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Mobile Ad hoc Network

Deepak Kumar Nayak

Electronics & Telecommunication
29 October 2010

Manet 1
1. Introduction
2. Historical back ground
3. Types of wireless network
4. MANET concept
5. MANET features
6. Implementation of manet
7. Characterstics of manet
8. Routing in manet
9. Clasification of Routing protocols
10.MANET application
 Self-configuring
network of mobile routers (and
associated hosts) connected by wireless links

 This union forms a random topology

 Routers move randomly free
Topology changes rapidly and unpredictably
Standalone fashion or connected to the larger

Suitable for emergency situations like natural or

human-induced disasters, military conflicts,
emergency medical situations, etc.
Manet 3
History of MANET
Earliest MANETs were called “packet radio”
networks, sponsored by DARPA (Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency) in 1970

Later DARPA experiments included the Survivable

Radio Network (SURAN) project (1980s)

1990s – the advent of inexpensive 802.11 radio

cards for personal computer

Current MANETs are designed primary for military

utility; examples include JTRS (Joint Tactical Radio
System) and NTDR (Near-Term Manet
Digital Radio). 4
Types of Wireless Networks
Infrastructure based(Cellular Network).

 Infrastructureless Network(Mobile Ad
hoc NETwork) (MANET).

The traffic types of Cellular network are as follows

 Peer to peer

Remote to remote

Dynamic Traffic
Manet 5
Infrastructure based WN

Manet 6
Manet Concept
A mobile ad hoc network is a collection of wireless nodes that
can dynamically be set up anywhere and anytime without
using any pre-existing network infrastructure. It is an
autonomous system in which mobile hosts connected by
wireless links are free to move randomly and often act as
routers at the same time

Manet 7
Ad hoc WN

MANET Features
1) Autonomous terminal.

2) Distributed operation.

3) Multihop routing.

4) Dynamic network topology

5) Fluctuating link capacity

6) Light-weight terminals
Manet 9
Implementation of Manet
Implementation of Manet
Implementation of Manet
Hybrid Mobile Ad-hoc Network
Hybrid Mobile Ad-hoc Network
Overall View of Manet
Characteristics of MANETs
• Dynamic topology
– links formed and broken with mobility


• Possibly uni-directional links

• Constrained resources
– battery power
– wireless transmitter range
Characteristics of Manet cntd.

• Collection of mobile nodes forming a

temporary network
• Network topology changes frequently and
• No centralized administration or standard
support services
• Host is also function as router
Routing in MANETs
To find and maintain routes between nodes in a dynamic
topology with possibly uni-directional links, using
minimum resources.
The Routing is Different in Ad Hoc n/w due to
• Host mobility
– Dynamic topology
– link failure/repair due to mobility
• Distributed Environment
• Bandwidth constrained
• Energy constrained
Categorization of Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols
Table Driven Routing Protocol
• Proactive.
• Each node maintains one or more tables
containing routing information to every other
node in the network.

• Tables need to be consistent and up-to-date

view of the network.
• Updates propagate through the network
Clusterhead Gateway Switch Routing (CGSR)
Source Initiated On demand routing protocol

• Reactive.
• on-demand style: create routes only when it is
desired by the source node
• When a node requires a route to a
it initiates a route discovery process
• Route is maintained until destination becomes
unreachable, or source no longer is interested
in destination.
Associativity-Based Routing (ABR)

Manet 23
MANET Applications
1) Military battlefield

2) Commercial sector

3) Local level.

4) Personal Area Network (PAN).

Manet 24

This article describes the fundamental issues and analyses

key research problems of MANET. Firstly, the background
information of MANET are introduced, including the MANET
concept, features, current status, and application areas.

Then the main challenges of MANET are discussed that lead

to the analysis of relevant kernel barrier. Finally, four key
network layer research issues of MANET routing strategies
are described in detail.

The novel and advanced solutions to these issues are

necessary to fulfil the requirements of wide commercial
deployment of MANET.
Manet 25

• Elizabeth M. Royer, Chai-Keong Toh, A Review of Current Routing

Protocols for Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks,Proc. IEEE,2008
• David B. Johnson, " Routing in Ad hoc Networks of Mobile Hosts", Proc
IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications.
• Nicklas Beijar “Zone Routing Protocol “.

Manet 26
Thank you

Manet 27

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