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......Current Affairs Digital Library

List of the Topics
Prelims Editorial
• Corruption Perception • Is there a case for reservation for
Index the Forward class?
• Yuva Swabhiman Yojana – Yes / No / Its Complicated
• Polar Vortex
• Unemployment
Estimation methods

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Corruption Perception Index
In News Key Words

• Index
• Transparency International
• India’s Position
• Remarks

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Classroom Classes.
Corruption Perception Index
About Transparency International
• Released by Transparency • Vision – Corrupt free world
International • Works together with governments,
• The index ranks 180 countries by their businesses and citizens to stop the
perceived levels of public sector abuse of power, bribery and secret
• Uses a scale of 0 to 100
• International Secretariat -Berlin
– 0 – Highly corrupt
– 100 – Very clean
• First launched in 1995
Corruption Perception Index
CPI - 2018 India - 2018
• More than 2/3rd countries score • India’s score:
below 50
– 2018 – 41/100
• Average score – 43
• Continued failure of most countries – 2017 – 40/100
to significantly control corruption is • India’s rank:
contributing to a crisis in democracy
around the world – 2018 – 78/180
– 2017 – 81/180

(Our Coaching Centres in Chennai) , Bangalore, Trivandrum, Trichi, Adyar and Online Classes
Corruption Perception Index
Comments on India Comments on India
• As India gears up for its upcoming • Public Anti-corruption mobilization
elections, we see little significant efforts of 2011 have ultimately fizzled
movement in its CPI score, which and fell flat, with little to no
moved from 40 in 2017 to 41 in movement on the ground to build the
2018 specialist anticorruption
infrastructure required

(Our Coaching Centres in Trichi), Chennai , Bangalore, Trivandrum, Adyar and Online Classes
Yuva Swabhiman Yojana
In News
• About
• State
• Targeted Beneficiaries
• Impact Area
Yuva Swabhiman Yojana
About Impact Area
• To provide employment for the • Would cover the uncovered urban
unemployed youth from the population under Mahatma Gandhi
economically weaker sections of the National Rural Employment
society Guarantee Act (MNREGA)
• State – Madhya Pradesh • Additional skill development training
• Targeted Beneficiaries – Urban in the field of their choice during
youths + EWS employment period
• 100 days employment per year to
the youth from the economical
weaker sections of the society
Polar Vortex in USA
Polar Vortex in USA
• Persistent, large scale, whirling cone of • Polar vortex spins in the stratosphere
low pressure over the poles. • Polar vortex may be disrupted by
• Strongest in the winter months due to sudden stratospheric warming due to
the increased temperature contrast upward propagation of wave energy from
between the polar regions and mid- the lower atmosphere
latitudes • Disruption leads to weakening / splitting
of polar vortex.
• Stronger jet streams observed

(Our Coaching Centres in Adyar) , Chennai , Bangalore, Trivandrum, Trichi, and Online Classes
Polar Vortex in USA
• Sudden Freezing temperatures in
mid latitudes
• Wind chills leading to Hypothermia
• Causes Frost bites, may lead to
amputation of limbs
• May last for days to weeks
• Movement of people is affected

(Our Coaching Centres in Online Classes) ,Chennai, Bangalore, Trivandrum, Trichi, and Adyar.
Surveys for measuring Unemployment
5 year Survey Periodic Labour Force Survey
• Quinquennial Survey • Launched in April 2017
• By National Sample Survey Office • Will replace 5 year survey
• Not done since 2011-12 • Annual survey mapping of
• 5-yearly surveys used to come unemployment
with a lag of over one or two years, • Supply data from both formal and
thus reducing the possibility of timely informal sector
analysis. • Computer Assisted Personal
Interviewing (CAPI) Method.
• Will provide timely statistics
• 1st survey report yet to be released
Surveys for measuring Unemployment
Other Surveys Entreprise Surveys
• Annual Labour Force Survey –Labour • The Economic Census by MoSPI
Bureau – Collects data only for a part (Statistics & Program Implementation)
of a year
• Population Census – once in 10 years • Annual Survey of Industries by MoSPI
by • Unorganized Sector Surveys of
• Labour Force Participation Rate Industries and Services by NSSO
• Quarterly Employment Survey (QES)
• EPFO Payroll Data
(Labour Bureau)
• House hold Surveys
• Enterprise Surveys • MSME Census (Ministry of Micro,
• Government Schemes Small and Medium Enterprises)
Case for Reservation for FC
• Social justice is not possible if we • The Preamble promises to all citizens
exclude the economically backward social, economic and political justice.
sections of the society • Poverty denies equality of opportunity
• Since, social justice isinclusive in in education employment, decent living
nature • Hence reservation for forward classes
is required
• It means that no marke of
• 10% reservation in general category is
ckwardness is left untouched,
not restricted to upper caste Hindu
which includes poverty as well only;open to all

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Case for Reservation for FC
The Test of Constitutionality • Present Quota introduced through
• Indira Sawhney Case the 124th Constitutional Amendment
Bill is provided though adequate
• Ceiling is applicable for reservation in
amendments in Article 15 and 16 of
socially and educationally backward
the constitution.
category only under Article 15(4) and
16(4) of the Constitution • “Advancement of Economically
Weaker Sections”
• Social Justice – Dynamic concept
that evolves over time

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Case for Reservation for FC
• Willful subversion of the Social • When Article 15 was amended by
Justice , which SC has held to be the inserting Clause (4), No use of
part of the basic structure of the income or economic criteria for
constitution determining backwardness - Hence
• Reservations – Adequate constitutionally invalid
representation to those sections of
society that areoppressed by caste
discrimination – Social upliftment of
the backward classes of Indian
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Case for Reservation for FC
The Alternatives
• The government has cut away another
• Employment under MGNREGA slice from the already shrinking pie of
Scheme public sector institutions
• Instituting new universities and • Demonetization and poor
colleges and need based scholarships implementation of GST has led to
may be provided economic distress
• Corporate led jobless growth has • 10% reservation is nothing but a fig
increased the income inequality leaf to cover the monumental failure of
exponentially making little difference the government on all fronts
in the reservation to FC • Push away India rom its hope on social
• Public spending for scholarships harmony
have come to an halt
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Case for Reservation for FC
Its Complicated: CAA + Ratifications of ½ of the
CAA total SLA
• When you allow reservation for the • Article 54
advanced classes, it changes the • Article 55
meaning of reservation • Article 73
• Article 368(2) – Parliament can • Chapter IV of Part V
amend the Constitution by passing • Chapter V of Part VI
a bill in each House by a majority of • Chapter I of Part XI
the total membership of that House • Any lists in VII Schedule
present and voting – Presidential • Or Representation of the states in
Assent the Parliament
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Case for Reservation for FC
Its Complicated:
• Article 15 – Prohibition of • Article 15(5) – 93rd CAA, 2005.
discrimination • Enabling clause empowering the
• Article 15(1) & (2) – State shall not state to bring in 27% reservations
discriminate against “any citizen” on for OBC.
grounds only of race, caste, sex, place • Challenged in SC – Upheld
of birth or any of them. reservation, but not applicable to
• Article 15(3) onwards – Protective Creamy layer
discrimination – the policy of granting • Also upheld the validity of 93rd
special privileges to underprivileged CAA, 2005
sections – Foundations of • Amendment does not violate the
reservations in education and basic structure of the Constitution
employment in the country
Case for Reservation for FC
Its Complicated:
• SC ruling – Reservation is a remedy • Households earning less than 8 LPA
for historical discrimination and and owning less than 5 acres can
the continuing ill effects avail reservation
• Reservation is not aimed at
economic upliftment or poverty • Salary of ₹66000 a month
alleviation • Is this a new poverty line of India?
• Economic weakness is on account • Why are those earning more than
of social backwardness
₹25000 being taxed?
• Economic criteria will lead to
virtual deletion of Article 16(4) from • Reservation is not an anti –poverty
the Constitution programme.

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