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Codes and conventions of

print advertising.
The slogan for this
advertisement is ‘we deliver
Slogan redspot pizza’. This slogan is
extremely blunt but it
represents what the brand
stands for which is key in a
print advertisement.

All slogans in this advert are in

the bottom right hand corner
and are the same size. They
are all written in the same font
as well as being san serif, to
appeal to a certain audience.
Each slogan has the logo
placed slightly above it.

For all adverts to have the

same slogan size and font it
allows the audience to easily
recognise that all three images
are representing the same
Logo This advertisement is for protex, a
hand sanitiser. The logo is of a bottle
of the product along with two smaller
images showing how to apply the
product. The logos colour is white
along with a blue title for the product.
This is a useful thing to do when
making an advert as it ensures the
brand will stand out against a dark

Each logo is in the bottom right corner

of the advertisement always below the
person’s hand. Ensuring the audience
who sees it will easily recognize the
brand and link each advert together,
which is key in this advert as they all
must work together.
Colour scheme
The colour scheme in print adverts will all be similar. This is an advertisement for
road safety. As the advert has a dark message the colour scheme matches that
idea. The background of the advert is black and the clothes which the people in
each adverts are wearing is also dull. The only bright colours in the advert are the
cars which are painted onto the peoples faces and hands. This is to attract the
audience to those points helping anchor each advert to one another but also
present their campaign message clearly.
Both of these advertisements show a man
pulling a giant rock behind him with a large
embarrassing message on it. They both show
the man pulling on chains implying that they are
trapped with the message. The shot types are
both wide and long shots.

The images link the advertisements together

into one campaign as they are both shot in the
same way with the large rock message
centralised as the main focus in the advert.
Each image shows a man to be pulling it
towards other people who both have a major

There is only one woman in both adverts

implying that the brand is a aimed at men.

All messages in every campaign will be similar as multiple adverts for the same
brand want the audience to understand the advertisements link. The message will
be consistent.

All fonts will be the same in

multiple print adverts along with
whether the font is serif or san

In this advert you can see the

fonts are san serif as the target
audience is younger.
All adverts should have a similar theme
throughout. This will ensure that all
adverts are easily recognised and
linked together. The theme should
reflect what the brand stands for.

In this advert the theme is

● Road safety
● Violence
● Pain
● Consequences
Adverts will have a similar layout
to make them easily linked to one
another. The logo and slogan will
be placed in the same area in
each advert image along with the
image being similar.

In this advert you can see that the

hands are placed in the same
area each time alone with the
slogan and logo.

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