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Raghava Rao
VIGNAN’s University
GD is a methodology used by an
organisation to gauge whether the
candidate has certain personality traits
and/or skills that it desires in its
 Communication Skills
 Interpersonal Skills
 Leadership Skills
 Motivational Skills
 Team Building Skills
 Tolerance
 Clarity over Ambiguity
 Divergent Thinking
 Listening skills
 Presentation Skills
 Analytical / Logical skills
These include
 reasoning ability,
 leadership ability,
 Inspiring ability,
 flexibility,
 creativity/out-of-the-box thinking,
 social skills,
 listening and
 articulation skills,
 situational handling ability,
 interpersonal ability to function as a team player,
 body language and attitude.

These are the skills which are very much required to

become a successful professional which in turn works
as an asset for the institutes at time of campus
 Understand - Understand the topic before attempting to
 Speak - Try and get a chance to speak. If you can't get a
chance to speak make your chance.
 Initiate - Take the initiative to begin the discussion, if
 Structure - Structure arguments logically - justify your
 Summaries- Summaries the discussion effectively
 Involve- Take active part throughout the GD.
 Assert- Be assertive.
 Articulate- Work continuously towards articulating your
ideas into meaningful sentences to make the best impact.
Be clear in your speech.
 Emphasize.-Use non-verbal communication to emphasize
 Listen- Be an attentive listener.
 Quality, not quantity matters- it's not 'how much' you say,
but 'what' you say that's important.
 Make sure that you read as much news as
 Make sure that you speak loudly and clearly
 Free to think on your own and put forward
some new ideas.
 know what the topic is really about. If you
have some confusion then you should wait
for some time and let the other speak at
first. When the matter is quiet clear and
the GD is in midst then you should start
speaking with new ideas in mind.
 Knowledge about the subject can never
be replaced in a GD
 Alertness and presence of mind:
 Out of the box thinking:
 Group strength is usually 8 to 12 members
 When the group discussion topic is announced and if you do
not get the topic properly, just request to repeat the topic.
Do not show surprises.
 Correctly saying what you want to say- speaking effectively
and efficiently is very important.
 General Principles
 Be a good listener
 Do not use high vocabulary
 Never use technical language while speaking
 Not knowing is not a problem , do not try to bluff
 Things to avoid
 Do not criticize on religion
 Do not get personal with anyone
 Do not criticize foreign policy of India
 Never ever try to bluff

» Argument is - exchange of ignorance

» Discussion is - exchange of knowledge
 Do not use slang like Yaar, Univ, Princi, etc!!
 Do not pepper your language with an accent.
 Do not use verbal tics such as Hmm, like, But,
 Never bluff as the panel will easily figure out
that you are an accomplished liar.
 Never interrupt or finish a sentence of others.
 Never show up late
 You should never get defensive or try to
 No negative words about anyone
 Never lose focus of the topic.
 KWA APPROACH (Key word Approach)
 SPELT APPROACH- Social, Political,
Economical, Legal, Technical angle
 VAP- view point of affected party
Place Objective

Time Subject/Topic

In this approach, you should look at the topic
word by word. Take each key word or phrase
of the topic and see what it means.
Example: Excessive exposure of female anatomy in
advertising should be banned.
 Excessive Exposure: What is exposure? How can
excessive / adequate be defined? How does it affect the
viewers? What will be the impact on various categories of
viewers, say children?
 Advertising: Types of advertisements? What is the Purpose
of advertising? What is effective advertising? When are
females effective in advertisement?
 Ban: Is it possible to ban and implement the ban? Will the
ban be effective? What was the impact of other things that
were banned? Is it correct for a democratic society to ban
all? Share things that some of its members dislike?
It stands for Viewpoint of Affected

Consider all the people or parties who

are likely to be affected by the topic
viewers / readers, parents, children;
the companies whose products are
being advertised; advertising
agencies / media TV, newspapers,
magazine) who are the people
involved in "exposing“.
 Socio-cultural: Our culture and traditions;
family set-up values and related issues
 Political: The political will to implement an
action of this nature
 Economic: The adverse effect on the
performance of advertising companies,
advertising agencies.
 Legal: Is such a ban legally tenable? The
affected parties are likely to take recourse
to legal help.
 Technological: How can such a ban be
implemented on media like satellite TV?



 Banning Beef – Is it justified?
 Clean India - Attitude change is more important than the movement
 Being rich is being successful
 Hard work or Smart work - Which is important?
 Private or Government School - Which is better?
 TV Commercials should be banned.
 Smartphones are making people dumb
 Advertisement: Marketing or cheating?
 Should junk food be banned completely in and around schools?
 Should Gita Be Taught In Schools?
 China - A threat to India?
 Educational qualification for Politicians
 Need for Good Leaders in India
 Women’s empowerment will lead to social development
 Who is responsible for Eve teasing boys or girls
 Western culture adopted by India fair or not
 Mobile phone a bane or boon
 Social network a bane or boon
 Principles of Mahatma Gandhi, are they valid today
 Growth and integrity are poles apart
 Advertising is all glitter and little truth
 Need to preserve environment
 Vote bank politics flourishes hawkers on Indian roads
 Society needs attitudinal overhauling towards females
 Self discipline is best security for females in India
 When will we get rid of the "chalta hai" attitude?
 We tend to read negative stories more than positive
 Competition Right from Childhood- Is it Good or Bad?
 Internet is producing copy cats
 'Good communication skills' - A catalyst for Professional Growth
 Does Extra-Curricular Activity like Outdoor Game synergies the education of a student?

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