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Lesson Plan.

Class Year 1
No of students 15
Focus Listening and Speaking Skills.
Theme World of Knowledge.
Topic Sound Around Us.
Content Standard 1.1 - Pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak
confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and
Learning Standard 1.1.1 - Able to listen to and respond to stimulus given
with guidance: voiced sound
Objectives By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to,1.
Recognise sound of animals.2. Make sound of
animals.3. Name the animals.
Activities 1. Teacher plays the song of “Old McDonald”pupils
listen.2. Teacher asks pupils to name some of the
animals from the song.3. Teacher plays the recorded
sound of animals.4. Pupils listen to the sounds
carefully.5. Pupils guess the animals.6. Pupils make the
sound according to the pictures shown7. Teacher asks
simple “WH” question example,“What animal is
this?”8. Teacher divides pupils into groups and teacher
distributes envelops of picture puzzle. Pupils solve the
puzzle in their group and make the sound of their

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