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• Needle stick injury policy

• To minimize the risks of transmission of hazardous sources
• To promote awareness safe management of sharps and occupational
• To provide a framework for the education of healthcare workers in
the safe handling of sharps.
• To equip the staff on the proper course of action in cases of exposure
to blood and blood-stained fluids by sharps and needle prick injuries
Needle prick Injury Exposure occurrences due to needle stick injuries include:
Percutaneous, needle sticks, puncture wounds or lacerations from a contaminated
needle or other sharp instrument
• Recapping needles using two-handed methods increases the risk of needle-
stick injuries and is not recommended.
• However, where such action is unavoidable, the one-hand scoop technique
reduces the risk of needle-sticks.
• Any object that can penetrate the skin; sharps include needles, scalpels, broken
glass, broken capillary tubes and exposed ends of dental wires.
Sharps container:
A puncture-resistant, rigid, leak-resistant container designed to hold used
sharps safely during collection, disposal and destruction
All sharps are considered medical waste.
Disposable syringes with needles, scalpel blades and other sharps
items shall be placed into puncture-resistant containers located in the
area of use.
Needles must not be recapped, purposely broken, bent or otherwise
manipulated by hand.
If recapping is absolutely necessary, use "SCOOP" method
Disposable needles and syringes are considered as one unit and not
separated and shall be disposed as one unit.
Sharps containers shall not be reopened once they are closed. They
also shall not be cleaned in any other manner that would expose the
employees to the risk of percutaneous injury.
Do not keep syringes, needles or any other item in your pocket.
Never leave sharps lying around, dispose immediately.
Replace sharps container when the container is three quarters full
and manage in a secure manner.
Sharps containers while being in use shall be kept away from
pathways above the level of the floor
policy for post needle stick injury
1. In the event of a needle stick or sharps injury,
2. Immediately wash area with soap and water.
3. Allow to bleed freely
4. Wrap the wound with sterile gauze;
5. Proceed to the Emergency Room for immediate treatment, appropriate
to the injury:
6. Treatment must include: Examination; Screening; Infection prophylaxis;
Wound care.
7. Treatment must be documented in the employee's MR file.
8. The Emergency room must inform: Unit Manager/Supervisor; Infection
Control Physician.
9. The ER must complete an Occurrence/Variance Report as per Abeer
medical group Policy including; Precise description of how, where, and
when the injury occurred; Follow-up treatment; the description of the
involved “sharp.”
10.The ER must forward the O/V to the IC Physician for completion
11.Any contamination following needle stick or sharp injury requiring
long treatment must be indicated:
12.For recommended Post Exposure Prophylaxis, refer to management
of post exposure to communicable diseases (DHGH-IPC-PP-32).
Disposal of Sharps

• When sharps containers are 3/4 full they should be securely sealed by
healthcare worker:
• Plaster the lid with tape
• Put the sharps containers in yellow infectious plastic bag, sealed with
plastic cable.
• Label with date, unit/clinic and initials and ID number of
healthcare worker.
• The containers shall be picked up by housekeeping staff with other
bio-hazardous waste to the waste storage room.
1. Staff has a responsibility to ensure they follow instructions, in
accordance with policy, and not place themselves or others in
2. It is the responsibility of the injured employee to report and follow-
up his own treatment.
3. ER Staff must ensure that entries in the OVR form are completed.
4. Each individual has an obligation to adhere to these
recommendations and comply with best practice.

Date of Injury: Time of Injury: Department Where Incident Occurred

Exposed Part: Type of Body Fluid Exposed To: Exposure Result Of:

 Direct Patient Contact

 Specimen Container Leakage
 Intact Skin  Blood or Blood Products
 Touched Contaminated Item
 Non Intact Skin  Vomitus
 Health Care waste Handling
 Eyes (Conjunctiva)  Sputum
 Inappropriate Waste Segregation/Disposal
 Nose (Mucosa)  Saliva
 Unknown
 Mouth (Mucosa)  Blood
CSF & Body Fluid Exposure Form
 Others, Specify_____________
 Others _____________  Name:
Others_________________ Position: ID No.:

File No. : Department:


Screening Date:

HIV:_______________________________ HBsAg:_______________________________

 Screening Refused

Status of Exposed / Injured


Medical Record Baseline @ 3 Months @ 6 Months

Date: Date: Date: Date:


Result: Result: Result: Result:

Hepatitis B Date: Date: Date: Date:

Result: Result: Result: Result:

Date: Date: Date: Date:

Hepatitis C

Result: Result: Result: Result:

Hepatitis B Vaccination

 Vaccinated  Incomplete Dose


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