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Composite Ply Calculator

This is an Excel spreadsheet used to perform Classical Laminate

Theory calculations in support of the e-learning course and also to
provide a means of completing the homework in some sections
without the use of FEA software.

The calculations have been exposed as much as possible, and can

be investigated in detail. For this reason the number of plies has
been kept to 10 sets.

A version containing Macros is also available to help simplify some

calculations, but the non-macro version does contain all required

The calculator is provided ‘as is’ and no warranty is made as to its


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Composite Analysis Ply Calculator V5.0 Page 1
Material Data Input

Material Stiffness and Strength Data is Input in the green cells as shown.

Units are user-defined, so it is up to you to work in consistent units

The label ‘Units’ is just to remind you, along with the description at top right, no
checking is done on units

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Loading Data Input

Loading Data is Input in the green cells as shown.

Units are user-defined, so it is up to you to work in consistent units

The loading is load/unit length on an infinitesimally small section of layup

The layup datum direction is along the x axis, so a load applied in-plane in x, to a
single 0 degree ply, will be uniaxial, along the fibers.

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Ply Data Input

Loading Data is Input in the green cells as shown.

Units are user-defined, so it is up to you to work in consistent units

Ten ply variations are available, but the number of plies per ‘layer’ can be varied to
give some versatility

The layup datum direction is 0 degree aligned along the x axis

In this example a [0/90/45/-45/]s layup is used. Each ply is 1e-4 m thick, but ply
1 and 8 have 4 times the number of plies, i.e. a thickness of 4e-4 m each.

Ply 9 and 10 are ignored in the calculation as the number of plies is set to 0.

Total Layer and Layup thickness is checked, don’t overwrite the yellow summary
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Calculations – summary output

Total Layup thickness and upper and lower z distance is checked.

The untransformed material stiffness matrix Q is calculated – used in ply Q bar
The material Invariants U1 to U6 are calculated – used in ply Q bar

The total in-plane and bending strains for the whole layup are output in
length/length and percentage strain. These are in global x-y coordinates

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Calculations – summary output

Ply local stresses and the ply FI and SR using Tsai-Wu are tabulated. The
calculations for these are all exposed on the backing sheets.

The critical FI and SR is highlighted

The effective, or equivalent, layup stiffness

properties are summarized on the main page

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Calculations – ‘calculations’ sheet

The Qbar and A, B, D matrix terms are calculated ply by ply and summed

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Calculations – ‘calculations’ sheet

The [A, B, D] matrix is assembled

Its inverse is calculated and the load vector aligned with it

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Calculations – ‘stress-strain’ sheet

Ply stresses and strains are calculated in the local ply coordinate system
Results are passed back to the main page

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Calculations – ‘FI’ sheet

FI using Tsai Wu is calculated, and the corresponding quadratic roots give the SR,
ply by ply. These values are passed back to the main page.

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Calculations – ‘Plots’ sheet

Ply stresses and strains are calculated,

and ply strains are also calculated in the
global xy coordinate system

Plots are produced through thickness

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Optional Macro – Force Scaling of applied load

This macro forces the worst SR and FI to be 1.0, by scaling all terms in the
loading vector by 1.0

It is a convenient tool to use with Homework 1, for instance

The macro is invoked by clicking on the button

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Optional Macro – Force Percentage of various plies into a layup

This macro forces the a pattern of symmetric plies onto a layup.

It overwrites any existing ply definition

In this example, 30% of 0 degrees, 10 percent of 20 degrees and 60 percent of

a balanced 45/-45 are requested. The total layup thickness is input.
If the percentage does not total 100%, a warning is given. The value t’ is used
to check the thickness contribution either side of the symmetry surface. The
total should be t/2.

The macro is invoked by clicking on the button

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Optional Macro – Force Percentage of various plies into a layup

The results of definitions are shown:

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Section 1 Homework Review

Using FEA to simulate a test coupon

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Section 1 Homework

Use the following material properties to create a single ply FEA test

Carbon/Epoxy (AS4/3501‐6)

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Section 1 Homework

The coupon dimensions are 4 inches wide by 20 inches long

(0.102m by 0.508m). Thickness is 0.15 inch (0.00381 m)

The coupon is loaded in the long direction with an axial load of

sufficient value so as to just fail the coupon. (Hint: if your solver has a
SR output option it will be easier to scale the load to failure)

The ply end is held axially, but free to shrink due to Poisson’s effect

The ply orientation is varied from 0 degrees (aligned with the long axis)
to 90 degrees ( aligned with the short axis)

Plot the failing load against ply angle, using the Tsai-Wu criterion

Plot the sigma1, sigma2 and sigma12 stresses against ply angle

Repeat the exercise using the Maximum Stress Criterion

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Section 1 Homework

Alternatively use the stress terms given below if you do not have
access to an FEA solver

1  cos 2 
 2  sin 2 
 12   sin  cos 

Another alternative is to use the Ply calculator to calculate stresses,

load and FI terms

Experiment with values of F12 term between 0.5 and -0.5 in the Tsai Wu
criterion, ensuring you normalize the whole term

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Section 1 Homework – Answer Using Ply Calculator

Metric Version

Step 1. In ply calculator enter material properties and ply 1 data (theta = 0.0 t
= 0.00381m)

Step2. Enter arbitrary load/width in x

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Step2. Investigate SR and scale load by this to get SR 1.0

Step3. First data point

Px total = Load/width* width = 711175 N

Sig1 = 1.830E9 Pa
Sig2 = 0.0 Pa
Sig12= 0.0 Pa

Now repeat for theta = 1,2,3,4,5,10,15,20,25,30,45,75,90

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Resultant Loads, Stresses and Tsai-Wu Terms

Dominant terms highlighted

in Tsai-Wu

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t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
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The terms are tedious to calculate so we will use part of the Ply Calculator
Spread Sheet to evaluate an example from reference [1].

A single dummy ply is input, with the defined Stiffness values

E1 19.981GPa
E2 11.389GPa
G12 3.789 Gpa
 12 0.274

The reduced stiffness matrix is calculated

Note > E1
Note > E2

[1] Introduction to Composite Material Design. Barbero. CRC 1999, page 115
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We now want to consider off-axis plies, where the with-fiber angle can be

The stiffness in the reference directions has to be resolved as shown

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The resultant is the transformed reduced stiffness matrix.

 Q11 Q21 Q16 

 
Q   Q12 Q22 Q26 
Q16 Q26 Q66 
 
Note that there can now be coupling terms between in-plane direct and
shear. We will explore this later.

Using the example in Reference [1], by including angle theta -55 degrees:

The Q  matrix is shown for the single ply

Note Q11 is less than E1
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For arbitrary coordinates the Stress-Strain relationship for kth ply of a layup are:

 x  Q11 Q21 Q16    x 

 k  Q k  k      
 y   Q12 Q22 Q26    y 
  Q Q Q   xy 
 k 
xy 16 26 66  k  k

Following ref [1] page 125

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As an example a 6 ply layup is shown, the ply stack is:

[-55/55/0/0/55/-55] or [-55/55/0]symm

The layup is symmetric and balanced

The A matrix calculations are shown for each ply:

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The A matrix summation is shown. Notice that the shear coupling terms go to
zero, as the layup is balanced

An axial loading will show no shear coupling

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The ply 1 and 6 angles are changed to remove the balanced condition

The A matrix now shows signs of coupling:

Shear strains are now induced with axial loading

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The balance is further altered by changing all plies

The resultant A matrix is shown

And the increased shear strain:

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For a balanced symmetric layup an equivalent laminate moduli can be

calculated and used for engineering calculations, sizing etc.

The Moduli represent the stiffness of an equivalent orthotropic plate

under in-plane loading.

The moduli are defined in terms of the A matrix.

A11 A22  A212

Ex 
A11 A22  A212
Ey 
Gxy 
 xy  12
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Balanced and symmetric plies used

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In-plane and bending coupling terms are zero

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Balanced, but not symmetric, in plane decoupled

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Not balanced, or symmetric, full coupling

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Buckling in Composites

Typical plate simply supported on all edges

Layup is 0/90/90/0

Ply thickness = 0.0001m = 0.1 mm

Plate length = .0125m = 12.5 mm

Plate width = .01m = 10 mm

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Buckling in Composites

Nominal load = 10 N EigenValue = 21.38 Pcr = 213.8 N

365 N

214 N
668 N
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Buckling in Composites

Hand Calculation

 D22 2 D11  b 
2 2
D  2 D 1 a 

N x cr  m   2
12 66
 2  
b  D22  a 
D22 m  b  
N x cr Load per unit width

N x cr  288N

This assumes one half wave as per the FEA, but is quite innacurate

However relative buckling loads are acceptable, based on D11, D22, D66,D12

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