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Bermuda Triangle

Supernatural Phenomenon
Strange Coincidence
By Kyler
• The History
• •The Bermuda Triangle has had strange sightingssince the
1600’s. In Columbus's log it said hesaw strange things like
weird lights and hiscompass not pointing north in the area
of whatis now the Bermuda Triangle. Then hundreds
ofyears later, ships and planes have haddisappeared.
People who have escaped from thewatery death have said
it was a supernaturalexperience, but scientist say there is
a logicalreason. I put what I think are the two
• What is the Bermuda Triangle?
• The Bermuda Triangle is the areabetween
Miami, Bermuda, and PuertoRico. In the
Bermuda Triangle manyships and planes have
disappeared andwere never found.
• Sci-Fi Theories
•    One theory is that a giant sea animal lives in
thetriangle. It takes ships and pulls them down.
Aoceanographer named Anton Brunn found a 6 foot
eelin a tadpole stage. It is expected to grow 72 feet
long.Also there was a sighting of a monster jellyfish.
Thereis the thought of a giant octopus that pulls
people offthe ship and eats them, but I think that is
a stupidtheory. Who knows, there may just be a
something inthe Bermuda Triangle.
• Scientific Theories
• Probably one of the best theories is the gas theory.Carbon
dioxide is a gas that freezes at much warmertemperatures
than water. The triangle is full of carbondioxide and that
means that when boats pass throughthe triangle they can
freeze on the base making themsink from the weight. The
gas can also explain planedisappearances too. When the
engine starts it can causethe gas in the air to ignite making
the air craft explode.The explosion can also explain the
strange lights in thetriangle. This theory can explain a lot
and I like it.
• My opinion
• Both of these theories are possible but I
think the gastheory is the best. I explains it all
basically. It tells howships and planes disappear and
where the strange lightscome from. I don’t think the
sea monster theory explainsenough. I got the
gas theory from a very reliablewebsite. I also got the
sea monster theory from areliable book. They show
all the things of a goodresource. So, what do you
think the answer is.
• Thanks to
• Gaffron, Norma. The Bermuda Triangle
OpposingViewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press 1988
• Microsoft PowerPoint

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