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Science of Persuation

Recommended by
Charlie Mubger
 It is a technique to make people to say yes to
your idea make them do what you really want
them to do.
 Don’t manipulate people.
 Mutual benefits.
 Because
 Abraham Linchon Say
 “you can fool some people for some time but
not all the people for all the time”.
 8 Techniques
 Attracted to limited availability things.
 Example:
 1-Limited edition products.
 2-Advertisement says hurry.
 Favour returns in favour.
 Do bad, you can get worst.

 Example:

 1: Receive gift on birthday

 Business Example:

 Harrey Krishna Orgnization

Approach people and pin a flower to their clothe.

 When someone ask you for a large favour and
contour it with small favour. Your are more
likely to deny for it.
 Example:
 Author gives his own example.
 If you make someone commit to something
small initialy, then, you will be more likely to
make him commit to something bigger later on.
 Example of cancer fighters.
 We copy what others do specially when we are
not sure what to do.
 Experiment performed on road.
 Example:
 1-Loud laughter tracks in comedy shows
 2-Advertisers tell their product is largest
 Fastest selling.
 We refer to people of look superior to us. We
are brought up to obey authorities, initially
parents, later teachers, police, ministers etc.
 Such Authority have power of command to tell
people what to do.
 Example:
 Titles
 Clothes
 Trappings
 Its hard to say no to attractive people.
 Example:
 A beautiful girl or handsome guy request.
 Beloved Personalities
 Main Question:
How to make people like you?
 Physical Attractiveness
 Similarities
 Compliment
 Contact and co-oprate
 When asking someone for a favour , you would
be more successful if you provide a reason.
 Example:
 A psychologist experiment.
 Therefore we can use these techniques to
persuade and influence people in different
 We can use these techniques in:
 Business
 Job
 Marketing
 Advertisements

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