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Graphical Calculator

In Assembly Language

• We have made a simple calculator with graphics in Assembly

• It can perfom four operations.
1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Multiplication
4. Division
• Moreover It can deal with upto 40 digits.
• A macro is a sequence of instructions, assigned by a
name and could be used anywhere in the program.
• In MASM, macros are defined with macro and endm
• Syntax:
FunctionName Macro parameters


• We use Local keyword to define Labels in Macro function

• Syntax:
Local L1,L2,L3,…Ln
VIDEO Programming with INT 10h

•Basic Background
•Controlling the Color
•INT 10h Video Functions
INT 10h Video Functions

• AH register contains the function number

Set video mode
text modes
graphics modes
• Al register contains the function number
• 13h:
Initiate Graphical mode
INT 10h Pixel-Related Functions

• AH register contains the function number

• 0Ch: Write graphics pixel
• 0Dh: Read graphics pixel
Mouse Programming

• Reset Mouse and Get Status

•INT 33h, AX = 0
mov ax,0
Set Background:

• 0BH Functioning
MOV AH,0BH ;request for set background or border color
MOV BH,0H ;set backcolor & border color in graphic mode but
border color in text mode
MOV BL,3 ;color value in bits 0-3(00-0FH)
The End

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