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Terminology of Hair, Nail, and

Riski Nurlita S. 1600023118
Vilia Arnis
Annisa Mayangsari
Yuda Fajar Pratama 1700023212
Carissa Febri Amadea
Vicki Azwar 1700023229
Nurlatifa Aulia
Siti Shalawatur Rizkia
Fadilah Fatmala Dewi
Ditha Binikmatussholihah A. 1700023245
Abisyahdan Satria Aji
• A fibrous protein forming
the main substance of
hair, skin and nails
• These cement in protein,
face away from the scalp
and are protected by
sebum. Below this is the
cortex which has strong,
elongated, tightly packed
keratinised cells.
• A condition caused by
excessive cell
production causing the
scalp to flake
• Characteristic : white,
oily-looking flakes of
dead skin that dot your
hair and shoulders and
possibly itchy, scaly
Hair Fall
Definition :
Hair loss is a decrease in the amount
of hair on the scalp. One of the
causes of hair loss is Vitamin B
Cause :
1. Poor nutrition
2. Psychological pressure
3. Diabetes, Down syndrome, and
4. Certain skin and autoimmune
5. Cancer treatment
Grey Hair
Definition :
hair gray is hair that
changes color to gray then
Causes :
age factor,genetics , health
condition, smoke ,

Nychomycosis is a fungal
infection involving any
component of the nail unit.
It may cause pain,
discomfort, and
disfigurement that can lead
to physical and occupational
limitations. Trichophyton
rubrum and T
mentagrophytes are
responsible for 90 % of all
cases of Onychomycosis.
Paronychia is a soft-tissue
infection of the crease
between the nail and the nail
fold. It is the most commonly
encountered hand infection,
often seen in individuals
whose occupation requires
frequent contact vith water.
Patients typically describe
pain and tenderness.
Definition :
Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin
condition that causes spots and
pimples, especially on the face,
shoulders, back, neck, chest, and
upper arms.
Causes :
 Excess oil production
 Hair follicles clogged by oil and dead
skin cells
 Bacteria
 Excess activity of a type of hormone
• Definition
Scabies is an itchy skin condition caused by
a tiny burrowing mite called Sarcoptes
scabiei. Intense itching occurs in the area
where the mite burrows
• Cause
The eight-legged mite that causes scabies in
humans is microscopic. The female mite
burrows just beneath your skin and makes a
tunnel where it deposits eggs.
The eggs hatch, and the mite larvae work
their way to the surface of your skin, where
they mature and can spread to other areas
of your skin or to the skin of other people.
The itching of scabies results from your
body's allergic reaction to the mites, their
eggs and their waste.
Eczema is a general term for health
conditions in which an inflammatory
reaction occurs on the skin
characterized by itching, red rash,
dry, resilient, watery skin, hardening
thickening and discoloration of the
skin in several parts of the body such
as the face,lbow, and in behind the
- Weather
- Food
- Animal hair
- The clothing material used.
Definition :
Skin herpes is caused by reactivation of the
Varicella zoster virus, the virus that causes
Therefore, skin herpes is also known as
Causes :
Herpes zoster is caused by the Varicella Zoster
virus, which is a virus that also causes
chickenpox. People with
herpes zoster are those who have had
chickenpox before. After a person recovers
from chickenpox, the Varicella Zoster virus
becomes inactive, but persists in the nerves
for years. The virus can then reactivate
and cause shingles or chickenpox.
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