Sustainable Tourism Development Chapter0222

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 The economy the environment and society could be considered as

the three legs of the tourism tripod .

 One or two legs of the tripod must never be too short or

tourism will collapse.


Environment Economy
 Mass tourism focuses on making money, and this tends to create
unwanted pressures on the environment and society .
 This kind f the tourism will eventually kill itself as tourists destroy
the environment and culture , the very foundations of industry .
 Define sustainability, Sustainable development, and Sustainable
tourism development.
 Discuss the historical development of sustainable tourism
development concept.
 Explain the principles of sustainable development
 Make a critique of sustainable tourism paradigm.
 Sustainability Measures provides the following definitions of
“sustainability” from various sources (
“sustain means to cause to continue ( as in existence or a certain state,
or in force or intensity) to keep up especially without interruption
diminution, flagging etc; to prolong.
 “Improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying
capacity of supporting eco-system”
(The International Union for the Conservation of Nature
The World Conservation Union , United Nations Environment
Programme and the World Wide Fund for Nature in Caring for the
Earth 1991 )

 “ The long-term, cultural, economic and environmental health and

vitality with emphasis on long term together with the importance of
linking our social, financial and environment well being
.”(Sustainable Seattle n.d )
The concept of sustainability is not new even though the term itself
became a buzzword in the late 1980s (Swarbrooke 1999).
The idea that everything in nature is interconnected has long been
recognized by indigenous peoples all over the world.
Chief Seattle, Chief of the Suquamish Indians , in a letter to
united state government in the 1980s allegedly said .”The earth
does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth all things are
connected like the blood the unites us all. Man did not weave the
web of life, he is merely a strand in it. What ever he does to the
web, he does to himself.”
“Register of Best Practices on Indigenous Knowledge ” the UN
Educational ,Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO)
cities knowledge and best practices in the area of sustainable
resources management.

 Definition of Sustainable Development

 The Brundtland Commission (1987) defined
development as “development that meets the needs of the present
generation without comprising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs.”
 Sustainable Development takes into account of the
needs of the future and present generations in terms of

1. Management of Resources
2. Investments
3. Technology
4. Institutions
 The Philippine Agenda 21 (1996) defined sustainable
development as the:

harmonious integration of a sound and viable economy

responsible governance

social cohesion and ecological integrity

To ensure that development is a life-sustaining process

 In 1998 adopting the parent concept of sustainable
development, the UNWTO define sustainable tourism as the
management of all resources in such a way that economic,
social, and aesthetic needs can fulfilled while maintaining
cultural integrity, essential ecological process, biological
diversity, and life support.
1. Informed participation of relevant stakeholders.
2. Strong political leadership to ensure wide participation and
consensus building.
3. Constant monitoring of impacts and adoption of preventive or
corrective measure when necessary.
4. Maintaining a high level of tourist satisfaction and providing
meaningful experience to the tourists.
5. Raising the tourists awareness about sustainability issues and
sustainable practices.
 The 1995 World Conference on Sustainable Tourism
held in Lanzarote, Canary Islands , Spain spelled out
the principles of sustainable tourism as a follow:

1. Ecological bearable economically viable and ethically and socially

equitable for local communities.
2. Guarantees the sustainability of the resources on which it depends.
3. Respects the fragile balances that characterize many tourist
destinations in particular small island and environmentally sensitive
4. Considers its effects on the cultural heritage and traditional elements
activities and dynamics of each local community.
5. Support solidarity, mutual respect and participation of public and
private entities at the local, national, regional and international
 History of Sustainable tourism Development Concept :

 1948 The International Union for the Protection of Nature is

founded: it aims to promote a unique partnership of government and
nongovernment organizations.
 1954 Harrison Brown publishes The Challenge of Man’s Future; it
develops themes that decades later would comprise the term “
sustainable development.
 1961 The World Wildlife Fund, now the world wide fund fir nature
was established.
1970 The Earth Day is proclaimed in San Francisco; it is held as a
national teach-in on the environment an estimated 20 million people
participated in peaceful demonstrations across the United States.

1971 The Founex Report on Development and Environment calls for

integration of environment and development strategies.

1972 The UN Conference on the Environment is held in Stockholm it

leads to the establishment of numerous national environmental
protection agencies and the UN Environmental Programme.

.1987 The World Commission on Environmental and Development

publishes. Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland
Report. The report popularizes the term “ sustainable
development“ which the commission defined as “ development that
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.
 Philippine Strategy for Sustainable Development (PSSD)
In the wake of the adoption of sustainability paradigm in the
international community.
 Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)

Also drafted the Philippine strategy for sustainable development

(PSSD) in 1987 and was approved by the cabinet in 1989
 1988 The UNWTO defines sustainable tourism as “ the management
of the resources in such a way that economic, social, and aesthetic
needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential
ecological processes, biological diversity and life support system.”

 1989 Barbier, Markandya and Pearce published the blueprint for a

green economy where they argued for placing a greater value on the
environment in relation to economic growth.

 1991 Wood and house published The Good Tourist which tried on
influence tourists behavior by making them aware of the potential
negative impacts of tourism (strawbrooke 1999)

 1992 The UN Conference on Environment and Development is held

in Rio de Janeiro; agreements were reached on Agenda 21; the
convention on biological diversity, the framework convention on
climate change, and non-binding forest principle.
 The Conference produced the Rio Declaration, which integrates
the principles of sustainable development, which were tackled in
previous international conferences.

1. Centrality of human beings in sustainable developments, their right

to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.
2. States sovereignty to exploit resources concomitant responsibility to
protect the environment within their territories.
3. Right to development that equitable meets developmental and
environmental needs of present and future generations.
4. Environmental protection as a integral part of the development
process chain.
5. Eradication of poverty
6. Free international trade
7. Role of women
8. Respect for international law to protect the environment in
times of welfare.
9. Peaceful resolution of environmental disputes.
10. Cooperation between state and people.

1993 UNEP and the international council for local environmental

initiatives published the “ Tourism and Local Agenda 21”

1994 Turner et al. presented a sustainability spectrum, ranging

from very weak to very strong sustainability position
According to Turner et al. (1994) and Hunter (1997),
sustainability could be categorized along a continuum
ranging from very weak to very strong sustainability.
(strawbrooke 1999)

1.Very weak- Anthropocentric (human-centered) and utilitarian growth-

oriented and resource exploitative; continued well-being is assured
through economic growth based on free-market philosophy, and
technological innovation infinite substitution between man-made
and natural capital.

2. Weak- Anthropocentric (human centered) and utilitarian growth is

managed and modified and resources conservationist concern for inter
and intra-generational equity of costs and benefits of growth, infinite
substitution between man-made and natural capital while recognizing
some aspect of the natural world as critical capital effort to prevent
negative environmental impacts from economic growth.
 3. Strong- Ecosystems perspective resources preservationist concern
for inter and intra-generational equity of costs and benefits of growth
decoupling negative environmental impacts but believes in a steady
state economy resulting from following constant natural assets rule
zero economic and human population growth

 4. Very strong- Bioethical and eco-centric resources preservationist

minimal utilization of natural resources literal interpretation.
1.Site protection Category of site protection according to IUCN
2. Stress Tourist numbers visiting site (per annum/ peak
3. Use intensity Intensity of use in peak period (person/hectare)
4. Social impact Ratio of tourists to locals (peak period)
5. Development Existence of environmental review procedure
control for formal controls over development of site
and use density
6.Waste Management Percentage of sewage from site receiving
treatment additional indicators may include
structural limits of other infrastructural
capacity on site, such as water supply)
7. Planning process Existence of organized regional
plan for tourist destination region (
including tourism component)

8. Critical Ecosystems Number of rare/endangered species

9.Consumer Satisfaction Level of satisfaction by visitors

( question naire- based )

10. Local Satisfaction Level of satisfaction by locals

( question naire-based )
 The UN Millennium declaration contains the now
famous millennium development goals (MDG’S)
comprised of eight primary goals.
 1.Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
 2.Achieve universal primary education
 3.Promote gender equality and empower women
 4.Reduce child mortality
 5. Improve maternal health
 6. Combat HIV/AIDS , malaria and other diseases
 7.Ensure environmental sustainability
 8.Develop a global partnership for development
 2000 The Un Millennium Summit shifted the focus of development to
poverty and multiple deprivations.

 2001 In The Biological Diversity and Sustainable tourism the Convention

on biological diversity , UNEP and the UNWTO recognize that tourism
being a biodiversity-dependent industry needs to be committed to protecting
the diversity of life on earth.

 2002 The world summit on sustainable development in johannesburg

marks the tenth anniversary of the UNCED.The summit upheld
sustainability as a framework for development and prioritized poverty
eradication and environment protection as the main goal of development

 2003 The WTO issued the Djerba (tunisia) Declaration on Tourism and
Climate Change where the organization called on tourism organizations at
all levels to address and adapt to climate change.

 2004 Indicators of Sustainable Development for Tourism Destinations A

Guidebook. Is the result of an extensive study on indicator initiatives
worldwide, involving 62 experts from more than 20 countries.
 2005 UNWTO and UNEP published the marking tourism more sustainable
– a guide for policy makers.
 2006 AL Gore published an Inconvenient Truth the Planetary Emergency
of Global Warning and what we can do about it. Gore argued that global
warming is man-made and should be corrected by reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and by planting more vegetation to sequestrate existing carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere.
 2008 Climate Change and Tourism- responding to global challenges.

 2012 The UN Conference on Sustainable Development gathers in Rio de

Janeiro to mark the 20th anniversary of the 1992 Rio Summit. The
conference also known as Rio+20 focuses on two themes : a green
economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication,
and the institutional framework for sustainable documents.

 2013 the UN proposes a Global Action Programme on Educational for

sustainable development after 2014 in response to the UN resolution made
during the UN conference on sustainable development in June 2012 in Rio
de Janeiro, brazil( Rio +20) see previous year’s highlight.
 2014 UNESCO World Heritage Conference on Educational for
sustainable development(ESD) in Aichi-Nagoya marked the end of
the UN decade of ESD (2005-2014) and saw the launch of the
global action programme (GAP) on EDS.
 2015 The year 2015 marked the deadline for achieving the MDG’s
formulated in 2002. In the global sustainable development reports the
UN 2015 identified key sustainable development goals for the next 15
years to 2030
The 16 SDG’s ( Stakeholder Forum 2015 )

1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere

2. End hunger, achieve food security and improvement promote
sustainable agriculture.
3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well being for all at all ages.
4. Ensure inclusive and equitable equality education and promote
long learning opportunities for all.
5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and
sanitation for all.
7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy
for all.
 8. promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic
growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
 9.resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable
industrialization and foster innovation.
 10.Reduce inequality within and among countries
 11.Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient
and sustainable.
 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
 13. take urgent action to combat climate change. and its impacts
 14 .conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine
resources for sustainable development.
 15 .Protect restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial
ecosystem sustainably manage forests combat desertification and halt
and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
 16.Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable
development provide access to justice for all build effective
accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
Tourism and Sustainability Paradigm in the

 Tourism development in the Philippines has been evolving in

the past forty years. In the 1970’s the focus has been on
undifferentiated mass tourism.
 The main strategy was to boost tourist arrivals in order to
maximum tourism revenues for both the government and
the private business.
 The National Tourism Development Plan of 2011-2016
 action plans, such as water treatment , and solid waste
management; safeguarding natural and cultural heritage , and
vulnerable groups and adopting a participatory policy-making
Three Dimension of Sustainable Development

To sustain something is for an ideal situation to continue for

an indefinite period of time. The situation is when all three
dimensions of economy , society , and the environment
get to be developed in balanced manner.
 Connelly’s Venn diagram provides a simple framework
To analyze the three dimensions of development
( connely 2007 in Tanguay, Rajaonson and Therrien 2011.)
Development is said to be sustainable when 3 dimentions are
fulfilled in a balanced manner . Development is deemed
viable when there is a balance between environment and
economic goals; it is equitable when there is a balance
between economic and social goals; and livelable when there
is a balance between environmental and social goals.
Connely’s Venn Diagram


Environment Economy


Liveable Equitable

 Since 1987, there have been significant advancement in the
conceptualization and practice of sustainable tourism development. Of
late another dimension has been floated to add to the concept of the
triple bottom line. The fourth one is that of climate responsiveness
which was floated by the UNWTO at Davos in the 2007. (becken
 Moscardo ( 2007 ) debunked the myth of tourism as a tool for
sustainable development . First she cited Johnson and Wilson ( 2000 )
who argued that realities in local political structures often mean that
not everyone’s voice will be heard concerning a proposed tourism

 Moscardo (2007) maintained that the belief that tourism

can be sustainable in its own right results in
1. The propensity to consider tourism in isolation to other activities
(Butler 1999).
2. The widespread and uncritical use of tourism planning models that
look at communities only a resources for tourism ( Hall 2000 ).

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