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Chapter 1 Transport

1.1 The Importance Of Having A Transport System In Source

Multicellular Organisms

ITeach – Biology Form 5

The Importance Of Having a Transport System in Chapter 1 Transport

Source Multicellular Organisms

Living Organisms

• Receive oxygen and nutrients from external environment for

cellular activities.

• Eliminate toxic waste products from their bodies through


• Smaller organisms with large total surface area to volume

(TSA / V) ratio enable waste products to diffuse easily.
Amoeba Hydra Planaria

TSA / V Ratio Organisms

• In larger organisms, TSA/V ratio decreases. Exchange of

substances by simple diffusion is too slow. To survive, an
internal transport system is needed.

Teach – Biology Form 5

Kepentingan Sistem Pengangkutan dalam Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Organisma Multisel

Organisma Hidup

• Menerima oksigen dan nutrien daripada persekitaran luaran

untuk aktiviti sel.

• Menyingkirkan bahan kumuh toksik daripada badan melalui


• Organisma kecil mempunyai nisbah luas permukaan per

isipadu (JLP/I) yang besar, membolehkan bahan kumuh
diresap dengan mudah.
Amoeba Hydra Planaria

Nisbah (JLP/I) Organisma

• Organisma besar mempunyai nisbah luas permukaan per

isipadu (JLP/I) yang kecil, menyebabkan pertukaran bahan
melalui resapan ringkas amat perlahan dan sistem
pengangkutan dalaman diperlukan untuk terus hidup.

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

1.2 Concept Of The Circulatory System

ITeach – Biology Form 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Concept of The Circulatory System

Circulatory System
Has 3 components

Blood Fluid/medium that flows in the system

Vessels carries the fluid

keeps the fluid moving through

Pump (heart)
the vessels

Blood is a type of connective tissue consisting of 55%

plasma and 45% blood cells.

The blood passes into vessels such as arteries,
arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins.
y system

The heart pumps blood continuously around the body.

What is blood?

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Konsep Sistem Peredaran

Sistem Peredaran
Mengandungi 3 komponen:
Medium bendalir mengalir di dalam sistem

Salur membawa bendalir

memastikan bendalir mengalir

Pam (jantung)
melalui salur

Darah merupakan sejenis tisu penghubung yang

terdiri daripada 55% plasma dan 45% sel darah.

Darah mengalir ke dalam salur seperti arteri, arteriol,
kapilari, venul dan vena.

Jantung mengepam darah secara berterusan ke

seluruh badan.

Apa itu Darah?

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Concept of The Circulatory System

Composition Of Human Blood


Cell (45%) Plasma (55%)


Contains water, protein,

glucose, lipids, amino
Erythrocytes acids, salts, enzymes,
antigens, hormones, urea.


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Konsep Sistem Peredaran Darah

Komposisi Darah Manusia


Sel (45%) Plasma (55%)


Mengandungi air, protein,

glukosa, lipid, asid amino,
Eritrosit garam mineral, enzim,
antigen, hormon, urea.


ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Concept of The Circulatory System

Functions Of Blood

Transport of materials Defense against diseases

Gases Food
Eg. amino Waste
eg; Co2, O2 products

Hormones Heat

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Konsep Sistem Peredaran

Fungsi Darah

Pengangkutan Bahan Melawan Penyakit

Gas Bahan
Cth: Co2, O2 Cth: asid

Hormon Haba

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Concept of The Circulatory System

Human Blood Vessels

Blood vessels are tubes that transport

blood from one part of the human body to

The structure and function of

human blood vessels

Arteries Veins


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Konsep Sistem Peredaran

Salur Darah Manusia

Salur darah merupakan tiub yang

mengangkut darah daripada satu bahagian
ke bahagian badan lain.

Struktur dan Fungsi Salur


Arteri Vena


ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Concept of The Circulatory System

Structure And Function Of The Human Heart

The heart is situated between the lungs and behind the sternum in the thorax
It is the size of a clenched fist
– 2 upper thin-walled atria
There are 4 chambers
– 2 lower thick-walled ventricles
The wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the wall of the right ventricle because
the left ventricle pumps blood to all parts of the body while the right ventricle only
pump blood to the lungs
The heart is divided into right and left side by a wall called the septum
The valve between the left atrium and ventricle has 2 cup-shaped flaps called the
bicuspid valve
The right atrio-ventricular valve has 3 cup-shaped flaps called tricuspid valve
The atrio-ventricular valves prevent back flow of blood into the atria when the
ventricles contract
Semi-lunar valves are located at the point where the pulmonary artery and aorta
leave the heart. This is to prevent the back flow of blood into the ventricle when
they relax.

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Konsep Sistem Peredaran

Struktur dan Fungsi Jantung Manusia

Jantung terletak di antara peparu dan berada di belakang sternum pada toraks.
Bersaiz buku lima.
– 2 ruang atas yang lebih nipis iaitu atria
Terdiri daripada 4 ruang
– 2 ruang bawah yang lebih tebal iaitu ventrikel
Dinding ventrikel kiri adalah lebih tebal berbanding dinding ventrikel kanan kerana
ventrikel kiri mengepam darah ke seluruh badan manakala ventrikel kanan hanya
mengepam darah ke peparu sahaja.
Jantung terbahagi kepada bahagian kiri dan kanan yang dipisahkan oleh dinding
yang dipanggil septum.
Terdapat injap di antara atrium kiri dan ventrikel kiri yang dipanggil injap bikuspid.
Atrium kanan dan ventrikel kiri pula dipisahkan oleh injap trikuspid.
Injap di antara atrium dan ventrikel ini memastikan tiada pengaliran balik darah ke
antrium semula apabila ventrikel mengecut.
Injap sabit pula terletak pada pangkal arteri pulmonari dan aorta. Ini untuk
mengelakkan aliran balik darah ke ventrikel kiri dan kanan apabila jantung

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Concept of The Circulatory System

Pumping Of The Heart

Atrial Systole
The sino-atrial node
generates electrical
impulses. The electrical
Auricle impulses spread over the
contracts walls of both auricles
Ventrical causing them to contract.
sino-atrial lunar valves
node (SA) Purkinje
(pacemaker) tissue Ventricular Systole
The electrical impulses reach
atrio-ventricular the AV node, bundle of His
node (AV) fibres and Purkinje fibres
conduct the impulses to the
apex of the heart. The
The heart at rest electrical impulses spread to
the ventricles causing them
to contract

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Konsep Sistem Peredaran

Pengepaman Jantung

Sistol Atrium
Nodus sino-atrium
menghasilkan impuls
elektrik. Impuls elektrik
aurikel akan disebarkan ke
mengecut seluruh dinding aurikel
dan ini menyebabkan
injap sabit dinding aurikel mengecut.
nodus ventrikel
sino-atrium Sistol Ventrikel
mengecut Ketika impuls elektrik sampai
(SA) tisu
(perentak) ke nodus atrioventrikel (AV),
Purkinje sekumpulan gentian dan
nodus gentian Purkinje akan
atrio-ventrikel menghalakan impuls ke
(AV) hujung jantung. Ini
menyebabkan impuls elektrik
Pengenduran jantung tersebar ke seluruh ventrikel
dan menyebabkannya

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Concept of The Circulatory System

Regulation Mechanism Of Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is maintained by a negative feedback mechanism.

Baroreceptors located in the arch of the aorta and the walls of the carotid
arteries detect changes in blood pressure.

Baroreceptors in Cardiovascular
arch of aorta and increased rate centre in Medula
carotid arteries are of nerve impulses sent to Oblongata in the
stimulated brain

Increase in impulses sent

blood pressure to effectors

Action of effectors
• weaker cardiac
Normal blood Blood pressure muscle contraction
pressure decreases • lower resistance of
blood flow in the
blood vessels

ITeach – Biology Form 5

Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Konsep Sistem Peredaran

Mekanisme Pengawalaturan Tekanan Darah

Tekanan darah dikekalkan oleh mekanisma suapbalik.

Baroreseptor yang terletak pada aorta dan dinding arteri karotid dapat
mengesan perubahan pada tekanan darah.

Baroreseptor yang
Meningkatkan kadar Pusat kardiovaskular
terletak pada aorta
pada medula
dan arteri karotid impuls saraf yang dihantar kepada
oblongata di otak

Tekanan darah Impuls dihantar

meningkat ke efektor
Tindakan efektor
• Melemahkan
pengecutan otot
Tekanan darah Tekanan darah kardium
normal menurun • Mengurangkan
rintangan aliran
darah dalam salur

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Concept of The Circulatory System

Blood Circulatory System

Closed Open
• blood is confined to vessels or in • blood is contained in the
some cases sinuses body cavity known as a
Single Double • insects have this type of
• blood flows only circulation
once through the • blood flows only
heart for every once through the
complete heart twice for
circulation every complete
• fish have this circulation
type of circulation

Complete Incomplete

• Oxygenated and deoxygenated • Oxygenated and deoxygenated

blood are separated blood are inextricably mixed
• mammals and birds have this • amphibians and reptiles have
type of circulation this type of circulation

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Konsep Sistem Peredaran

Sistem Peredaran Darah

Tertutup Terbuka
• Pengaliran darah terbatas • Darah mengalir di dalam
kepada salur darah atau sinus rongga badan yang dikenali
sebagai hemoselom
Tunggal Ganda dua • Serangga mempunyai
• Darah hanya sistem peredaran jenis ini
mengalir ke dalam
• Darah mengalir ke
jantung sekali
dalam jantung dua
sahaja dalam satu
kali dalam satu
peredaran lengkap
peredaran lengkap
• Ikan mempunyai
sistem jenis ini

Lengkap Tidak lengkap

• Darah beroksigen dan darah • Darah beroksigen dan darah

terdeoksigen adalah terasing terdeoksigen bercampur
• Mamalia dan burung • Amfibia dan reptilia
mempunyai sistem jenis ini mempunyai sistem jenis ini

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Concept of The Circulatory System

Open Circulation Of An Insect

chamber of heart
pericardial membrane


Haemolymph flows forward in the dorsal tubular heart by waves of

contraction which begins at the rear and work its way toward the anterior
The haemolymph then leaves the heart and enters the haemocoel
The haemolymph is returned to the heart via the ostia
The ostia are equipped with valves that allow blood to enter but not leave
the heart

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Konsep Sistem Peredaran

Peredaran Darah Terbuka Serangga

ruang jantung
membran perikardial


Hemolimfa mengalir ke dalam jantung yang berbentuk tiub di bahagian

dorsal melalui siri pengecutan yang bermula daripada belakang jantung
dan bergerak hingga ke hujung anterior.
Hemolimfa kemudiannya meninggalkan jantung dan memasuki bahagian
Hemolimfa kembali ke jantung melalui ostia.
Ostia dilengkapi dengan injap yang membenarkan darah untuk masuk ke
jantung dan tidak meninggalkan jantung.

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Concept of The Circulatory System

Closed, Single Circulation In Fish

blood flows only once through the heart for

every complete circulation

The heart has only one atrium and one


Deoxygenated blood is pumped to the gills,

flows to various parts of the body and then
returns to the heart.

Teach – Biology Form 5

Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Konsep Sistem Peredaran

Peredaran Darah Tunggal Tertutup Ikan

Darah hanya mengalir ke dalam jantung

sekali sahaja dalam satu peredaran lengkap

Jantung ikan hanya mempunyai satu atrium

dan satu ventrikel sahaja

Darah terdeoksigen akan dipam ke dalam

insang dan mengalir ke semua bahagian
badan sebelum kembali semula ke jantung

ITeach – Biology Form 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Concept of The Circulatory System

Closed, Double And Incomplete

Circulation In Amphibians

Blood is returned to the heart after passing

through the lungs

It has two atria but the ventricle is not

completely divided

Deoxygenated and oxygenated blood would

be mixed in the single ventricle

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Konsep Sistem Peredaran

Peredaran Darah Tunggal Ganda Dua

dan Tak Lengkap Amfibia

Darah dikembalikan ke dalam jantung

selepas melalui peparu

Ia mempunyai dua atria tetapi ventrikelnya

tidak terbahagi sepenuhnya

Darah beroksigen dan darah teroksigen akan

bercampur di dalam satu ventrikel

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Concept of The Circulatory System

Closed, Double And Complete

Circulation In Mammals

Blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs,

whence it returns to the heart and is then re-
pumped to the body.

The heart is divided into right and left sides,

the right side deals with deoxygenated blood
and the left side with oxygenated blood.

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Konsep Sistem Peredaran

Peredaran Tertutup, Ganda Dua dan

Lengkap Mamalia

Darah dipam daripada jantung ke peparu di

mana darah akan dikembalikan ke jantung
dan kemudiannya dipam semula ke seluruh

Jantung terbahagi kepada bahagian kiri dan

kanan. Bahagian kanan jantung menjadi
laluan darah terdeoksigen dan bahagian
sebelah kiri pula menjadi laluan darah

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Concept of The Circulatory System

Human Circulatory System

Pulmonary circulation Systemic circulation

Flow of blood from the heart Flow of blood from the heart
to the lungs and back to the to all parts of the body and
heart back to the heart

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Konsep Sistem Peredaran

Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia

Peredaran Pulmonari Peredaran Sistemik

Darah mengalir dari jantung

Darah mengalir dari jantung
ke seluruh bahagian badan
ke peparu dan kembali
dan kembali semula ke
semula ke jantung

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

1.3 Understanding The Mechanism Of Blood Clotting

ITeach – Biology Form 5

Chapter 1 Transport
Understanding the Mechanism of Blood Clotting

Necessity For Blood Clotting

Prevents excessive blood loss from the body through a wound

Prevents blood pressure from falling to a lower level

Prevents the entry of microorganisms and foreign particles into the body through
a wound

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan
Memahami Mekanisme Pembekuan Darah

Keperluan Pembekuan Darah

Mengelakkan kehilangan darah berlebihan daripada badan akibat luka

Mencegah tekanan darah daripada jatuh ke tahap yang sangat rendah

Mengelakkan kemasukan mikroorganisma dan bendasing ke dalam badan

melalui luka

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport
Understanding the Mechanism of Blood Clotting

Blooding Clothing Mechanism

Blood lining
flows out and blood
42 Platelets clump 1together
A cut intoaform
of blood vessel
plug toconstricts
prevent blood
vessel When a blood vessel is injured, platelets
begin to collect at the site on injury, forming a
barrier called the platelet plug.
An enzyme, thrombokinase is released.

Vitamin K
Calcium ions
3 Platelets Erythrocyte
on exposure to air,
downvessel Prothrombin
and release 5 Platelets release Thrombin
chemicals to cause other thrombokinase Thrombokinase
platelets to stick to each otherother clotting factors
Fibrinogen Fibrin
(soluble) (insoluble)

Clot forms to stop further blood loss

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan
Memahami Mekanisme Pembekuan Darah

Mekanisme Pembekuan Darah

2 Platelet
Lapisan berkumpulSalur
Endotelium bersama
1keluar darah
Darah mengalir
membentuk penyumbat dan
yang Apabila salur darah terluka, platelet akan
darahdarah mengecutterluka berkumpul dan melekat pada dinding salur
menghalang kehilangan darah
darah membentuk penghalang yang
dipanggil penyumbat platelet.
Enzim trombokinase dibebaskan
Vitamin K
Ion kalsium
Vesel darahterdedah kepadaProtrombin
3 Apabila platelet udara, ia Trombin
akan terurai dan membebaskan bahan kimia Trombokinase
menyebabkan platelet lain untukPlatelet
bersama trombokinase dan faktor
Fibrinogen Fibrin
pembekuan lain
(protein larut) (protein tak

Darah beku terbentuk untuk

memberhentikan kehilangan darah

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Chapter 1 Transport

1.4 The Lymphatic System

ITeach – Biology Form 5

Chapter 1 Transport

The lymphatic System

The Formation Of Lymph

 As a result of high pressure, water and dissolved substances diffuse from the
capillaries and bathe the tissue, forming tissue fluid or interstitial fluid.

Importance of the interstitial fluid

- Oxygen and nutrients diffuse from the blood through the interstitial fluid.
- Excretory waste (carbon dioxide, urea) diffuse out of the cells through the
interstitial fluid

 Some of the tissue fluid returns to the capillaries (90%) while the rest (10%)
drains into the lymphatic vessels.

 The fluid is known as lymph.

 The composition of lymph is similar to plasma except that it has no

erythrocytes and large protein molecules of the blood.

 The lymph flow takes place in only one direction from the tissues to the heart.
Semilunar valves within the lymphatic vessels keep the flow of lymph in one

Teach – Biology Form 5

Composition of interstitial fluid
• Water
• Dissolved nutrients
• Hormones
• Waste product
• Gases
• Small proteins from the blood
• leucocytes
• Dost not contain
- plasma proteins (albumin, globulin,
- erythrocytes
- platelets

(too large to pass through the capillary

• Blood plasma (at venous end) is hypertonic
compared to the surrounding interstitial fluid.
• Blood P is lower at venous end

results = water, mineral, salts and waste product

flow back into the capillary (85%)
• The fluid must be returned to the
circulatory system to maintain normal
blood volume.
• 15% of fluid that still remain in interstitial
fluid returns to the blood through lymphatic
Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Sistem Limfa

Pembentukan Limfa

 Disebabkan oleh tekanan tinggi, air dan bahan terlarut akan meresap keluar
daripada kapilari dan membasahi tisu membentuk bendalir tisu atau bendalir
Kepentingan bendalir ruang-antara

- Oksigen dan nutrien meresap keluar dari darah melalui bendalir ruang-antara.
- Bahan kumuh(karbon dioksida, urea) meresap keluar dari sel melalui bendalir
 Sebahagian daripada bendalir tisu kembali semula ke dalam kapilari (90%)
sementara lebihan bendalir tisu (10%) disalurkan ke dalam salur limfa.

 Bendalir ini dikenali sebagai limfa.

 Komposisi limfa adalah lebih kurang sama dengan komposisi plasma kecuali
ia tidak mempunyai eritrosit dan molekul protein yang terlalu besar.

 Aliran limfa berlaku dalam satu arah iaitu dari tisu ke jantung. Injap sabit yang
terdapat di antara salur limfa memastikan aliran limfa bergerak dalam satu

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Bab 1 Pengangkutan

The structure of lymphatic system

• Collects excess interstitial fluid and return
it to circulatory system
• A network of lymph capillaries, larger
• Lymph capillaries – blind end tubes
- located in the spaces
between the cells
Bab 1 Pengangkutan

• Interstitial fluid which is not absorbed into

bloodstream drains into lymph capillaries –
known as lymph
Lymph: - transparent yellowish fluid

Lymphatic vessel: - lymphatic capillaries

- have one-way valves
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Lymph nodes
• intervals along lymphatic vessel
• produce and store lymphocytes
- help to defend the body against infection
Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Thoracic duct and right lymphatic

• main channels
• R.L.D receive lymph from right arm,
shoulder area, right side of the head and
• Thoracic duct receives lymph from left of
head, neck and chest, left upper limb,
entire body below the ribs
Bab 1 Pengangkutan

• Thoracic duct empties lymph into left

subclavain vein
• R.L.D empties lymph into right subclavain

Result = lymph drains back into the blood

Chapter 1 Transport

The lymphatic System

The Lymphatic System

the point where

lymph returns
right lymphatic duct to the blood
empties its contents into
the right subclavian vein anterior vena

lacteal in the villi of small thoracic duct

intestine empties its
contents into the
left subclarian vein

lymph nodes
the lymphatic system is a • Produce lymphocytes
network of lymphatic vessels • Remove particles of
and capillaries, numerous debris and ingest
lymph nodes and two bacteria
organs, thymus and spleen.

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Sistem Limfa

Sistem Limfa

titik di mana
limfa kembali
duktus limfa kanan ke dalam darah
menyalurkan bendalir
limfa ke dalam vena anterior vena
subklavikel kanan kava

duktus toraks
lakteal di dalam vilus
usus kecil
bendalir limfa ke
dalam vena
subklavikel kiri

nodus limfa
• Menghasilkan limfosit
sistem limfa merupakan satu
jaringan salur limfa dan • Menyingkirkan
kapilari, nodus limfa, dua bendasing serta menelan
organ, timus dan limpa. dan mencernakan

ITeach – Biology Form 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Lymphatic system
• Do not have own pump to move lymph
• Moves with the help of
- 1-way valves
- muscular contraction
- intestinal movement
- pressure changes (inhalation and
Chapter 1 Transport

The lymphatic System

Role Of The Lymphatic System

 Transports interstitial fluid back to the bloodstream.

Blockage of the lymphatic system causes the body tissues to swell with
excess fluid, a condition called oedema.

 Transports absorbed fats and fat soluble vitamins from the small intestine
into the bloodstream.

 Defends the body against infection by producing lymphocytes and antibodies

to fight and destroy bacteria and viruses.

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Sistem Limfa

Peranan Sistem Limfa

 Mengangkut bendalir ruang-antara balik semula ke dalam aliran darah.

Sistem limfa yang tersumbat boleh menyebabkan tisu badan menjadi
bengkak dengan lebihan bendalir. Keadaan ini dipanggil edema.

 Mengangkut lemak yang diserap dan vitamin larut lemak daripada usus kecil
ke dalam aliran darah.

 Mempertahankan badan daripada jangkitan penyakit dengan menghasilkan

limfosit dan antibodi yang dapat melawan dan memusnahkan bakteria dan

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Chapter 1 Transport

• An excessive accumulation of interstitial
fluid in the space between the cell
• May caused by a blocked lymphatic vessel
Chapter 1 Transport

1.5 Role Of Circulatory System In Body Defence Mechanism

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Chapter 1 Transport
Role Of Circulatory System In Body Defence Mechanism

The Body’s Defence Mechanism

First line of Second line of Third line of

defence defence defence

Mucous Phagocytosis
Skin produced by
membranes by phagocytes

Sweat Secretion of
Sebum mucus

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Peranan Sistem Peredaran dalam Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan

Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan

Barisan pertama Barisan
pertahanan pertahanan kedua

Antibodi yang
Membran Fagositosis
Kulit dihasilkan
mukus oleh fagosit
oleh limfosit

Sebum Rembesan
peluh mukus

ITeach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport
Role Of Circulatory System In Body Defence Mechanism

The Body’s Defence Mechanism - First Line Of Defence

• Consists of physical and chemical barriers that prevent pathogens from the body

• The skin serves as a physical barrier

• Sebum from the sebaceous glands provides a protective waterproof layer

• Sweat from the sweat gland contains lyzozyme, an antibacterial enzyme.

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Chapter 1 Transport

The first line defence (skin)

• Physical barrier (outer layer)
- impenetrable to bacteria and viruses,
- dead skin makes it difficult for bacteria to growth
• Chemical barrier (sebum)
- protective film over the skin
- acids and oils prevent the growth of
• Chemical barrier (sweat)
- contain lysozome – capable breaking down the
cell wall of certain bacteria
Chapter 1 Transport

The first line defence (others)

• Tears and saliva
- contain lysozome, helps protect from
bacterial invasion
• Hydrochloric acid
- destroys pathogens
• Blood clotting mechanism
Chapter 1 Transport

The first line defence (mucous

• Line the trachea, digestive and urinary
• Stop the entry of potentially harmful
• Secretes mucus (contain lysozome) –
traps and destroys bacteria
Bab 1 Pengangkutan
Peranan Sistem Peredaran dalam Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan

Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan- Barisan Pertahanan Pertama

• Mengandungi halangan kimia dan fizikal yang menghalang patogen dari badan

• Kulit berperanan sebagai halangan fizikal

• Sebum daripada kelenjar sebum menyediakan satu lapisan perlindung yang

kalis air.
• Peluh daripada kelenjar peluh mengandungi lisozim yang bertindak sebagai
enzim antibakteria.
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Chapter 1 Transport

The second line defence

• Used for the pathogen that may still gain
entry into the body (penetrate the 1st line
• Non-specific
• Phagocytes can form phagocytosis
Chapter 1 Transport
Role Of Circulatory System In Body Defence Mechanism

The Body’s Defence Mechanism - Second Line Of Defence

• Starts when a pathogen is able to get past the body’s first line of defence

• The ingestion and destruction of the pathogen is carried out by a process

known as phagocytosis.

Lysine enzyme digests the bacteria. Digested substance is absorbed into the
The bacteria
Phagocyte extends
is recognised
portions of
by its
is close
to the
cytoplasm. Some
trapped and swallowed
some may by
be the
in the metabolism of
the phagocyte.

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Chapter 1 Transport

• Neutrophils and monocytes
• Migrate to the infected area
• Enter the interstitial fluid by squeezing
through capillary walls
• During migration, monocytes enlarge and
develop into macrophages, found in
interstitial fluid
Chapter 1 Transport

• Phagocytes engulfs and ingests the

pathogen in a process phagocytosis
• Phagocytes contain lysozome – destroys
the phatogen
Chapter 1 Transport
Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Peranan Sistem Peredaran dalam Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan

Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan- Barisan Pertahanan Kedua

• Bermula apabila patogen berjaya menembusi barisan pertahanan pertama


• Proses penelanan dan pemusnahan patogen dikenali sebagai fagositosis.

Enzim lisin bertindak mencernakan bakteria. Bahan yang telah dicerna

Fagosit memanjangkan bahagian membran plasmanya dan mengelilingi
Bakteria terlibatdiserap
kemudiannya Bakteria
ke oleh
dan Fagosit
ditelan oleh
fagosit. bakteria.
dirembeskan dan sebahagian lagi digunakan di dalam metabolisma fagosit.

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Chapter 1 Transport

The third line defence

• Involves the immune system
• Specific or targeted defence (recognises
specific phatogen)
Chapter 1 Transport

The third line defence

• Immunity: body resistance to the pathogen
which causes a specific disease
• Antigen: substances (proteins) that
immune system recognise as a foreign of
the body. Found in the outer surface of
Chapter 1 Transport

• Antibodies: proteins found on the surface

of lymphocytes or proteins released by the
lymphocytes into the blood plasma
• Immune response: interaction between
antibody and antigen which result in the
elimination of the antigen from the body
Chapter 1 Transport
Role Of Circulatory System In Body Defence Mechanism

The Body’s Defence Mechanism - Third Line Of Defence

• Involves lymphocytes which produce antibodies to fight diseases and


• The antibodies produced can defend the body in the following ways

Neutralisation Lysis

Third Line Of Defence

Opsonisation Agglutination

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Chapter 1 Transport

Lymphatic system
• Also helps defend the body against
invasion by pathogens
• When infection, pathogens and
lymphocytes collect in a great numbers in
the lymph nodes
• Lymph nodes become swollen
• Lymph nodes contain macrophages, dead
tissue, other foreign substances through
phagocytosis and lymphocytes
Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Peranan Sistem Peredaran dalam Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan

Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan- Barisan Pertahanan Ketiga

• Melibatkan limfosit yang menghasilkan antibodi untuk melawan jangkitan

dan penyakit.

• Antibodi yang dihasilkan dapat melindungi badan dengan cara berikut

Peneutralan Lisis

Barisan Pertahanan Ketiga

Pengopsoninan Aglutinasi

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Role Of Circulatory System In Body Defence Mechanism Chapter 1 Transport

Types Of Immunity
Immunity is the ability of the human body to use antibodies to fight against the
invasion of pathogens


Nature Artificial

Active Passive Active Passive

• Immunity • Immunity • Immunity acquired • Immunity
acquired after acquired through by vaccination acquired by
recovery from maternal • A vaccine is a injection of
infection antibodies and preparation of mild or antiserum
mother’s milk weakened form of

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan
Peranan Sistem Peredaran dalam Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan
Jenis Keimunan
Keimunan adalah keupayaan badan manusia menggunakan antibodi untuk
melawan serangan patogen

Semulajadi Buatan

Aktif Pasif Aktif Pasif

• Keimunan • Keimunan • Diperolehi melalui • Diperolehi
diperolehi diperolehi suntikan vaksin daripada
selepas sembuh daripada antibodi • Vaksin terdiri suntikan
daripada ibu melaui susu daripada patogen antiserum
jangkitan ibu yang telah

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Chapter 1 Transport
Role Of Circulatory System In Body Defence Mechanism

The Structure Of HIV



viral viral
envelope proteins

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Peranan Sistem Peredaran dalam Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan

Struktur HIV



viral protein

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Chapter 1 Transport
Role Of Circulatory System In Body Defence Mechanism

The Effect HIV On The Body’s Defence Mechanism

Effects Of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

• HIV attacks the immune system by reproducing inside the lymphocytes and
killing them

• HIV causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)

• AIDS is a condition in humans in which the immune system begins to fail,

leading to various life threatening infections.

Teach – Biology Form 5

Bab 1 Pengangkutan
Peranan Sistem Peredaran dalam Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan

Kesan HIV terhadap Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan

Kesan HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

• HIV menyerang sistem pertahanan dengan membiak di dalam limfosit dan


• HIV menyebabkan AIDS (Sindrom Kurang Daya Tahan)

• AIDS merupakan keadaan di mana sistem keimunan gagal berfungsi dan ini
membawa kepada pelbagai jenis jangkitan yang boleh mengancam nyawa.

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Chapter 1 Transport
Role Of Circulatory System In Body Defence Mechanism

The Effect HIV On The Body’s Defence Mechanism

Transmission Of HIV

• Unprotected sexual contact with an HIV infected person

• Reusing and sharing contaminated needles

• Transmission from an infected mother to infants during pregnancy, delivery

or breastfeeding.

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan
Peranan Sistem Peredaran dalam Mekanisme Pertahanan
Kesan HIV terhadap Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan

Cara Jangkitan HIV

• Mengadakan hubungan seks tanpa perlindungan dengan pasangan yang

telah dijangkiti HIV.

• Perkongsian dan penggunaan semula jarum suntikan yang telah tercemar

• Jangkitan daripada ibu kepada anaknya sewaktu kehamilan, melahirkan atau

penyusuan badan.

Teach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport
Role Of Circulatory System In Body Defence Mechanism

The Effect HIV On The Body’s Defence Mechanism

Prevention Of Aids

• Avoid unprotected sexual contact

• Do not have sex with any individual whose background and health status is

• HIV positive mothers should not breastfeed their babies

• Screening of blood products for HIV has eliminated transmission through

blood transfusions

• Never reuse or share needles or syringes

Teach – Biology Form 5

Bab 1 Pengangkutan
Peranan Sistem Peredaran dalam Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan

Kesan HIV terhadap Mekanisme Pertahanan Badan

Cara Pencegahan AIDS

• Menjauhi hubungan seks tanpa perlindungan

• Tidak melakukan hubungan seks dengan individu yang tidak dikenali latar
belakang dan status kesihatannya (seks rambang)

• Ibu yang merupakan pembawa HIV positif tidak seharusnya menyusukan anak

• Jangkitan melalui pemindahan darah dapat dielakkan melalui penapisan dan

saringan darah yang dijangkiti HIV

• Jangan berkongsi dan guna semula jarum dan picagari yang telah digunakan

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Chapter 1 Transport

1.6 Appreciating A Healthy Cardiovascular System

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Chapter 1 Transport

Appreciating A Healthy Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular diseases

 Disorder of the heart and the blood circulatory system

Hypertension Embolism Heart attack

Thrombosis Angina Atherosclerosis

Risk Factor

High levels of blood cholesterol Diabetes mellitus

Age Family history

Smoking Sedentary lifestyle


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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Menghargai Sistem Kardiovaskular yang Sihat

Penyakit Kardiovaskular

 Gangguan sistem peredaran darah dan jantung

Hipertensi Embolisme Serangan Jantung

Trombosis Angina Aterosklerosis

Faktor Risiko

Kandungan kolestrol dalam darah Diabetes mellitus (kencing manis)

yang tinggi

Umur Sejarah keluarga

Merokok Cara hidup setempat


Teach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Appreciating A Healthy Cardiovascular System

Healthy Cardiovascular System

 Diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol

 Diet high in unsaturated oils

 Diet with sufficient green leafy vegetables and fruit

 Avoid excessive intake of salt

 Avoid smoking

 Regular exercise

 Stress-free lifestyle

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Menghargai Sistem Kardiovaskular yang Sihat

Sistem Kardiovaskular yang Sihat

 Mengurangkan pengambilan lemak tepu dan kolestrol dalam diet

 Meningkatkan pengambilan minyak tak tepu dalam diet

 Memasukkan sayuran berdaun hijau dan buah-buahan yang

secukupnya dalam diet

 Mengelakkan pengambilan garam secara berlebihan

 Tidak merokok

 Kerap bersenam

 Mengamalkan gaya hidup bebas tekanan

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Chapter 1 Transport

1.7 Understanding The Transport Of Substances In Plants

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Chapter 1 Transport

Understanding the transport of substances in plants

Necessity For Transport Of Substances In Plants

 Water and mineral salts have to be transported to all parts of the plant

 Water is needed as a solvent and reactant in cell metabolism

 Mineral ions are needed for chlorophyll synthesis, healthy plant growth
and development

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Memahami Pengangkutan Bahan dalam Tumbuhan

Keperluan Pengangkutan Bahan dalam Tumbuhan

 Air dan garam mineral perlu diangkut ke seluruh bahagian tumbuhan

 Air diperlukan sebagai pelarut dan bahan tindak balas dalam metabolisma

 Ion mineral diperlukan dalam sintesis klorofil serta untuk perkembangan

dan pertumbuhan tumbuhan

Teach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Understanding the transport of substances in plants

Vascular Tissues In Stems, Roots And Leaves

Plants have two separate transport systems

Xylem Phloem

Gives support and transport Transport organic food

water and mineral ions, from substances synthesised by
the roots to the upper parts of the leaves during
the plant, against photosynthesis to other parts
gravitational force. of the plant.

Do xylem and phloem transports oxygen and carbon dioxide ?

NO. The exchange of gases is by diffusion.

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Memahami Pengangkutan Bahan dalam Tumbuhan

Tisu Vaskular dalam Batang, Akar dan Daun

Tumbuhan mempunyai dua sistem pengangkutan

Xilem Floem

Memberi sokongan serta Mengangkut bahan makanan

mengangkut air dan ion organik yang disintesis oleh
mineral dari akar ke bahagian daun semasa proses
atas tumbuhan, menentang fotosintesis ke bahagian lain
daya graviti tumbuhan.

Adakah xilem dan floem mengangkut oksigen dan karbon dioksida?

TIDAK. Pertukaran gas adalah melalui resapan

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Chapter 1 Transport

Understanding the transport of substances in plants

Structure Of Xylem In Relation To Transport


Vessels Tracheids Parenchyma

Long Do not have

Hollow tubes


Vessels and tracheids form the two main parts in conducting elements.

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Memahami Pengangkutan Bahan dalam Tumbuhan

Struktur Xilem dalam Pengangkutan


Vesel Trakeid Parenkima

Panjang Tidak mempunyai

saluran kosong
yang panjang dan

Satu saluran

Vesel dan trakeid membentuk dua bahagian utama dalam unsur pengaliran
air dan bahan makanan

Teach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Understanding the transport of substances in plants


 A vessel is formed from a chain of

elongated cylindrical cells placed lignified wall
end to end

rim of bordered
 The horizontal end walls break bordered pits
down to provide an uninterrupted pit border pits
flow of water up the plant. in section
torus (valve) annular
perforations thickening
 Each cell becomes lignified and in end wall
single large
loses its protoplasm
in end wall
of vessel
 The lignified thickenings prevent
the walls caving in, increase the
adhesion of water molecules and
help the water to rise by capillarity.
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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Memahami Pengangkutan Bahan dalam Tumbuhan


 Vesel dibentuk daripada satu siri

sel panjang yang berbentuk silinder
dinding berlignin
yang bersambung dari hujung ke
 Hujung mengufuk dinding sel akan pit tepi Pit
terurai bagi memudahkan dan berbirai berbirai
melancarkan pergerakan air untuk sempadan
diangkut ke bahagian atas pit pada
torus (injap) keratan
perliangan penebalan
 Setiap sel menjadi berlignin dan pada hujung anulus
kehilangan protoplasma dinding Perliangan
 Penebalan lignin menghalang hujung
dinding daripada runtuh, dinding
meningkatkan perlekatan molekul vesel
air dan membantu air untuk naik ke
atas melalui kapilari
Teach – Biologi Tingkatan 5
Chapter 1 Transport

Understanding the transport of substances in plants


 Tracheids are similar to vessels except that they are five-sided in


 Their tapering end walls are perforated by pits.

 Pits are the opening where water passes through from cell to cell.

Sloping end wall Lignified wall

perforated by strengthened with
bordered pits bars of lignin

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Memahami Pengangkutan Bahan dalam Tumbuhan


 Trakeid lebih kurang sama dengan vesel kecuali ia berbentuk poligon

jika dilihat daripada keratan rentas

 Hujung dinding menirusnya berliang disebabkan oleh pit

 Pit merupakan tempat di mana air dapat lalu dari sel ke sel

Hujung dinding Dinding berlignin

menirus berliang diperkuatkan oleh
dengan pit with bars of lignin

Teach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Understanding the transport of substances in plants

Structure Of Phloem In Relation To Transport

Translocation The transport of dissolved organic substances in the phloem


sieve tubes fibers parenchyma
sieve tubes
 Sieve tube - a cylindrical column of
sieve cells (sieve tube elements)
joined end to end  The companion cell has nucleus,
vacuole, cytoplasm and numerous
 The end walls of each sieve tube mitochondria.
element are perforated by pores
forming structures called sieve
plates  The companion cell provide
 Longitudinal strands of cytoplasm metabolic support for the sieve
passing through the pores of the tube cells in the transport of
sieve plates help to transport organic substances.
materials from cell to cell

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Memahami Pengangkutan Bahan dalam Tumbuhan

Struktur Floem dalam Pengangkutan

Translokasi Pengangkutan bahan organik terlarut dalam floem


Tiub tapis Gentian Sel rakan Parenkima

Tiub tapis Sel rakan

 Tiub tapis- satu tiub panjang yang
berbentuk silinder yang
bersambung dari hujung ke  Sel rakan mempunyai nukleus,
hujung. vakuol, sitoplasma dan banyak
 Hujung dinding pada setiap tiub
tapis mempunyai liang seni yang
dipanggil plat tapis.
 Sel rakan menyediakan sokongan
 Bebenang sitoplasma yang metabolik untuk sel tiub tapis
merentasi liang plat tapis dalam pengangkutan bahan
membantu mengangkut bahan organik.
dari sel ke sel.

Teach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

1.8 Transport Of Substances In Plants

ITeach – Biology Form 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Transport of Substances in Plants


Transport of the soluble products of photosynthesis

The following experiments have been done to show that translocation

occurs in the phloem.

The Ringing Experiment

Technique using compounds of 14C as tracers

Analysis Of The Content Of The Phloem Tubes

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Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Pengangkutan Bahan dalam Tumbuhan


Pengangkutan bahan terlarut dari proses fotosintesis

Experimen berikut telah dijalankan untuk membuktikan translokasi

berlaku dalam floem.

Eksperimen Pergelangan Batang

Teknik Menggunakan Kompaun 14C sebagai Penyurih

Analisis Kandungan Tiub Floem

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Chapter 1 Transport
Transport of Substances in Plants

Is the loss of water vapour from a living plant

About 90% of transpiration takes place through stomata, 10% through the cuticle
and very little through the lenticels of stems.
Air movement-The movement of air carries away water molecules
that have diffused from the leaves. Hence, the faster the air
movement, the greater the rate of transpiration.
Temperature-Increase in temperature increases the kinetic energy of
water molecules and so increases the rate of evaporation.
Affecting The
rate Of Light intensity-Light intensity increases, the rate of evaporation
Transpiration increases
Relative humidity-The lower the relative humidity of the surrounding
atmosphere, the faster the water vapour escapes from the stomata.

Teach – Biology Form 5

Bab 1 Pengangkutan
Pengangkutan Bahan dalam Tumbuhan

Merupakan proses kehilangan air dalam bentuk wap air dari tumbuhan hidup.
Kira-kira 90% proses transpirasi berlaku melalui stoma, 10% daripada kutikel dan
sangat sedikit daripada lentisel yang terdapat pada batang.
Pergerakan udara- Membawa bersama molekul air yang telah
diresap daripada daun. Oleh itu, lebih laju pergerakan udara lebih
tinggi kadar transpirasi.
Suhu- Peningkatan suhu meningkatkan tenaga kinetik molekul air
luaran yang
dan seterusnya meningkatkan kadar penyejatan.
kadar Keamatan cahaya- Apabila keamatan cahaya meningkat, kadar
transpirasi sejatan juga meningkat.
Kelembapan relatif- Semakin rendah kelembapan relatif
persekitaran atmosfera, semakin cepat wap air terbebas dari

Teach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Transport of Substances in Plants

Pathway Of Water From The Soil To The Leaves

• The cytoplasm of the root hair cell is hypotonic to the surrounding

soil water

• Water enters the cell by osmosis

• Water is then drawn from cell to cell by osmosis until it reaches

the xylem vessels

• mineral ions are activity secreted into the xylem and this increases
the osmotic pressure. This generates a pressure known as root

Teach – Biology Form 5

Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Pengangkutan Bahan dalam Tumbuhan

Pengaliran Air dari Tanah ke Daun

• Sitoplasma dalam sel rambut akar adalah hipotonik terhadap

persekitaran air tanah

• Air memasuki sel secara osmosis

• Air diangkut dari sel ke sel secara osmosis sehingga air sampai di
vesel xilem

• Ion mineral dirembeskan secara aktif ke dalam xilem dan ini

meningkatkan tekanan osmosis. Tindakan ini menghasilkan
tekanan yang dikenali sebagai tekanan akar.

Teach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

Chapter 1 Transport

Transport of Substances in Plants

Pathway Of Water Up The Stem And Then The Leaves

 Root pressure provides a force which pushes water up the stem

but it is not enough to account for the movement of water to the
top of tall trees.

 Transpirational pull is the main phenomenon driving the flow of

water in the xylem vessels of plants.

 Transpirational pull draws water from the leaves and stems and
eventually from the xylem in the roots.

 The water column in the xylem vessels does not break due to
capillary action.

 Capillary action is caused by the cohesion between water

molecules and an adhesion between water and the cell wall of
xylem vessel.

Teach – Biology Form 5

Bab 1 Pengangkutan

Pengangkutan Bahan dalam Tumbuhan

Laluan Air Menaiki Batang dan Meninggalkan Daun

 Tekanan akar memberikan satu daya yang membolehkan air ditolak

naik ke atas batang tetapi daya ini tidak mencukupi untuk
menggerakkan air sehingga ke puncak batang pokok yang tinggi.

 Tarikan transpirasi merupakan faktor utama yang membantu

pengaliran air dalam vesel xilem daun.

 Tarikan transpirasi menarik air keluar daripada daun dan batang

dan akhirnya dari xilem pada akar tumbuhan.

 Turus air dalam vesel xilem bergerak disebabkan oleh tindakan


 Tindakan kapilari disebabkan oleh daya lekitan antara molekul air

dan daya lekatan antara air dan dinding sel vesel xilem.

Teach – Biologi Tingkatan 5

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