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Electronic Commerce

An Introduction to Electronic Commerce

Session Objectives
 To provide an introduction to electronic
commerce (e-commerce) by answering the
following questions:
 What is e-commerce?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of
 What were the 1st and 2nd waves of e-
commerce characterised by?
 What are the categories of e-commerce?
What is Commerce?
 Traditional commerce may be defined as:
 From Webster's Revised Unabridged
 Commerce : \Com"merce\, noun.

The exchange or buying and selling of commodities;

esp. the exchange of merchandise, on a large scale,
between different places or communities; extended
trade or traffic.
What is E-Commerce?
Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is a general
term for any type of business, or commercial
transaction that involves the transfer of
information across the Internet. This covers a
range of different types of businesses from
consumer-based retail sites, like,
through auction and music sites like eBay or, to business exchanges trading goods
or services between corporations.
What is E-Commerce Cont’d?
Electronic commerce is the use of
electronic communication to do business.
E-commerce is not about technology. It is
not a new business. E-commerce is a
method for companies to create and
operate their business in new and efficient
ways. [1]
What is E-Commerce Cont’d?
Most fundamentally, e-commerce
represents the realization of digital, as
opposed to paper-based, commercial
transactions between businesses, between a
business and its consumers, or between a
government and its citizens or constituent
business. [2]
What is E-Commerce Cont’d?
 In summary, e-commerce is the
 use of electronic communication to do business
 Specifically, the transfer of information (transactions), over
the Internet
 Some people use the term e-business to refer to
all the categories of e-commerce
 E.g. IBM defines e-business as:
 The transformation of key business processes through the
use of Internet technologies
From Traditional Commerce to
Opened avenues for
Sailing ships trade between buyers
and sellers. Ancient
times (thousands of
Printing press years ago)

Steam engine

From Traditional Commerce to
E-commerce Cont’d
Wire transfers - used
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFTs) by banks

Businesses transfer
electronic data
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - data not re-keyed
- high implementation
cost, thus excluded
small businesses

Internet On-line shopping

Business Processes Suited to
Certain Type of Commerce
 E-commerce
 Sale/purchase of books & CDs, travel
services, investments and insurance services
 Online delivery of software
 Online shipment tracking
Business Processes Suited to
Certain Type of Commerce Cont’d
 E-commerce & Traditional
 Sale/purchase of automobiles and residential
real estate (e.g. do research online then buy
from a dealer or real estate agent)
 Online banking
 Roommate matching service
Business Processes Suited to
Certain Type of Commerce Cont’d
 Traditional
 Sale/purchase of impulse items for immediate
use, high fashion jewelry and antiques
(personal inspection required; prefer to touch,
smell or examine closely)
 Small denomination purchases and sales
(since there is not yet a standard for
transferring small amounts of money)
What Are the Advantages of E-
 Increases sales, decreases cost
 Allows small businesses to have global customer
 Reduced cost through electronic sales enquires, price
quotes and order taking
 Provides purchasing opportunities for buyers
(businesses can identify new suppliers and
 Increase speed and accuracy for exchanged
information, thus reducing cost
What Are the Advantages of E-
commerce Cont’d?
 Business can be transacted 24hrs a day
 The level of detail of purchase information is
selected by user
 Digital products can be delivered instantly
 Tax refunds, public retirement and welfare
support costs less when distributed over the
 Allows products and services to be available in
remote areas, e.g. remote learning
What Are the Disadvantages of
 Inability to sell some products (e.g. high cost
jewelry and perishable foods, although
supermarkets like delivers to
your home)
 The newness and evolution of the current
 Many products require a large number of people
to purchase to be viable
 High capital investment
What Are the Disadvantages of
E-commerce Cont’d?
 Difficulty in integrating current databases and
transaction processing systems into e-commerce
 Cultural and legal obstacles
 Transmission of credit card details
 Some consumers resistant to change
 Laws are unclear
 Shipping profile: Products with a low value-to-
weight ratio that can not be efficiently packed and
shipped are unsuitable (use traditional commerce)
The 1st Wave of E-commerce
 The 1st wave was from
the mid 1990s to 2003
 Dot-com boom (over
$100 billion in
investment): Rapid
growth from mid-1990s
to 2000
 Dot-com bust: in 2000
 Gloom years: 2000 –
2003 (over $200 billion
in investment)
Characteristics of the 1st Wave3

Web pages were in English

Internet technologies were slow and inexpensive
(e.g. dial-up lines)
Bar codes and scanners used to track parts (B2B
and Business processes)
Email, tool for unstructured communication
On-line advertising main revenue source
The 2nd Wave of E-commerce
 Beginning in 2003 e-commerce has shown signs
of new life
 Companies like (books), and (auctions) who survived the downturn
were beginning to show profits
 Continuous growth of B2C sales: 20-30% each
year since 2000
Characteristics of the 2nd Wave
 International scope where sellers do business in
many countries and languages
 Faster, cheaper connections (x20 faster),
broadband at home (although more expensive)
 Radio frequency ID devices and smart cards
 Fingerprint readers and retina scanners (biometric
technologies) used for tracking
 Email, integral part of marketing
Characteristics of the 2nd Wave
 E-commerce integral part of marketing and
customer contact strategy
 Some categories of on-line advertising, e.g.
employment services (job want ads) have
replaced traditional advertising outlets
 Problems
 Language conversions
 Currency conversions
E-commerce Categories3
 There are five general e-commerce categories:
 Business to Consumer (or B2C) e-commerce
 Business to Business (or B2B) e-commerce
 Consumer-to-consumer (or C2C) e-commerce
 Business-to-government (or B2G) e-commerce
B2C e-commerce
 Description
 Businesses sell products or services to
individual customers (consumers)
 Give Kenyan Examples of B2C that
 sells merchandise to consumers through its
Web site
B2B E-commerce
 Description
 Businesses sell products or services to other
 Give Kenyan Examples of B2B that
 Sells to other businesses/companies
C2C e-commerce
 Description
 Participants in an online marketplace can buy and
sell goods with each other
 Give Kenyan Examples of C2C that
 Consumers and businesses trade with each other on
B2G e-commerce
 Description
 Business sell goods or services to
governments and government agencies
 Give Kenyan Examples of B2G that have
 portal for businesses that want to sell online
to Governments or counties
Transaction Costs
 Transaction costs are the total costs that a buyer
and seller incur as they gather information and
negotiate a purchase/sale transaction
 Transaction costs are the main reason for vertical
 Businesses can use e-commerce to reduce
transaction costs (e.g. telecommuting rather than
physical commuting to allow global employment
Transaction Costs Example
 Transaction costs incurred by a sweater
dealer when purchasing from independent
sweater knitters:
 Cost of identifying independent knitters
 Cost of site visit to negotiate purchase price,
arrange delivery and inspection of sweaters
 Costs incurred by knitters:
 Knitting tools and yarn purchase
Network Economic Structures
 Many businesses operate in an economic
structure that is neither market or hierarchical
 These businesses form, long-term, strategic
alliances with other companies who share
common goals and strategies
 These alliances may occur over the Internet –
which are called virtual companies
 Teams complete a project or activity then dissolve
 New teams are creating as required
Value Chains
 A value chain is a way to organise the
activities that a business undertakes to
design, produce, promote, market, deliver
and support the products or services it sells
 There are several types of value chains
 Business unit value chains
 Industry value chains
Strategic Business Unit Value
 A strategic business unit is a particular
combination of product, distribution channel and
customer type (large firms often break down their
business into these units)
 The value chain for a strategic business unit
 Primary activities (the activities that the strategic
business unit undertakes
 Support activities (such as human resource
management and purchasing)
Manufacturer Value Chain
Primary activities
Manufacture After sales
Design deliver
product or create service & support

Identify Purchase materials

Market & sell and supplies

Finance Technology Support activities

& admin HR
Primary Activities
 Identify new customers, and sell new services to
existing customers (research & surveys)
 Design – from concept to manufacturing
 Purchase materials and supplies – includes
contracts, vendor selection, monitoring quality
and delivery timeliness
 Manufacture product or create service –transform
materials and labour into finished products
Primary Activities Cont’d
 Market and sell – advertising, promoting,
managing sales staff, pricing and monitoring sales
 Deliver – store, deliver distribute and ship final
product – warehousing, consolidating freight,
selecting shippers and monitoring delivery
 Provide after-sale service and support – promote
relationship with customer, e.g. installing,
maintaining, testing, repairing, and warranties
Primary Activities Cont’d
 If a strategic business unit provides a
service then the value chain will include a
“Provide service” activity instead of
“Manufacture activity”
Support Activities
 Each business unit must also undertake support
activities that provide the infrastructure for the
primary activities:
 Finance and administration – accounting, paying bills,
borrowing, compliance with laws
 Human resources – recruiting, hiring, training,
compensation and benefits
 Technology development – improves the product or
service, including basic and applied research and
development, process improvement and field tests of
maintenance procedures
Industry Value Chains
 Industry value chains describes the larger stream
of activities into which a particular business unit’s
value chain is embedded
 When a business unit delivers a product to a
customer the customer might use the product as
purchased materials in its value chain
 By examining how other business units in the
industry value chain conduct their business cost
reduction and product improvement may result
Industry Value Chain Example
 A value chain for a wooden chair
 Logger cuts down tree
 Sawmill converts logs to lumber
 Lumberyard provides selection of lumber
 Chair manufacture assembles chair
 Furniture retailer markets and sells chair
 Consumer purchases and uses chair
 Landfill or recycler disposes of chair
International Issues
 Trust issues
 Language issues
 Culture issues
 Infrastructure issues
Trust Issues
 Anyone can create a site on the Web
 These individuals or businesses can easily remain
 Without an established brand consumers find it
difficult to trusts on-line businesses:
 especially with personal information and credit card
 The key is developing methods which allow
legitimate businesses to establish trusts
relationships quickly with consumers
Language Issues (localisation)
 Global impact requires local language Web sites
 customers prefer to buy from sites in native language
 60% of web content today is in English; but more than
50% of the current users do not read English
 Multiple translations may be required for different
dialects, e.g. Spanish- Mexico and Spain
 Translating entire Web sites is expensive
 25-90 cents per word for human translators (400-600 words
per hour)
 Automated software translation (machine translation) is
cheaper (400,000 word per hour) - less accurate
Culture Issues
 Culture is the combination of language and
 Culture varies across national boundaries
and in many cases regions within nations
 Example:
 General Motors Chevrolet Nova automobile
amused people in Latin America since no va
means “it will not go”
Culture Issues Cont’d
 Choice of icons on Web pages becomes
problematic on international Web sites:
 In the US a shopping cart is useful, in the UK
a shopping basket is more appropriate,
Australians call shopping carts, shopping
 In many places other than Brazil the thumbs
up gesture means okay, in Brazil it is an
obscene gesture
Infrastructure Issues
 Limited telecommunication infra-structure
may lead to unreliable Internet access
 Internet connection cost might be high
 Reduces time businesses might spend surfing
for new suppliers or products
 Flat-rate access to the Internet required
 A commodity item is a product or service that is hard to
distinguish from the same products or services provided
by other sellers (e.g. gasoline, office suppliers, soap and
 A transaction is an exchange of value, such as a purchase
or sale, or the conversion of raw materials into finished
products (a transaction has one or more associated
 A business process is the set of logically related and
sequential activities and transactions in which businesses
Definitions Cont’d
 Merchandising is a combination of store
design, layout and product display
 A shipping profile is the collection of
attributes that affect how easily that product
can be packaged and delivered (e.g. airline
tickets have a high value-to-weight ratio)
Definitions Cont’d
 The definition of a market satisfies two
 Potential seller of a good (product) comes
into contact with buyers
 A medium of exchange is available (e.g.
currency or barter (to exchange goods or
services directly without the use
of money))
Definitions Cont’d
 Transaction costs are the total costs that a
buyer and seller incur as they gather
information and negotiate a purchase/sale
transaction. This includes:
 Brokerage fees and sales commissions
 Cost of information search and acquisition
 Seller’s investment in equipment or hire of
skilled employees

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