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 Is the minimal linguistic unit which has a
meaning or grammatical function.
 Word can be divided into a smaller units called
 E.g. one mrph: boy, book, love, desire
two mrph: boy + -ish desire + -able
book + -s love + -ed
three mrph: boy + -ish + -ness
desire + -able + -ity
Free & Bound Morpheme
 Free M. are those which can stand alone as a
E.g. boy, desire, book, love.
 Bound M. are those which are always attached
to some other morpheme.
E.g. –ish, -able, -s, -ed, -ity, -ness
 Hospitalized hospital (n) + -ize
 hospitalize (v) + -ed
 The root/ base is hospital. The stems are
hospital, hospitalize
 Prefix is an affix that is attached to the front of its
stem. E.g. im-, miss-, un-.
 Suffix is an affix that is attached to the end of its
stem. E.g.-ist, -ment, -tion.
 Infix is an affix that occurs within another
 Reduplication Affix is an affix that duplicates all
or part of the stem.
1. Partial reduplication
is a copy of the first consonant vowel.
E.g. tatakbuh, lalakad (Tagalok)
2. Full reduplication
is the repetition of the entire word
E.g. kupu-kupu, laba-laba (Indonesia)
Derivational Morpheme
 Derivational Morpheme (DM) is
morphemes that change either part of
speech and meaning. It usually uses

 E.g. Hospital (n) + -ize  hospitalize (v)

Govern (v) + -ment  government (n)
Nation (n) + -al  National (adj)
Tree Diagram
 Laziness (n)  lazy (adj) + -ness

Laziness (n)

Lazy (adj) -ness

Labeled of Brackets
 Laziness (n)  lazy (adj) + -ness

((lazy) adj –ness ) n

Your Turn to Draw…
 Governments
 Miscalculation
 Boyishness
 Desirability
 Unlockable
Excercises:Draw the tree diagrams and
labeled of brackets!
1. Contemplation
2. Manliness
3. Impersonal
4. Reconstruction
5. Unaffordable

Good luck
Your Turn to Draw…
 Denationalization (n)
 Nation (n)
 National (adj)
 Nationalize (v)
 Denationalize (v)
 Denationalization (n)

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