variables such as temperature, light, water, and
nutrients be controlled and measured to determine their effects
4. Rather than spending time on conversions, students need to know that
the boiling point of water is 212ᵒF, or 100ᵒC, and that the freezing
point is 32ᵒF, or 0ᵒC. These two facts allow them to estimate and
interpolate common temperatures such as hot, cold, and comfortable.
1. The knucles months and the space months
 The knuckles months 31 day months
 The space months 30 day months, with the
exception of february
2. Older students can expand their
understanding of time by examining time in
different settings.They can explore the origins
the Gregorian calendar
3. Older students can also explore the effect of
time zones on travel
4. Another topic for older children is the 24-
hour clock. Students in your class from
cultures and countries that use a 24-hour
clock can explain how they were able to tell

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