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Account Management 101

What Is Account???
ac.count / e’kaunt / noun, verb – an arrangement with a shop, store, or business to pay bills for goods or services at a
later time, or, a (or many) regular customer bound in contract that paid for services or goods in an amount or a period of
What Is Account
ac.count officer / e’kaunt noun – is a person in charge, working with a team to fulfil the job by providing
consultation, services, or communication material to the business(es) in contract (client) for some period of time, in order to
gain some income that will be used by the company (agency) for business expansion
What Is Account
The ability to nurture, to taking care of, to get new, to gain trust from, to handle business(es) / client bound-in-contract by
providing consultation, service, goods, those meet their needs even exceed it, all of those is being done in order to get an or
multiple income channel for your company, so that your company can expand even larger
If I want to be an account officer,
what should I do in the beginning of
my carrier?
Tips For Beginner 1. Understand your about your job.
2. Don’t be afraid to try and learn at the same time.

3. If you have to do some work that is not clear, don’t be afraid to
ask your superior (in the same department or different
4. learn about your team (their SOW, what is the connection of
their SOW & yours, learn about the person character, what is
their uniqueness, how to approach them, etc)
5. Learn about your client (their needs, their character, their
business, etc) to gain some trust from them & to understand
their point of view of things
6. When learn about your team and your client, try to reflect their
characteristic to yours,to know about how you gonna handle
7. Learn about all things connected to the advertising industry,
especially about account.
8. Don’t just sit in front of your laptop, mingle as much as you can,
be KEPO to enrich your knowledge
9. Never feel down whenever you make a mistake.
Know Your Team & Know Yourself
DISC – Basic Approach
Extrovert, optimis, Terus
Director Terang Presenter
Owner Penyiar
Boss Sales
Dokter Pengacara
Tour Leader

Decision Maker, Berorientasi pada
organized, hubungan dengan orang
target oriented

IT Staf Administrasi
R&D / QC Counselor
Hakim ANALISA Customer Service
Notaris Introvert, pesimis, lembut

KOLERIS • Produktif

D •

Ingin Mencari Pride
Tegas, Kurang Suka Humor
To The Point

Punya Visi / Direct
Membela orang lain
• Berkemauan Keras • Stamina tinggi
• Cepat bertindak

How To Handle: • Dingin

• Cepat puas diri
BERI PUJIAN & • Ceroboh

Sulit mengampuni
• Pemarah / agresif
• Kejam
• Mudah tersinggung


I •

Senang Bergaul
Show off
Mencari perhatian

Mudah Puas
Motivasi Internal
Mudah lupa
Berbelas kasian
• Hangat
• Bersahabat • Emosi labil
• Ekpresif • Tidak produktif
• Tidak bisa diam • Tidak disiplin
• Cenderung populer • Egosentris
• Insecure
• Noisy, impulsive
How To Handle: • Mudah bosan

Berikan perhatian Suka memperbesar masalah

secara ekpresif
• Tenang, kalem

• Diplomatis
• Mencari kehangatan • Efisien, teratur
• Harmoni • Cuek tidak peduli
• Bekerja detil dan teliti • Praktis
• Suka terhadap rutinitas • humoris
• Baju warna soft
• Kikir
• Egois
How To Handle: • Kurang motivasi

Berikan ketulusan & •
Suka menunda
Tidak tegas
Kehangatan • Cari aman sendiri
• Cepat kuatir
• penakut
• Akurat, detail

• Thoughtful
• Fokus • Disiplin
• Menyukai kesendirian • Rela berkorban
• Berpikir logis
• Kurang memperhatikan perasaan
• Sensitif & Prinsipal
• perfeksionis • Mudah sedih
• Pesimis
• Takut masa depan
How To Handle: • Dendam

Beri data / logika •
20% is the real person
80% shaped by environment
Account Management – The Hierarchy

Head Of Business / Account

Account / Business Director
Assoc. Account / Business Director

Sr. Account Manager

Account Manager
Assoc. Account Manager

Sr. Account Executive

Account Executive
Jr. Account Executive
Scope Of Work
Executor – Manager - Director
Executor Level – Jr. AE
• In charge for simple material producing (execution)
• Taking Client Brief (for specific material)
• Creating a job brief
• Internal brief
• Make sure all material made the deadline
• Quality Control
• Material delivery to client
Executor Level – AE
• In charge for all material producing (advance execution)
• Taking Client Brief (usually for series of material)
• Creating a job brief (a detailed one)
• Internal brief (personal & all group)
• Make sure all material made the deadline
• Quality Control
• Material delivery to client
• Consultation
• Building client – agency relationship
Executor Level – Sr. AE
• In charge for all material producing (advance execution)
• Strategic thinking (short & long term)
• Taking Client Brief (usually for series of material or campaign)
• Creating a job brief (a detailed one)
• Creating A creative Brief
• Internal brief (personal & all group)
• Make sure all material made the deadline
• Quality Control
• Material delivery to client
• Consultation
• Budget calculation & Cost Control
• Building client – agency relationship
Managerial Level – Assoc. AM – Sr. AM
• Strategic thinking (long term business scope of work)
• Team nurturing & Training
• Client Seeking (business expansion)
• Current client maintenance (business expansion or retention)
• Income Achieving
• System creating
• Budget Creating & Cost Maintaining
Managerial Level – Assoc. AM – Sr. AM
• Strategic thinking (long term business scope of work)
• Team nurturing & Training
• Client Seeking (business expansion)
• Current client maintenance (business expansion or retention)
• Income Achieving
• System creating
• Budget Creating & Cost Maintaining
Director / Head Level – Assoc. AD – Sr. AD
• Strategic thinking (long term business expansion)
• Team nurturing & Training
• Client & Partner Seeking (business expansion)
• Current client maintenance (business expansion or retention)
• Income Achieving
• System creating
• Budget Creating & Cost Maintaining
Account Basic Requirement
Taking a Brief – Create a Brief – Brief The Team
• You have to know first what business your client does (the Product, the trend,
competitor, etc.)
• You have to know about what your company expertise.
• You have to understand the background why do they calling you for consultation.
• You have to know their problem & make them comfortable or worriless by giving
them understanding and first action advice.
• Make sure you know the objective or goals about the brief.
• Ask about their expectation.
• Take a note & mark the important point
• After all the brief done, reconfirm everything about the brief & state the next
action you will do, as the further confirmation that you have already understand
about the brief.
Creating A Brief
1. Creative Brief
2. Job Brief
Brief Your Team
After I became an account officer then
what’s next to make me a great one?
Taboo Things For
an Account
How to be a 1.
always improve
Nurture the needs to know everything

Great Account 3.
Understand what your team needs
Understand what your client needs
5. Understand how to balance #3 & #4
6. Be as detail as possible
7. Plan A,B,C – Z
8. Be transparent to your team (not in all aspect)
9. Be strategic thinker
10. Be critical
11. Be a consultant
12. Be Responsive
13. Start mastering the operational thing
14. Then expand to master the business thinking
15. Build a blood-like bonding relationship with client
But The Most Important thing is…..
TASK: Create a Job Brief From This Info
1. Nama produk: Starlife
2. Nama Perusahaan: PT Multi Bintang Dimensi
3. Industri: asuransi Lokal
4. Information:
• Starlife baru saja membuat sebuah website baru yang bernama
• karena itu dia butuh orang-orang agar tahu mengenai website ini, dan bisa visit website ini, yah at least
followersnya di IG terlebih dahulu.
• Followers Starlife di IG sudah mencapai 2 juta orang dan akun-nya sudah verified.
• Target Audience Starlife Adalah :
1. First Graduate
2. Usia: 21-25 Tahun
3. SES: A, B1, B2
4. Area: Urban
• Starlife punya warna dasar brand biru, dan sangat menentang ada warna merah di semua konten IG nya
• Starlife punya competitor yang bernama Redmoon yang punya warna dasar brand merah
• Konten ini harus di posting tanggal 27 Maret 2018 dan di highlight sampai 7 hari kedepan

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