Planting and Propagating Trees

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Planting and

Propagating Trees

Harry S. Dagdag
Luna Central School
Planting and propagating trees and
fruit-bearing trees is a source of
livelihood for many Filipino families.
Nowadays, many people engage in this
as a source of additional income for
their daily needs. Fruit-bearing trees
that can be planted in your backyard
depend on several factors: the space in
your backyard, the kind of soil, and the
type of climate in your own community.
Importance of Planting and Propagating
Trees and Fruit-bearing Trees.
Plant Propagation is the process of
reproducing or creating a new plant or
seedling. It is an important part of
gardening, whether outdoors or
indoors. Plants are living things that
grow either through their roots, stems,
and leaves of their flowers, fruits, and
seeds. It is a method of growing new
plants from seed or from parts of an
existing plants.
Benefits we can get from Trees
• Fruits and nuts are good sources of
carbohydrates (sugar and starch), fiber,
vitamins, and minerals.
• Trees promotes soil stability by protecting
the soil from erosion and prevent floods.
• Trees reduce destruction to homes and
agricultural crops by serving as
windbreakers during typhoons and storms.
• Trees improve the atmosphere of a
place by giving a feeling of freshness
and coolness, reducing temperature,
and decreasing pollution in congested
urban areas.
• Trees provide shade to houses, streets,
parks, and playgrounds attractive, but
also they do not just make them.
• Trees contribute to the beautiful
landscapes in the city and the
• Trees help maintain high quality water
• Trees serve as valuable habitat for
wildlife animals.
Factors to Consider in Planting Trees and
Fruit-bearing Trees.
Planting trees requires careful study of
various factors to ensure its proper
adaptability and growth.
1. Climate
2. Soil
3. Water
4. Fertilizer
1. Climate – is the most important factor
affecting the growth of trees. Climate
includes temperature, sunlight, and
1.1 Temperature – refers to the degree
of coldness and hotness of the
atmosphere at a certain period of time.
1.2 Sunlight – the main energy provider
in the process of food manufacture in the
plant kingdom, sunlight influences the
growth of trees through its effects on
photosynthesis, transpiration, flowering ,
rate of water absorption, among others.
3. Water – trees cannot survive without water
for it forms part of every plant cells and
tissues and it serves as a solvent for the
nutrients from the soil.
4. Fertilizer – are added to soil to increase
its productivity.
Two types of Fertilizer
1. Organic Fertilizer – come from
compost of decayed fruit and vegetables
peelings, animal manure, etc.
2. Inorganic Fertilizer – made up of
synthetic materials.
1.3 Rainfall – Rain is very important
in the growth of all kinds of trees.
2. Soil – a primary growing medium for
plants, the soil contains mineral
elements necessary for normal plant
growth and development of the trees.
Two types of Soil
1. Mineral Soil – composed of
inorganic substances.
2. Organic Soil – formed from partly
decayed organic matter.
References: The Basics of Better Family
Living, pages 54-55 and Home Economics
and Livelihood Education 6, pages 60-62

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