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Ms. Dipali Pandya Made by:

Assistant Professor Mihir patel(16103358)
Mechanical Engineering, SET Asim jujara(16103374)
• An anemometer is a device to measure the wind speed and direction.
Wind measurement is significant for detecting wind in industrial field.
Besides, wind measurement can be applied in environment
monitoring and controlling systems, air conditioning systems and so
on .
• Additionally –
• Temperature measurement.
• Pressure measurement.
• Wind direction.
Types of anemometer
• Cup anemometer
• Vane anemometer
• Hot wire anemometer
• Laser doppler anemometer
• Sonic anemometer
• Ping-pong ball anemometer
Cup type anemometer
• A simple type of anemometer was
invented in 1845 by Dr. Jhon Thomas
Romney Robinson, of Armagh Observatory.
It consisted of four hemispherical cups
mounted on horizontal arms, which were
mounted on a vertical shaft. The air flow
past the cups in any horizontal direction
turned the shaft at a rate that was roughly
proportional to the wind speed. Therefore,
counting the turns of the shaft over a set
time interval produced a value
proportional to the average wind speed for
a wide range of speeds. It is also called a
rotational anemometer.
Advantages and disadvantages of cup type
advantages disadvantages
• Low price • Moving parts wear outs
• Flexible design • Without provision of heating ,
• Simple installation they don’t work well in snow or
freezing rain
• Most technicians understands
operating principles and • They don’t work well in rapidly
necessary connections fluctuating winds

applications :
-this type of device used in open air position for example on towers, weather stations etc.
Vane anemometers
• One of the other forms of mechanical velocity
anemometer is the vane anemometer. It may be
described as a windmill or a propeller anemometer.
Unlike the Robinson anemometer, whose axis of
rotation is vertical, the vane anemometer must have
its axis parallel to the direction of the wind and
therefore horizontal. Furthermore, since the wind
varies in direction and the axis has to follow its
changes, a wind vane or some other contrivance to
fulfill the same purpose must be employed.
• A vane anemometer thus combines a propeller and
a tail on the same axis to obtain accurate and precise
wind speed and direction measurements from the
same instrument. The speed of the fan is measured
by a rev counter and converted to a wind speed by
an electronic chip. Hence, volumetric flow rate may
be calculated if the cross-sectional area is known.
Advantages and disadvantages of vane type
Advantages Disadvantages
• ➨It is used to measure wind • ➨Strong winds might damage
speed, wind pressure, wind the instrument, which should be
velocity, and wind direction. taken care during installation.
➨It delivers precise
measurement with very low
power consumption.
➨It is available in variety of
shapes and sizes.
Applications :-
These anemometers have great use in mines in which it is in gob holes to measure the
speed of methane releases from the mines
Hot wire anemometer
• Uses very fine wire (on the order of
several micrometers)
• Electrically heated up to some
temperature above the ambient
• Air flowing past the wire has a cooling
effect on the wire
• The electrical resistance of most metals is
dependent upon the temperature of the
• Using above a relationship can be
obtained between the resistance of the
wire and the flow speed
Probe specifications
Tungsten or platinum filament is used as a probe for hot wire
• ~1 mm long
• 4-10 mm diameter
• Good spatial resolution
• Flat frequency response
• Fragile
• Requires clean flow
• Cost (starts at $ 300-400)
To measure the velocity of turbulent flow of gases
To determine relative concentration of mixing of two different gases

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