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• Your friend told you that he/she

smoking and he/she cannot stop
it. Write a letter to him/her and
give him/her tips on how to stop
Sad Am I
• 1. What is feeling when you read
your poem?
• What moral value you can learn from
the poem?
• How to keep people from throwing
rubbish randomly?
Red stands for what?

• Don’t be arrogant
How to attract tourists to visit Johor?
-Create social media campaign- facebook – IG.
- School Holiday Promotion – discount for
- Collaboration with local artists – Neelofa-
Fazura – Bocey – Sepahtu
• Firstly = yang pertama/pertama sekali
• Secondly = yang kedua
• Next = kemudian
• Besides/On top of that = selepas itu
• Furthermore = tambahan pula
• In addition = Tambahan lagi
• Finally/Lastly = Akhir sekali/Akhirnya
•We must
•Next, we must also
•Finally, we must also
•Firstly, we must + point 1
•Secondly, we must also +
point 2
• For your information,Johor is one of the most
beautiful state in Malaysia. These are the ways
to attract tourist to visit Johor.
•We must + Create social
media campaign-
facebook – IG.
•Such as = syeperteyy
• We must create social
media campaign such as
facebook and
ig(instagram) this is
because it is very effective
• Next, we must also +
School Holiday Promotion
– discount for students.
• Next,we must also create
School Holiday Promotion
mainly discount for
students this is because it
is very good for business
- Finally, we must also +
Collaboration with local artists
– Neelofa- Fazura – Bocey –
• finally,we must also create
collaboration with local
artists such as
,Neelofa,Fazura,Bocey and
Sepahtu.This is because
people will be attracted
tourist to visit JOHOR
• Finally,we must also create
collaboration with local
artists such as
neelofa,fazura,bocey and
sepahtu this is because
people can know about

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